Kwanzaa: A Celebration of Heritage
December 21, 2020Kwanzaa is an annual holiday celebrating African American culture and heritage. (Read the full article)

How to Connect Virtually with Family During the Holidays
December 18, 2020With the ongoing pandemic, we won't have the large family gatherings or parties that we’re used to. (Read the full article)

Christmas, A Most Jolly Time Of Year!
December 18, 2020'Tis the season to be jolly, Fa-la-la-la-la! (Read the full article)

Relax and Fuel Your Creativity
December 16, 2020Check out Ryan's playlist of songs that make him calm and happy. (Read the full article)

A Few Minutes…They Might Mean More Than You Think
December 15, 2020A few minutes have the power to change your whole day... (Read the full article)

Celebrating the Holidays (Pandemic Edition)
December 14, 2020Holiday celebrations look different this year, but here's some ways to keep them safe and fun. (Read the full article)

Giving Joy: Sharing Holiday Memories
December 12, 2020For the last day of Spread The Cheer, we launch our new podcast and spread some joy and laughter. (Read the full article)

The Ultimate Self-Care Guide: Exam Edition
December 11, 2020As exams begin, remember to take care of yourself. (Read the full article)

Give to Yourself: Practicing Self-Care During the Holidays
December 11, 2020On Day 11 of Spread The Cheer, we talk about how taking care of yourself during the holidays is important. (Read the full article)

Women's and Homeless Shelters to Donate to This Season
December 10, 2020For day 10 of Spread The Cheer, we share some local shelters you can give back to. (Read the full article)

Celebrating Eight Days of Hanukkah
December 10, 2020Learn about the history and traditions on Hanukkah. (Read the full article)

Donate to Your Local Food Bank
December 09, 2020Learn how you can make a difference in your community by checking out day 9 of Spread The Cheer. (Read the full article)

Donate to Causes You're Passionate About
December 08, 2020On day 8 of Spread The Cheer, it's time we donate to causes we really care about. (Read the full article)

Western Cooks - Episode 1
December 07, 2020Chef Carrie Schnurr teaches us how to make apple crumble pie...yum! (Read the full article)

Give Back to Kids in Need
December 07, 2020For the seventh day of Spread The Cheer, we're sharing how you can give back to kids in need. (Read the full article)

Perfect Pop Punk Songs for Exam Season
December 07, 2020Pop punk is a great genre for exam season...listen to the playlist to find out why! (Read the full article)

Ways to Give Back to Our Planet During The Holidays
December 05, 2020For day 6 of Spread The Cheer, let’s all try to be mindful of the ways we impact our environment. (Read the full article)

Give Back to Our Furry Friends
December 05, 2020For the day 5 of Spread The Cheer, learn how to give back to our beloved four-footers. (Read the full article)

Donating to COVID Charities: Playing My Part
December 04, 2020For the fourth day of Spread The Cheer, it's time we give back to COVID-19 charities and relief funds. (Read the full article)

In A World Where You Can Be Anything, Be Kind
December 04, 2020One simple act of kindness can change your day. (Read the full article)

Spread a Smile With a Letter to a Stranger
December 03, 2020For day 3 of Spread The Cheer, we're sending joy through letters to strangers. (Read the full article)

All I Want For Christmas is…to Give Back to My Friends!
December 02, 2020For Spread The Cheer Day 2, it's time to give back to our BFFs. (Read the full article)

Kindness in Words
December 02, 2020Sometimes, it's the random and surprising acts of kindness that stick with us. (Read the full article)

Holiday Gift Ideas for Your Family That Won’t Dent Your Bank Account
December 01, 2020For Spread The Cheer Day 1, Hanbi shares how you can give to your family without breaking the bank! (Read the full article)

Voices of Western - Talking Gender-based Violence, Non-Profits, and Politics (During a Pandemic)
November 30, 2020This episode is hosted by Yash and Rushil featuring Allison Preyde from Anova London. (Read the full article)

Exams Are Important, But Eating Is Too
November 30, 2020Are you tired of eating 99 cent noodles, Redbull and coffee? (Read the full article)

