Mark-Making | Olga Korper Gallery
The Olga Korper Gallery ,July 16 - August 22, 2015 Mark-Making’ will include a selection of works by Olga Korper Gallery artists Paterson Ewen, Gerald Ferguson, Robert Fones, Angela Grauerholz, Ken Nicol, Ron Shuebrook, Denyse Thomasos, Tim Whiten and Western University MFA alumna Barb Hobot. Opening July 16th, 6-9pm.
Review: Kirsty Robertson, The Art of the Copy | Jotwell
Laura A. Heymann ,Jotwell ,Kirsty Robertson's essay "The Art of the Copy: Labor, Originality, and Value in the Contemporary Art Market," was recently singled out by Jotwell, "a space where legal academics can go to identify, celebrate, and discuss the best new scholarship relevant to the law." Click the link to read the full review.
In Kind | Forest City Gallery
Forest City Gallery ,December 4 - 15, 2015 Opening Reception: Friday, December 4th from 6 - 10 PM Closing Day/ Reception: Tuesday, December 15th from 12:00- 5:00 PM | This Show and Sale acts as both an appreciation event to our Membership, as well as FCG's biggest fundraiser of the year. Participating artists include many Western Visual Arts Faculty, Students and alumni.
25th Anniversary Exhibition | Redhead Gallery
The Redhead Gallery ,December 2, 2015 - January 16, 2016 Formed in 1990, the Red Head Gallery collective has maintained a vibrant membership now for 25 years – the longest standing artists' collective in Toronto. This exhibition includes works by MFA alumna Soheila Esfahani and current PhD candidate Ido Gorvin.
Call for Submissions from Western Visual Arts Alumni | SATELLiTE
SATELLiTE Project Space ,December 1, 2015 SATELLiTE is inviting students and alumni of Western University (Visual Arts undergraduate and graduate programs), Fanshawe College (Fine Art, Design, Fashion or Photography programs) and Bealart to submit work for Satellite Holiday Art Fair 2015. Visit their site to apply.
Plastiglomerate, the Anthropocene’s New Stone | Hyperallergic
Ben Valentine ,Hyperallergic ,November 25, 2015 Interview with Visual Arts Studio Faculty member Kelly Jazvac regarding her work with Plastiglomerates and her exhibition at the Justina M. Barnicke Gallery at the University of Toronto titled "Rocks, Stones, and Dust."
Patrick Mahon, Nonsuch Garden | Katzman Contemporary
Katzman Contemporary ,November 21 - December 19, 2015 Nonsuch Garden is the culmination of Patrick Mahon’s recent artistic activity exploring the visual language of water and its repositories, as well as the vessels that traverse this natural element. Anchoring the exhibition is a titanic collaborative installation piece created with Dickson Bou, “Mastgarden,” that not only assimilates with the gallery infrastructure, but also impels the pieces on the walls into the depths of the surrounding “waters.” Opening Reception: Saturday, November 21
Art Now! Speakers' Series: Sandy Plotnikoff
Join us for the last Art Now Talk of 2015. Plotnikoff’s work has been shown widely including at the Art Gallery of Ontario, and the National Gallery of Canada, as well as in exhibitions in the United States, the Netherlands, and France.
VASA Art Sale | Cash and Carry, One day only!
Spruce up your office or home with an original work of art, & get an early start on your holiday shopping. VASA is proud to present our first art sale of the school year! Come and support your local student artists on Wednesday, November 25th from 11:00 AM -6:00 PM at the John Labatt Visual Arts Centre.
Surface Tension | Artlab Gallery
The Artlab Gallery is pleased to present Surface Tension, a large painting exhibition with new works by 19 students in Prof. Sky Glablush's third year Advanced Painting class. Join us for the opening reception Thursday, November 19th at 5pm.
Alumna Awarded ARCCO Emerging Cultural Leader Award
ARCCO Achievement Award Presentation and Reception ,November 6, 2015 Congratulations to alumna Jenna Faye Powell (BFA '09) on her 2015 ARCCO Emerging Cultural Leader Award. Powell is an emerging artist and arts administrator with experience in both the not-for-profit and charitable sectors. She is the current Executive Director of Forest City Gallery.
A Whale of a Tale: Mark Engstrom, Senior Curator, ROM
Join us on November 12th, as Dr. Engstrom tells of his trip to Newfoundland, about the media frenzy around the "exploding whales," and about the important work the ROM does for endangered species and conservation.
Universities Art Association of Canada Conference 2015
UAAC-AAUC ,November 5 - 7, 2015 A number of our faculty members and PhD candidates will be presenting at the UAAC Conference. Faculty members include: Kirsty Robertson & Christof Migone. PhD candidates include: Stephanie Anderson, Maryse Larivière, Jennifer Orpana, & Stephen Mueller
Ed Pien: Luminous Shaddows | McIntosh Gallery
McIntosh Gallery ,November 5 - December 12, 2015 Ed Pien is a multidisciplinary artist based in Toronto. He holds a Master of Fine Arts degree from York University and a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from Western University. Opening reception: November 5 at 7:30PM Artist-led tour: November 6 at 12:30PM
Kirsty Robertson | Quilts for the Twenty-First Century
Janis Jefferies, Diana Wood Conroy, Hazel Clark ,Bloomsbury ,November 2015 Kirsty Robertson's essay "Quilts for the Twenty-First Century: Activism in the Expanded Field," was just published in the Handbook of Textile Culture, published by Bloomsbury Press.
