Giving Joy: Sharing Holiday Memories

Podcast created by: Shaowda Salehin, Hiba Elsadati, Hanbi Lee, Reya Siby 

For the last day of Spread The Cheer, we're lauching our new podcast, Hot TakesHot Takes is a podcast where student writers from Thrive Online share their stories, experiences, and truths. We talk about, and offer our opinions on, topics relevant to students (and everyone, really). For this first episode, we share some of our best and most awkward, funny, (or in some cases, embarassing) holiday memories. We know this holiday and winter season will be different for many of us, but that doesn't mean we can't still still have fun and spread joy, it just means that we have to find new ways to make people laugh and smile. We hope you enjoy this episode! Stay tuned for more episodes to come in January.

So, now it's time to sit back and enjoy your morning cup of hot takes! You can listen on Anchor or Spotify.

Take a listen...

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