We All Fail, But We're Better Because Of It
November 27, 2020The path to reaching your goal will never be as smooth as you imagined, but that's okay. (Read the full article)

I Failed, and That's Okay
November 27, 2020Everyone screws up or fails sometimes, and that's totally okay. (Read the full article)

Meet Joshua Mootilal: Part One
November 25, 2020Meet Josh, a Western student who wants his mental health story to be heard. (Read the full article)

Meet Joshua Mootilal: Part Two
November 25, 2020Continue reading Josh's story. (Read the full article)

5 COVID Friendly Cyber-Monday and Black Friday Savvy Shopper Tips
November 24, 2020For those who love a good deal and online shopping, this blog is for you. (Read the full article)

How to Save Money, Even if You Don't Like Long Calculations
November 24, 2020Managing your student budget may seem hard, but Tirzak has some helpful tips. (Read the full article)

Resiliency Pays Off in The End
November 23, 2020Sometimes, a little perseverance goes a long way. (Read the full article)

3 Revolutionary Women in Business
November 20, 2020Tirzak shares some powerful and influential female leaders in business. (Read the full article)

Lessons From COVID-19
November 20, 2020COVID-19 has taught us one thing for sure: there's a need for better health literacy. (Read the full article)

How I Prepare for Finals: Making a Personalized Schedule
November 19, 2020Exam season around the corner, are you ready? If not, check out some of Grace's tips! (Read the full article)

Dinners Worth Remembering
November 18, 2020COVID has taught us to cherish the smaller things in life, like dinner. (Read the full article)

Diwali: The Festival of Lights
November 16, 2020Diwali - the Festival of Lights, is considered the biggest annual holiday of the year in India. (Read the full article)

How to Make the Most of a Social Science Degree: My Path to an Internship
November 16, 2020The power of an internship... (Read the full article)

The Top 9 Reasons You Messed Up Your Sourdough Bread During Quarantine
November 14, 2020Did you hop on the sourdough bandwagon during quarantine? (Read the full article)

The Importance of Varsity Sport
November 13, 2020Daniel shares how important varsity athletics are to his experience at Western. (Read the full article)

How COVID-19 Affected Me as a Student Athlete
November 13, 2020Never let your head hang down. Never give up and sit down and grieve. Find another way. (Read the full article)

Voices of Western - The Road to a COVID Vaccine
November 12, 2020Check out the launch of Humans of Western's NEW podcast...listen to their first episode! (Read the full article)

Life Is Scary (Until It Isn't So Much Anymore)
November 10, 2020Life is scary, but it's all a part of the journey. (Read the full article)

A Podcast That Blew My Mind
November 09, 2020I didn't start out as an avid podcast listener, but here's what turned me into one. (Read the full article)

Tips for Success During an Online School Year
November 09, 2020Learning from home is different, here are some tips to help you adjust (Read the full article)

How Students Can Stay Active in 2020
November 05, 2020Staying active during the pandemic is difficult but still important! Here are a few tips to get you started... (Read the full article)

Failure is an Option
November 04, 2020A small taste of failure that wasn't as bitter as I expected it to be... (Read the full article)

New Music Monday: Procrastination or Productivity?
November 02, 2020Everybody needs a good study soundtrack, and sometimes it helps to get lost in the music. (Read the full article)

The Necessity of the Follower
November 02, 2020The role of a follower can be just as important as that of a leader. (Read the full article)

Welcome to Scholar's Life Blog!
November 02, 2020Hear from the Scholar's Life Blog managing editors as they write about their inaugural issue! (Read the full article)

5 Best Horror and Thriller Movies
October 28, 2020Want a fright this Halloween? Check Esha's list of the best scary movies. (Read the full article)

Culture NOT Costume
October 28, 2020Dressing up is a fun and integral part of Halloween, but we should be mindful when choosing our costumes. (Read the full article)

Things To Do During Fall Reading Week
October 27, 2020Looking for fun and COVID-19 safe activities for this reading week? Read this list for suggestions! (Read the full article)