Fall Preview Day - VAC Building Tours & Art Displays
Join us sunday November 15th for fall preview day. The Faculty of Arts & Humanities is pleased to host prospective students and their families for a day of stimulating and informative presentations and displays.
Word Ways | Artlab Gallery
The Artlab Gallery is pleased to present Word Ways. In this exhibition the 19 students, of Professor Kim Moodie’s second year studio class, were tasked with choosing an art criticism text and reconstitute it as collage. Join us for the closing reception, Thursday Nov. 12th 5-7pm
Art Now! Speakers' Series: Christine Negus
Join us for this Free Public Talk, November 12th, 7pm in NCB 113.Christine Negus received her MFA from Northwestern University (2010), and her BFA from Western University (2008). She has exhibited her work both national and international venues, including the Montreal Underground Film Festival, Cambridge Galleries, Art Gallery of York University, Xpace Cultural Centre and Images Festival where, in 2008, she won the National Film Board of Canada's Best Emerging Video/Filmmaker.
Art Now! Speakers' Series: Danielle St-Amour
Join us for this Free Public Talk, November 5th, 7pm in NCB 113. Danielle St. Amour is an artist, writer, and curator based in Toronto. In 2008 she co-founded Palimpsest Magazine and continues to be active in publications and print-based work. In 2013 she was listed as one of ARTINFO’s Top 30 Under 30.
Pressed for Time | Concourse Gallery
Pressed for Time is an exhibition featuring contemporary work by the (9582A, Contemporary Art and the Archive) class. Co-currated by: Katie Oates, Taylor Davison and Carling Spinney
Kelly Jazvac Reviews Sandra Meigs | Momus
MOMUS ,October 20, 2015 "The Spinning “YOLO” Sympathies of Sandra Meigs", a review of Sandra Meigs’s current exhibition at Susan Hobbs Gallery, entitled All to All, by Visual Arts faculty member Kelly Jazvac has been published in Momus.
Escape Plans | Younger Than Beyoncé Gallery
Younger Than Beyoncé Gallery ,October 16 - October 31, 2015 MFA candidate Paul Chartrand is included in the group exhibition "Escape Plans". The exhibition explores, wilderness, divergence and urban escape. Located at 563 Dundas Street East, Suite 201, Toronto, Ontario
Sarah Bassnett, Of Time and Buildings | Art Gallery of Guelph
Art Gallery of Guelph ,October 15 - 16, 2016 Visual Arts faculty member Sarah Bassnett's essay, "Between Truth and Fiction," has been published in the catalogue for the exhibition Of Time and Buildings, Art Gallery of Guelph.
Sarah Bassnett: Time and Temporality | Art Gallery of Guelph
Art Gallery of Guelph ,October 10, 2015 Prof. Sarah Bassnett is a panelist for the symposium "Time and Temporality" moderated by Robert Enright at the Art Gallery of Guelph on October 16. Prof. Bassnett also presented a paper, "Racism and Neoliberal Subjectivity in Life Magazine" at the American Studies Association conference in Toronto on October 10.
Art Now Presents: Derek Liddington
Join us for a talk by alumnus Derek Liddington (MFA 2007), Thursday October 15th, 7pm in NCB113. Liddington has exhibited in numerous public settings, including his intervention at the Art Gallery of Ontario (2014), Cambridge Galleries (2013), and Daniel Faria Gallery, (2013). Free and open to the public.
Between Commemoration and Cult: Creating and Recreating Episcopal Memory in the Choir of Cologne Cathedral
Please join us for an exciting lecture presentation by Dr. Adam Stead, SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellow in Art History in the Department of Visual Arts.
Boundaries stretched in student show | via London Free Press
The London Free Press ,October 7, 2015 Joe Belanger Discusses the current second year MFA exhibition, "Second Wind" at the Artlab Gallery in the The London Free Press
The Work of Wind | Nuit Blanche, Toronto
Nuit Blanche ,October 3, 2015 Faculty member Christof Migone commissioned by alumna Christine Shaw (MFA, 1999) to present “Hit" as part of her Nuit Blanche exhibition called The Work of Wind. The sound performance Hit will feature 10 mixers and 25 performers including recent graduate Randi Aiken (BFA 2015), and current undergraduate students: Michelle Bunton, Ronnie Clarke, Amy Cunningham, and Robin Scott.
A Gust of Wind | DNA Artspace
DNA Artspace ,October 3 - November 14, 2015 Organized by artist, Patrick Mahon, whose work is presented in the exhibition. The project includes individual works by the following Canadian artists: Sean Caulfield (Edmonton, AB); Karilee Fuglem (Montreal, QC); David Merritt (London, ON); Tegan Moore (London, ON); Francine Savard (Montreal, Q.C.), and Norwegian artist, Elida Brenna Linge. Through photography, painting, sculpture, print media and video, the artists respond to the wind through a range of visual strategies that remind us of its power and its delicacy. Opening Reception: Friday October 2, 7-10pm Panel Discussion: Saturday October 3, 3-4pm
You Could Make an Onion Cry | Satellite Project Space
Organized by VASA, this exhibition features the work of Visual Art Students: Michelle Bunton, Ronnie Clarke, Sean T. Cox, Jacob Freeman, Alexis Perlman, Robin Scott and is curated by Lucas Cabral. Opening reception, Friday October 2nd, 7pm.
Second Wind: Second Year MFA Exhibition | Artlab Gallery
The Artlab Gallery is pleased to present Second Wind, an exhibition featuring contemporary work by second year, Western University, MFA students. Featuring work by: Juanita Lee Garcia, Mina Moosavipour, Simone Sciascetti & Jason Stovall. Closing Reception: Thursday, October 22nd > 5-7PM
Art Now! Presents: Lili Huston-Herterich & Laurie Kang
Nadia Belerique, Lili Huston-Herterich, and Laurie Kang have recently wrapped their Power Plant collaboration entitled The Mouth Holds the Tongue. Huston-Herterich and Kang will discuss the project, their collaborative process, and their personal practices.
Public Lecture by Kirsty Robertson: Warhol Revisisted | Revolver Gallery
Revolver Gallery ,September 25, 2015 Faculty member Kirsty Robertson will be giving a talk in Toronto "The Art of the Copy: Labor, Originality, and Value in the Contemporary Art Market" at the Revolver Gallery, Andy Warhol Revisited Show. 8-9pm. 77 Bloor St W.
Western students receive high marks at The Undergraduate Awards | Western News
Media Relations ,September 23, 2015 Congratulations to Visual Arts Students Emily Copeland and Kelsey Perreault, who were named among the international winners of The Undergraduate Awards, a worldwide competition recognizing top undergraduate work. Western honourees are invited to attend the Global Summit in Dublin in November.
Art Now Presents: Sandra Meigs
Join us for the first lecture of the Fall 2015 Art Now Speakers' Series. For over 35 years Sandra Meigs has created vivid, immersive, and enigmatic paintings that combine complex narratives with comic elements. 7pm, NCB 113
Student Meet & Greet | Forest City Gallery
Forest City Gallery ,September 19, 2015 FCG and VASA are proud to present our second annual Student Meet & Greet drop-in event, hosted at Forest City Gallery. Stop by FCG on September 19th, Saturday afternoon from 4:00- 7:00 PM to meet fellow arts students from Western University, Fanshawe College and Beal Vocational High School.
VASA ExtraVASAganza & Nuit Violette
Department of Visual Arts ,September 17, 2015 An evening of Arts Events in the VAC & outside the McIntosh Gallery. Click the link for more information.
Millefeuille and Flipper, by Christof Migone | Bookcase Micro-Museum and Library
On Wednesday, September 16, from 12-4, The Bookcase will open for the 2015-16 year, with a brand new exhibition and fundraiser. Please come by to borrow books, see the exhibition, or to buy a book ($1-5 donation).* All are welcome.
Matthew Ryan Smith: Big Whoop | Good Sport Gallery
Good Sport ,September 12, 2015 Alumnus Matthew Ryan Smith's solo exhibition "Big Whoop" will be on view at Good Sport September 12 - October 3, 2015. The exhibition opens Saturday, September 12 from 7-9pm.
Uncooperative | Forest City Gallery
Forest City Gallery ,September 12 - October 9, 2015 Forest City Gallery is pleased to present its Biennial Emerging Artists Exhibition. This year addressing the theme of 'exhaustion,' Uncooperative will feature works by eight emerging artists from Southwestern Ontario. Including work by Western Visual Arts alumni Taylor Doyle, Jamie Dronyk, Faith Patrick and Niloufar Salimi. Reception September 12th from 6 - 9 PM.
Stephen Mueller: Missing Person | Artlab
As part of his PhD requirement, Stephen Mueller will carry out a series of performances on each day, of his exhibition, from September 17th until September 30th.
Kirsty Robertson awarded Yasuo Sakakibara Prize | American Studies Association
America Studies Association ,September 2015 Congratulations to Kirsty Robertson who was awarded the Yasuo Sakakibara Prize from the American Studies Association for the best paper presented by an international scholar. Her paper, "Oil Futures/Petrotextiles" is part of the "Visualizing the Invisible" project, a collaboration with Professors K. Jazvac & K. Wood.
VAS/VAH 4485 Curatorial Practice
Have you ever wanted to curate an exhibition or work in a museum? If so, VAS/VAH 4485 Curatorial Practice is the course for you. In this class you will learn about museums, and will work with other students, museum professionals and others, to design and mount an exhibition.
Enroll now in 2nd & 3rd year Media Courses
A few spots are still available in our second and third year media courses. Enroll online today!
For Love & Money: How to Turn Your Fine Arts Degree into a Paycheque
Alumnus Joanne Latimer BA '90 presents practical tips and ideas about how to land a job with a Fine Arts degree.
Matthew Purvis | Abstraction And Libidinal Nationalism In The Works Of John Boyle And Diana Thorneycroft | MA Thesis
The University of Western Ontario ,August 2015 Congratulations to Matthew Purvis. His MA thesis "Abstraction And Libidinal Nationalism In The Works Of John Boyle And Diana Thorneycroft", is now published within the Scholarship@Western Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository.
Matthew Tarini | Liminal Space: Representations Of Modern Urbanity | MFA Thesis
The University of Western Ontario ,Congratulations to Matthew Tarini. His Thesis "Liminal Space: Representations Of Modern Urbanity" is now published within the Scholarship@Western Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository.
Michael S. Pszczonak | Hand-Eye | MFA Thesis
The University of Western Ontario ,August 2015 Congratulations to Michael S. Pszczonak, his MFA thesis "Hand-Eye" is now published within the Scholarship@Western Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository.
Sherry A. Czekus | Crowdsourcing | MFA Thesis
The University of Western Ontario ,Congratulations to Sherry A. Czekus. Her Thesis "Crowdsourcing" is now published within the Scholarship@Western Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository.