6 Ways to Celebrate Halloween in a Pandemic
October 26, 2020Halloween is different this year, so here's some new ways you can celebrate. (Read the full article)

New Music Monday: Fallin' Into Fall
October 26, 2020Check out this week's playlist to find songs that suit your fall mood! (Read the full article)

4 Apps to Help You Get Through Your Online Lectures
October 23, 2020Online lectures are hard. Check out these apps that might help you navigate the struggles of online learning! (Read the full article)

Meet People and Get Connected Through Western International's Peer Guide Program
October 21, 2020Elsa and Emily share how Western International's Peer Guide Program has helped them! (Read the full article)

New Music Monday: Study Grind
October 19, 2020With midterm season just around the corner, Fiona shares some music to help you get down to studying. (Read the full article)

7 Ways I Improved My Time Management Skills in First Year
October 15, 2020Autumn shares how she was able to improve her time management skills. (Read the full article)

What The Essence of Fall is To Me
October 14, 2020Shubh captures what the essence of fall is to him through photos and poetry. (Read the full article)

4 Podcasts That Blew My Mind
October 13, 2020Podcasts have become Rawan's favourite entertainment medium. In this blog, she shares her favourites! (Read the full article)

How I Manage My Wellness
October 09, 2020Esha shares how she's managing her wellness during this stressful time. (Read the full article)

Why You Should Always Try To Catch The Bus
October 07, 2020Read Johann's story to hear how the words of one bus driver changed his life. (Read the full article)

New Music Monday: 7 Bands from The 70s
October 05, 2020Clementine shares seven great bands from the 70s. (Read the full article)

What to Binge on Netflix
October 02, 2020Can't decide what to watch next? Check out Vanessa's list of what to binge on Netflix. (Read the full article)

My Go-To Healthy(er) Snacks
September 30, 2020Grace shares some of her favourite "healthy alternative" recipes and snacks. YUM! (Read the full article)

New Music Monday: Fall is Here!
September 28, 2020This week's playlist is all about Fall - everyone's favourite season. (Read the full article)

Reflections on The COVID-19 Pandemic
September 25, 2020Western students reflect on the importance of following health protocols during COVID-19. (Read the full article)

An Introductory Guide to Creating a More Conscious Closet
September 23, 2020Julia shares how to practise ethical and sustainable fashion. (Read the full article)

A Positive View of the Last Two Decades
September 21, 20202020 has been rough, but it can get better. Proof: here's some good news from the past two decades. (Read the full article)

My USRI Experience
September 16, 2020Justine shares her experience researching COVID-19 policy, conducting media analyses on long-term care... (Read the full article)

A Cinephile’s Go-To Study Playlist
September 14, 2020Getting back into the swing of classes can be hard, so check out this week's playlist to get focused! (Read the full article)

Time Management Tips And Learning To “Turn-Off”
September 14, 2020Managing your time as a student can be hard, and sometimes we all need to take a break. (Read the full article)

The New Normal
September 10, 2020Things are different this year, so we have to find our "new normal" routine. (Read the full article)

How to Survive Living Off-Campus (Plus Pandemic Tips)
September 08, 2020You’re about to live off-campus for the first time – here’s how to make it a smooth... (Read the full article)

5 Reasons Why You Should Get Involved in the USRI Programme
September 03, 2020Nikhil shares some of the benefits of participating in Western's USRI Programme. (Read the full article)

Welcome to Off-Campus, Class of 2024!
September 02, 2020Off-Campus Alumni welcome the class of 2024 to Off-Campus life at Western. (Read the full article)

Dear First-Year Aurorita
August 31, 2020Aurorita promises to her first-year self that Western will soon become home. (Read the full article)

Dear First-Year Udain
August 28, 2020Udain writes a letter to her first-year self to share some insight into what the future holds. (Read the full article)

Friendly Friday: Reconnecting Offline
August 28, 2020Check out some of the ways Shukri and her friends are safely reconnecting offline. (Read the full article)