Niloufar Salimi | Tangled Hair: Uncertain Fluid Identity | MFA Thesis
The University of Western Ontario ,August 2015 Congratulations to Niloufar Salimi. Her Thesis "Tangled Hair: Uncertain Fluid Identity" is now published within the Scholarship@Western Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository.
Ruth Skinner | In Time But Not Of Time: Jessica Eaton and Erin Shirreff's Counterpoints of View | MA Thesis
The University of Western Ontario ,August 2015 Congratulations to Ruth Skinner. Her Thesis "In Time But Not Of Time: Jessica Eaton and Erin Shirreff's Counterpoints of View" is now published within the Scholarship@Western Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository.
Jennifer E. Orpana | Faces of (and for) Toronto: Community-Engaged Portrait Projects in the Neoliberal City | PhD Thesis
Jennifer E. Orpana ,The University of Western Ontario ,August 2015 Congratulations to Jennifer E. Orpana. Her Thesis "Faces of (and for) Toronto: Community-Engaged Portrait Projects in the Neoliberal City" is now published within the Scholarship@Western Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository.
Volumes, co-edited by Martin Arnold and Christof Migone
Blackwood Gallery, in collaboration with the Justina M. Barnicke Gallery ,July 29, 2015 This new 144-page publication includes 14 writers, a 10" vinyl record with 15 tracks, an 150" x 10" image insert with 113 full-colour images. Featuring 65 artists including faculty members David Merritt and Neil Klassen, plus an essay by Ben Portis on the Nihilist Spasm Band.
Niloufar Salimi - I am not I, almost never. | DNA Artspace
MFA thesis exhibition featuring ink drawings by Niloufar Salimi at DNA Artspace. The exhibition will be on view August 25 - September 24, 2015. A reception will be held, Friday September 11, 7-11pm.
VAS 1020 Animated Gif Project | 2015
VAS 1020: Foundation of Visual Arts students worked in collaborative pairs to produce short animated GIF’s. See the work they have created on their class blog!
Fresh Paint / New Construction 2015 | Art Mûr, Montreal
Art Mûr ,July 18 - August 29, 2015 Art Mûr will be exhibiting emerging painting and sculpture from Canada’s top art schools. Western University MFA students Simone Sciascetti & Jason Stovall are included in this year's exhibition. Opening reception: Saturday, July 18 from 3-5pm
The Book of Hours awarded MCBA Special Recognition Merit Prize
MCBA ,July 17 - August 3, 2015 MFA alumna Gabriella Solti’s artist’s book, The Book of Hours, was awarded the MCBA Prize 2015 Juror's Special Recognition of Merit Award and will be exhibited at the Minnesota Center for Book Arts from July 17 through August 3, 2015 alongside with the other honoured works.
Book Launch: Jamie Q | DNA Artspace
DNA Artspace ,July 16, 2015 Produced during an artist's residency at L'APPÂT in Brussels, Belgium, Swatches follows up Jamie Q's recent solo show at DNA. Printed by hand in a signed and numbered edition of 72 copies, the book features the artist's patterns screen-printed onto fabric pages. Jamie Q holds a BFA from the Alberta College of Art & Design (2002) and an MFA from Western University (2010).
Matt Tarini: Liminal Space & Mike Pszczonak: Hand-eye | McIntosh Gallery
The McIntosh Gallery is please to present the MFA thesis exhibitions of Matt Tarini: "Liminal Space" and Mike Pszczonak: "Hand-eye". Please join us for the closing reception, September 11 at 5:30 P.M.
Kelly Jazvac: Interview with Artslant
Gillian Dykeman ,Artslant ,July 10, 2015 In this episode of "working (it) out" the Artslant podcast, Studio Faculty member Kelly Jazvac discusses Plastiglomerates, and her recent presentation to Paleobiologists at the Smithsonian Institute.
Michael Farnan: Nation to Nation | The Orillia Museum of Art & History
Orillia Museum ,July 2 to September 26, 2015 Nation to Nation brings together five exceptional artists whose practices explore way of thinking through colonization. Participating Artists: Michael Belmore (Manitoulin Island), PhD Candidate Michael Farnan (Midland), Nadia Myre (Montréal), Travis Shilling (Rama) and Osvaldo Yero (Montréal)
Christof Migone: Count and Strike and Spin | Errant Bodies, Berlin
Errant Bodies Sound Art Space ,June 29, 2015 Marla Hlady and Western University Studio Faculty Christof Migone inhabit the Errant Bodies Sound Art Space with a project that is somewhere between an installation, a performance and a residency. Together Hlady and Migone will compose, experiment, improvise, listen, alter, converse…over seven days as they explore what their band is in this particular space.
Sherry Czekus: Crowdsourcing | MFA Thesis Exhibition | Artlab
The Artlab Gallery is pleased to present the MFA thesis exhibition, Crowdsourcing, by painter Sherry Czekus. Join us for the closing reception: Thursday, August 27th, 7-9PM
Up With Art | Unity Project
Up With Art ,June 20, 2015 The compassion and generosity of London’s arts community will be on display at Unity Project’s 7th annual UPwithART show. 75 works of art, donated by artists or off the walls of notable collectors, will be up for bid by silent auction. London’s best arty-party for relief of homelessness. Including artwork by Western University Faculty, Alumni & current students.
Christof Migone performance | Casa del Popolo, Montreal
casa-del-popolo ,June 9, 2015 Visual Arts studio faculty members Christof Migone will be performing June 9th, 2016 at Casa del Popolo in Montreal. Tuesday, June 9, 2015 Doors: 8:00pm; Music: 8:45pm LA SALA ROSSA
#saltandwater | Or Gallery
The Or Gallery ,6 June - 17 July, 2015 The Or Gallery is pleased to present #saltandwater: The Palestinian-Israeli Conflict, an exhibition of four Palestinian artists. Current PhD candidate Rehab Nazzal’s "A Dead Sea (2010)" is included in the exhibition at Or Gallery in Vancouver, BC.
Kelly Jazvac: Site Words, Spoilers and Shoplifters | Diaz Contemporary
Diaz Contemporary ,June 6 - July 11, 2015 Diaz Contemporary presents Kelly Jazvac’s fourth solo exhibition at the gallery, "Site Words, Spoilers and Shoplifters" With her adapted use, materially-driven practice, Jazvac looks to the margins of commercial manufacturing and the rhetoric of human environments.
Visual Fringe & Nuit Blanche | via London Free Press
The London Free Press ,June 3 - 13, 2015 Abby Vincent, a fourth-year BFA visual arts student at Western University, is organizing Visual Fringe at the Arts Project, as well as Nuit Blanche June 13 as part of the London Fringe Festival.
D'Clinic Shovel Artist Residency | Lendava, Slovenia
D'Clinic studios ,June 2015 Congratulations to recent graduate Taylor Doyle (BFA 2015) who has been accepted to the "Shovel" artist residency for the month of June at D'Clinic studios in Lendava, Slowvenia.
Trista Mallory | Standing For Something Not Present | PhD Thesis
The University of Western Ontario ,Congratulations to Trista Mallory. Her Thesis "Standing For Something Not Present: Contested Representations in Contemporary Art" is now published within the Scholarship@Western Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository.
The Visible Universe, Including the Fires of Hell | Brad Isaacs
McMaster Museum of Art ,May 30, 2015 "The Visible Universe, Including the Fires of Hell" by MFA alumnus & Visual Arts technician Brad Isaacs will be on view at the McMaster Museum of Art May 7-August 15 2015. A reception will be held Saturday, May 30, 2-4 pm
CEG Presents: Elaine Quehl & Amanda McCavour
The Canadian Embroiderers' Guild presents a lecture by two Canadian Fibre Artists, Elaine Quehl and Amanda McCavour. Wednesday June 3rd, in VAC 100.
Patrick Howlett: unitholders | Susan Hobbs Gallery
Susan Hobbs Gallery ,21 May - 27 June, 2015 unitholders by part-time studio faculty Patrick Howlett will be on display May 21 to June 27 2015 at the Susan Hobbs Gallery. Please join us for the opening on Thursday, 21 May from 7 to 9 p.m. 137 Tecumseth Street, Toronto, Ontario
Mammo'wiiang | Art Gallery of Southwestern Manitoba
art gallery of southwestern manitoba ,May 21 - July 4, 2015 Mammo'wiiang is an Anishinaabemowin word meaning gathering. The exhibition, Mammo'wiiang to make change gathers together a distinct group of artists highlighting work that addresses social, cultural, economic, and political conditions arising from Canada’s ongoing colonial project. This exhibition includes work by PhD candidate Michael Farnan.
Janice Gurney: All the Spaces | McIntosh Gallery
McIntosh Gallery ,May 14 - June 27, 2015 An exhibition by aluma Janice Gurney (PhD 2012) Curated by Julian Haladyn is currently on view at the McIntosh Gallery. Extending the project further, works from the McIntosh collection by faculty members Patrick Mahon, David Merritt are also included in the exhibition.
Alumni Jenna Faye Powell & Jill Price: Slip | Westland Gallery
Westland Gallery ,May 12 - 30, 2015 Slip, a joint exhibition with artists Jenna Faye Powell and Jill Price, explores the ups and downs of contemporary life through metaphors of rough, rugged and disrupted landscapes. On view until May 30th.
Good Afternoon | Carleton University Art Gallery
National Arts Centre ,May 9, 2015 Visual Arts faculty member Christof Migone will be part of "Good Afternoon" curated by Michael Davidge. Migone will delve into the space between language and voice to focus on the sounds hidden in minutiae. His current research includes microphone hitting, book flipping, phone licking, and silence listening.
Visual Arts Academic Counselling: Summer 2015
Visual Arts Department Summer 2015 Academic Counselling is available during scheduled times on a walk-in basis in VAC 200A or by phone at 519-661-2111 ext. 86182. See full schedule for details.
Liza Eurich: There is no There | Hamilton Artists Inc.
Hamilton Artists Inc ,May 2 - June 13, 2015 Alumna Liza Eurich (MFA 2012) is included in the exhibit THERE IS NO THERE featuring Jen Aitken, Josée Aubin Ouellette, Liza Eurich, Jenine Marsh, Derrick Piens and Beth Stuart at Hamilton Artists Inc. 155 James Street North, Hamilton.
Colin Miner: What is to be done (available light) | Album Gallery
Scotiabank Contact Photography Festival ,May 1 - 29, 2015 Alumnus Colin Miner (PhD 2014) will be exhibiting his work at Album Gallery as part of CONTACT. Congratulations to Miner for being featured on Canadian Art's "5 Shows to See at the Scotiabank Contact Photography Festival" list. Reception: May 1, 7pm–9pm
Recent Publications: Matthew Ryan Smith
bepress ,May 2015 Alumus Matthew Ryan Smith (PhD 2012) has recently published 3 articles: "Awol Erizku: The Only Way is Up" in the Spring issue of Blackflash Magazine; "Notes on Curating Autobiographical Art" in issue 84 of esse arts + opinions; "A Conversation with Tlinglit-Unangax artist Nicholas Galanin" in the spring issue of First American Art Magazine.