Dear First-Year Shukri
August 26, 2020Shukri reflects on her undergrad at Western and how her love for learning has grown. (Read the full article)

Dear First-Year Ruqayyah
August 24, 2020Ruqayyah gives her first-year self a pep talk to prepare her for her university journey. (Read the full article)

Success After Graduation
August 24, 2020Jessica shares how the USRI Programme helped prepare her for her future. (Read the full article)

Dear First-Year Self
August 21, 2020Everything's better in hindsight - here's some advice from a former first-year student. (Read the full article)

Dear First-Year Athena
August 19, 2020Athena shares a letter to her first-year self, assuring her that she'll Thrive at Western. (Read the full article)
Challenge and Change During My Research Internship
August 17, 2020Armin reflects on what he learned through the power of mentorship during his research internship. (Read the full article)
New Music Monday: Changing Womxn
August 17, 2020Olivia shares a playlist of music by BIPOC womxn. (Read the full article)

Friendly Friday: Staying Active
August 14, 2020Check out some of the ways Shukri and her friends are staying active during the pandemic. (Read the full article)
Dear First-Year Bita
August 12, 2020Bita reflects on what her past three years at Western, and offers advice to her first-year self. (Read the full article)

Dear First-Year Devesh
August 11, 2020Devesh writes a letter to his first-year self and shares advice on what his future may hold. (Read the full article)

New Music Monday: Made in Toronto
August 10, 2020Evan shares a playlist of songs by local Toronto artists. (Read the full article)

Dear First-Year Lina
August 06, 2020As a current fourth year student, Lina writes a letter to her first-year self. (Read the full article)

Stories About Being an Athlete
August 04, 2020Angelica shares why sports are important to her and the impact they've had on her life. (Read the full article)

Friendly Friday: Life Through a Screen
July 31, 2020On another Friendly Friday, Shukri shares how she is keeping in touch with her friends virtually. (Read the full article)

Finding a Home at Western
July 29, 2020Off-Campus Soph, Kelly, welcomes the class of 2024 and offers some insights and tips on how to make Western... (Read the full article)

New Music Monday: Pre 2000 Hits
July 27, 2020A mix of classic throwback songs guaranteed to put you in a good mood and get you singing along! (Read the full article)

9 Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint
July 24, 2020As the province opens up, it's important to remember to stay green. (Read the full article)

How to Increase Your Happiness with the Happiness Equation
July 22, 2020Devesh discusses his take on happiness as he shares something called "The Happiness Equation." (Read the full article)

How to Manage Your Student Piggy Bank
July 22, 2020Ruqayyah interviews a friend to learn how they managed their finances as a student. (Read the full article)

Western’s PhD TA Positions and Community Building within Teaching
July 20, 2020Andrew reflects on the importance of community based learning and teaching. (Read the full article)

"OK Boomer"
July 17, 2020"OK Boomer" isn't just a meme anymore; it's a rallying cry for a generation tired of... (Read the full article)

Friendly Friday: Party Turned Netflix Party
July 17, 2020Shukri shares how she is staying connected with friends by re-inventing one of her favourite social... (Read the full article)

Important LGBT2Q Figures Didn't See in Your History Textbooks
July 14, 2020To kick-off Western and London Pride, let's learn some LGBT2Q+ history! (Read the full article)

A Classical Musician's Favourite Pop Songs
July 13, 2020On this New Music Monday, check out the favourite pop songs of a classical musician and composer. (Read the full article)

How Varsity Sports Have Impacted Me
July 10, 2020Gabrielle reflects on the impact that Varsity sports have had on her life and her Western experience. (Read the full article)

Off-Campus, On Track: 4 Things I Wish I Knew as a First-Year Off-Campus Student
July 08, 2020Patrick shares 4 things that he wish he knew as an in-coming off-campus Western student. (Read the full article)
The Road from High School To University
July 06, 2020The road from high school to university can be stressful, but Grace offers some advice to help ease nerves. (Read the full article)

New Music Monday: Songs From The Editor
July 06, 2020Lauren, the Thrive Online Coordinator, shares some of her favourite summer songs. (Read the full article)

My Mom and I: BScs 36 Years Apart
July 03, 2020Emily and her Mom graduate from Western in different eras and reflect on their experiences. (Read the full article)

Living a Life of Diversity and Duality
July 02, 2020Olivia shares her truth and reflects on the importance of culture in her own life, and the world. (Read the full article)

New Music Monday: Canada Day
June 29, 2020Check out this week's playlist full of music by Canadian artists! (Read the full article)
Top 5 COVID-19 Coping Strategies and Quarantine Bucket List Activities
June 26, 2020Courtney shares how she maintains her physical and mental wellness during the COVID-19 Pandemic. (Read the full article)

All You Can Gain From Studying Digitally
June 24, 2020Josephine sees online learning as a chance to enhance her skills and develop new hobbies. (Read the full article)
Tips for Successful Online Learning
June 22, 2020Ruqayyah shares how she achieved success while learning online, and shows you how you can succeed too. (Read the full article)

New Music Monday: Pride!
June 22, 2020Celebrate pride from home with this Pride playlist! (Read the full article)

A Special Father's Day
June 20, 2020Athena shares how you can make a special card for your Father figure this Father's Day. (Read the full article)

Changing Times, Changing Perspectives, Still Graduating
June 19, 2020Shukri shares how her perspective on her Western experience has changed during the COVID-19 pandemic. (Read the full article)

A Time for Reminiscing
June 18, 2020Students from across campus reminisce by sharing some of their favourite photos. (Read the full article)
Class of 2020 Valedictorian Speech
June 17, 2020In-coming student, Lauren, gives a speech to the high school graduating class of 2020. (Read the full article)

My Virtual Graduation
June 15, 2020Though convocation is different this year, it's still important to celebrate the class of 2020! (Read the full article)

New Music Monday: Gratitude and Motivation
June 15, 2020Need to get motivated? Want to feel grounded? Put on this week's playlist! (Read the full article)

To the Class of 2024
June 12, 2020Members from Western and Affiliate Student Councils and Student Senators welcome the Class of 2024! (Read the full article)

Read, Read and Read!
June 12, 2020Shaowda reflects on the importance of reading, especially in today's world. (Read the full article)

7 Ways Non-Black People Can Take Anti-Racist Action in Their Life
June 10, 2020It's time for change. We need to take action. (Read the full article)

New Music Monday: Relax and Recharge
June 08, 2020Looking for new music? Check out Shaowda's playlist of music to help you relax and recharge. (Read the full article)

My Journey as an Off-Campus Student
June 03, 2020Nadia reflects on how her Sophs impacted her, and why she became a Soph herself. (Read the full article)

My Residence Journey
May 29, 2020Carla reflects on her residence experience and how meaningful it's been to her. (Read the full article)

COVID with Kids
May 27, 2020Erin shares her perspective as a student and a parent during the COVID-19 Pandemic. (Read the full article)

Top 5 Things I've Learned During My Five Years at Western
May 26, 2020Andréa reflects on the most valuable lessons she's learned so far during her time at Western. (Read the full article)
Nutrition Tips for COVID-19 Life
May 12, 2020Olivia shares some tips on how to maintain healthy eating habits while living through the COVID-19 Pandemic. (Read the full article)

Where to Next?
May 12, 2020Cindy wonders what the future holds for her as she graduates and says a bittersweet farewell to Western. (Read the full article)
My Top 10 Netflix Shows & Movies to Binge During COVID-19
May 12, 2020Lauren lists out her favourite Netflix shows and movies that she (and her dog) have been watching. (Read the full article)

Western University Bucket List: Intramural Sports
April 07, 2020Joel talks about why you should join intramurals when you return to campus. (Read the full article)

Why I Chose Western
April 07, 2020Evan talks about the reasons he chose Western, and why he's glad he did. (Read the full article)

Graduating Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic
March 11, 2020Lauren writes about her realization that her university experience might be over before she was really ready. (Read the full article)
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