Journal Visual Studies | Guest edited by Sarah Bassnett
Taylor & Francis Online ,May 2015 A special issue of the Journal Visual Studies on the theme of "Cold War visual alliances" guest-edited by Western Faculty Member Sarah Bassnett, Andrea Noble, and Thy Phu is now available.
Lynette de Montreuil |From Dust to Dust | MFA Thesis
The University of Western Ontario ,From Dust to Dust, Lynette de Montreuil's MFA Thesis is now available published within the Scholarship@Western Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository.
Human Nature | Carleton University Art Gallery
Carleton University Art Gallery ,April 27, 2015 Human Nature, curated by Western alumna Corinna Ghaznavi (PhD 2011) presents fourteen contemporary Ontario artists whose works look at the state of the natural world and our impact on it. Artists include alumna Soheila Esfahani (MFA 2010) and faculty member Kelly Jazvac.
Jamie Q: Surfacing | DNA Artspace
DNA Artspace ,DNA artspace is pleased to present Surfacing, a solo exhibition by Western University alumni Jamie Q (MFA 2010). Join us in celebrating the Opening Reception on Saturday April 25th from 7 to 10pm.
An Exhibition in Black and White | Artlab Gallery
The Artlab Gallery is pleased to present An Exhibition in Black and White, a first-ever collaborative event featuring artworks by seventy-five students from five local Secondary Schools.
Opening Soon: Michelle McGeean | Forest City Gallery
Forest City Gallery ,April 17, 2015 Western University alumna Michelle McGeean (MFA 2011) currently has a artist project installed in the windows of Forest City Gallery. Sunday, April 12, 2015 to Friday, April 17, 2015 Opening Reception: Friday, April 17th, 7 - 10 PM in conjunction with Nancy Anne McPhee’s exhibition Nictitate.
Opening Soon: Michelle McGeean | Forest City Gallery
Forest City Gallery ,April 17, 2015 Forest City Gallery presents, a project by MFA alumna Michelle McGeean: Opening now. The window project will be on display until Friday April 17th and it's reception will correspond with the opening of Nancy Anne McPhee’s exhibition Nictitate on April 17th from 7:00 - 10:00 PM.
Brendan Fernandes | 2015 Longlist, Sobey Art Award
Art Gallery of Nova Scotia ,April 15, 2015 Congratulations to alumnus Brendan Fernandes (MFA 2005) on being selected for the 2015 longlist! The 2015 shortlist will be announced on June 3. Work by the shortlisted artists will be shown in an exhibition at the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia in Halifax, opening on September 26, 2015, with the winner being announced there on October 28, 2015.
Parker Branch’s Artful Arrangements | Canadian Art
Patrick Mahon ,Canadianart ,April 14, 2015 Patrick Mahon reviews the recent Parker Branch exhibition, “Has Things In Common” the collaborative project of Anna Madelska and Jason Hallows at DNA Artspace.
#westernuCreates Announced as new Official Hashtag
Students, alumni, faculty, staff and members of the Western community submitted over 50 innovative hashtag ideas in the Visual Arts Hashtag Contest. The top 5 entries were then open to a vote and by an overwhelming majority, #westernuCreates was selected as the favourite!
Jessica Karuhanga: Sunday Scene | PowerPlant Gallery
he Powerplant Gallery ,April 12, 2015 Western University alumna Jessica Karuhanga (BFA 2010) will be hosting the Sunday Scene, April 12, 2pm at the Powerplant Gallery in Toronto.
Drones Over Gaza - Rehab Nazzal | Prefix
Images Festival ,April 9, 2015 - May 2, 2015 Drones Over Gaza, an audio piece by PhD candidate Rehab Nazzal is being exhibited as part of the images festival. Based on field recordings of Israeli military drones operating in the airspace over occupied Palestine, Drones over Gaza is an audio work that interprets the aural environments of war through the widespread use of unmanned aerial vehicles in the Middle East. Exhibition opening: April 10, 4-7pm @ Prefix Institute of Contemporary Art
WAVE/FORM | A night of Noise at Vibrafusion Lab
Western University’s Advanced Sound Art Class taught by Christof Migone presents WAVE/FORM at Vibrafusion Lab. 355 Clarence St. April 11th, 5-7pm.
Please Seat Yourself | The Arts Project
The Arts Project ,April 2 - 3, 2015 Featuring a mixed variety of media and themes, this exhibition will consist of artwork by third and fourth year Western students in the Third year Studio Seminar Class. The show will run from March 30th until April 4th. Join us for the opening reception on Thursday, April 2nd from 3-5pm.
Lynette de Montreuil: From Dust to Dust | Artlab Gallery
The Artlab Gallery is pleased to present the MFA thesis exhibition, From Dust to Dust by Lynette de Montreuil. Combining sculpture, installation, and video de Montreuil’s practice reflects on the economy and production of sustainable goods. Closing Reception: Thursday April 23, > 6-8PM
Reconstruction Vol. 15, No. 1 | Studies in Contemporary Culture
Reconstruction ,April 2015 Read "Reconstruction: Studies in Contemporary Culture " Vol. 15, No. 1 for an essay by alumnus Matthew Ryan Smith entitled "Unorthodox Autobiographies."
Anna Madelska | 2015 Arts & Humanities Teaching Excellence Award
Arts & Humanities in the News ,April 2015 Awarded annually to faculty members who demonstrates a level of excellence in the areas of classroom and seminar teaching at the undergraduate and/or graduate level, course design, curriculum development, thesis supervision and educational outreach. Recipients include: Anthony Skelton, Philosophy, Anna Madelska, Visual Arts Laura Mosco, Modern Languages.
Soheila Esfahani | Jameel Prize Nomination
V&A ,Alumna Soheila Esfahani (MFA 2010), has been nominated for the Jameel Prize at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, UK. The Jameel Prize is an international award for contemporary art and design inspired by Islamic tradition. Its aim is to explore the relationship between Islamic traditions of art, craft and design and contemporary work as part of a wider debate about Islamic culture and its role today.
Shelley Niro: Seeing Through Memory, by Madeline Lennon
McIntosh Gallery ,March 29, 2015 Author Madeline Lennon's Shelley Niro: Seeing Through Memory is the latest volume in the Canadian Artist Monograph Series (CAMS) published by London, Ontario-based Blue Medium Press. It is the first major book devoted to Niro, an internationally-acclaimed First Nations artist and filmmaker from Brantford, Ontario. The author and the artist will discuss the project and autograph copies of the book at the event.
Parker Branch Book Launch | DNA Artspace & McIntosh Gallery
DNA Artspace & McIntosh Gallery ,March 26 - April 11, 2015 Currently on view on the second floor of DNA artspace, the Parker Branch exhibition, Has Things In Common coincides with the launch of a 100-page publication. The book includes texts by Jen Hutton and E.C. Woodley, and is published by the McIntosh Gallery Curatorial Studies Centre.
A fusion of student art and design at The Arts Project | Western Gazette
Meerna Homayed ,Western Gazette ,Meerena Homayed, reviews the recent student exhibition at the Arts Project. The Fused/Division art gallery exhibition opened Thursday night and showcased pieces by 11 Western students from the department of visual arts BFA.
Getting out of the vault: Western artists display work on campus | Western Gazette
Tome Ruess ,Western Gazette ,March 20, 2015 Tom Ruess reviews VAULT at the Artlab Gallery. "The BFA students chosen for practicum have works that explore a vast variety of themes and make use of different mediums. For example, Mackenzie Sinclair is an installation-based artist who uses found objects to explore the binaries of being a woman. Cayley Cowan, on the other hand, focuses on textile art and weaving in relation to nature."
Come Together, Right Now – For Art | Western Journalism Report
Rima Hamadi ,Western University Report ,March 20, 2015 Rima Hamadi from the Western Masters' in Journalism program interviews Phd candidate Mark Kasumovic about the Western Open Studio event.
Qui connait Joyce Wieland | Roundtable at UQAM
UQAM ,March 19, 2015 PhD candidate Maryse Lariviere will be participating in a roundtable at UQAM moderated by Cynthia Girard. Local J-7130, Pavillon Judith-Jasmin, UQAM, 400, rue Ste-Catherine Est, Métro Berri-UQAM, 12:40pm-2pm
Second-annual open studio | London Free Press
Joe Belanger ,The London Free Press ,March 18, 2015 Read an article in the London Free Press on the Open Studio & VAULT events in the John Labatt Visual Arts Centre at Western University. Image: Escalator Down by Matt Tarini.
Fused/Division Art Exhibition | The Arts Project
Meerna Homayed ,Western Gazette ,March 17-21, 2015 Join us for the opening reception of Fused/Division, an exhibition by students in Professor Kim Moodie’s Advanced 4th Year BFA Studio Seminar class. Fused/Division showcases the development and final stages of each artist’s research for their independent projects. Reception March 19th from 5-7pm
Re: Mediation | Dialogue on Immersive & Interactive Art
Join us for a Dialogue on Immersive & Interactive Art. Speakers: Jessica Field (Ryerson University), Don Sinclair (York University), Christof Migone (Western University) VAC 135 - 2:30-4:30pm
Western students bring art to the masses | London Community News
Whitney South , ,March 14, 2015 Western Visual Arts students including Mark Kasumovic and Nilou Salimi are opening their studios to the public in hopes of encouraging a different brand of conversation, while Kelly McKenzie (right) is the co-chair of Boredom: Visual Arts Graduate Conference.
Just Human Enough | London Public Library Central
London Central library ,March 12, 2015 Join us for an exhibition featuring the work of Western alumni Brian Rack. March 12, Steven Hunt Meeting Room B, 5-9 PM. The show will feature digital prints, silkscreen prints and graphic story books.
Paper Jam | Satellite Project Space
Recent independent projects from Western's Advanced Drawing class, selected by Visual Arts Department Graduate Students Sherry Czekus, Niloufar Salimi and Ruth Skinner. Opening Thursday April 9, 5:30 -7:30 pm
core | periphery : Inaugural Exhibition at Satellite Project Space
Join us for the inaugural exhibition at Satellite Project Space: a collaborative new downtown space between Bealart, Fanshawe College, Western University and Museum London. Opening Reception: Saturday, March 21, 2015 7-10pm
VAULT: Practicum Exhibition | Artlab Gallery
VAULT represents the yearlong artistic explorations of the Studio Arts Practicum class of 2014/15. Please join us for the opening Reception: Friday March 20th > 7 - 9PM Remarks: 7:30PM
[un]Bored | Concourse Gallery
This participatory project invites us to consider boredom and engage in a gesture that performs disengagement itself: the doodle.
Western Open Studio 2015 | JLVisual Arts Centre
The Department of Visual Arts at Western University is pleased to present the 2015 MFA/PhD Open Studio. Join us as we open our doors to our graduate studio spaces. In conjunction with the reception for the BFA Practicum graduating exhibition "Vault" at the ArtLab gallery.
Prints and Drawings by Yulia Lobacheva | Spencer Gallery
Spencer Gallery ,March 1 - April 30, 2015 BFA alumna Yulia Lobacheva currently has an exhibition of Prints and Drawings on display at the Spencer Gallery inside the Weldon Library. The exhibition will be on view until April 30th, 2015.
Photography Research Group at Western
he Photography Research Group ,March 2015 The Photography Research Group facilitates the exchange of research and development of original criticism about photography and its cultural meanings. Members of this group include Visual Arts Faculty Sarah Bassnett and Kelly Wood.
Looking Forward, Looking Back - Exhibition Review | Kelly McKenzie
Kelly McKenzie ,Mcmaster University ,March 2015 MA candidate Kelly McKenzie's exhibition review of TRACES at Hamilton Artists Inc. has been published on the McMaster University Alumni Community website.
Parker Branch & Jenna Faye Powell | DNA Artspace
DNA Artspace ,February 28 - April 11, 2015 DNA artspace is pleased to present Jenna Faye Powell: "I’m okay" and Parker Branch (Anna Madelska and Jason Hallows): "Has Things In Common" on view from February 28 - April 11, 2015. The Opening Reception for both exhibitions is Saturday, February 28 from 2 to 5pm.
VASA Art Sale | UCC Atrium & Visual Arts Centre
The sale continues March 5, 12pm-7pm & March 6, 10am-4pm in the Visual Arts Centre. Cash & carry only.
Prof. Kirsty Robertson Interview | CBC Ontario Mornings
CBC Radio ,Tune in to CBC Radio February 24th to listen to Wei Chen interview Museum Studies professor Kirsty Roberston who will discuss the upcoming Artlab exhibition "Beneath the Surface: The Archives of Arthur Nestor"
Student artist hopes to inspire with pop-up gallery | London Community News
Whitney South , ,February 20, 2015 Hidden deep within a maze of hallways in the John Labatt Visual Arts Centre, two tall, slender windows have been garnering a lot of attention. A break from the never-ending sea of white painted walls, the soft-spoken phenomenon is the brainchild of Mike Pszczonak, MFA student at Western.
LIza Eurich's Akimbo Hitlist | Akimbo
Glasgow Sculpture Studio and CCA/Acme Studios ,February 19, 2015 Read MFA alumna Liza Eurich's Hitlist on Akimbo. She will be participating in forthcoming shows at the Hamilton Artists Inc. and Open Studios, as well as undertaking residencies in conjunction with the Glasgow Sculpture Studio and CCA/Acme Studios in London, UK.
Adventures in Collecting: Deepali Dewan Public Lecture
Deepali Dewan, Senior Curator of South Asian Arts and Culture, Royal Ontario Museum, discusses the legalities and ethics of collecting cultural objects, including the case of a dealer who sold millions of dollars worth of stolen artifacts to major museums around the world. March 12, 2015, 2:30pm, MC 110
Either a New or Existing Character | Liza Eurich | MKG127
mkg127 ,February 14, 2015 Liza Eurich completed her MFA from Western University in 2012. Eurich's second solo exhibition at MKG127 Opens Saturday February 14, from 2 - 5 PM. and continues until March 14th.
Prof. Sarah Bassnett presents paper at Cold War Camera conference | Mexico City
Cold War Camera conference ,February 13 - 14, 2015 Sarah Bassnett has presented her paper "Life Magazine's Affective Economy and the Emergence of Neoliberalism" at the Cold War Camera conference in Mexico City.
Prof. Patrick Mahon reviews Brendan Fernandes | Canadian Art
Patrick Mahon ,Canadianart ,February 12, 2015 Western University Alumnus Brendan Fernandes Balances Politics and Optimism at the Rodman Hall Art Centre, St. Catharines, October 14, 2014, to January 4, 2015
Dr. Adam Stead | The Medieval Church as Gesamtkunstwerk?
Please join us for a lecture by Dr. Adam Stead, SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellow in Art History in the Department of Visual Arts. Wednesday February 25th at 2:30 p.m. in Rm. 100, VAC.
Sound Ripe, Sound Rotten | Christof Migone : HITS
Sweet Magic London ,February 6, 2015 Demonstration/discussion workshop "art/sound" With Gordon Monahan, Marla Hlady & Western University’s Christof Migone February 6, 2015 - 7pm Presented by Sweet Magic London, 80 Rectory St, London, ON
Touching History | Rehab Nazzal | The Bookcase
The Bookcase micro-museum and library ,February 4, 2015 New exhibition opening February 4, 12-4pm at the Bookcase Micro Museum and Lending Library featuring a personal collection from PhD candidate Rehab Nazzal.
AJE 13: Award Winners Announced
See a full list of award winners from the Artlab Annual Juried Exhibition. The exhibition continues until February 13th, 2015.
Art Now! Speakers' Series: David Rokeby
David Rokeby is an internationally renowned artist and Governor General’s award-winner based in Toronto. Join us for his free artist talk followed by his opening reception at the McIntosh Gallery, Thursday, March 19, 7pm > NCB 113
Beneath the Surface: The Archives of Arthur Nestor | Artlab Gallery
Please join us the Artlab Gallery for the opening reception of "Beneath the Surface: The Archives of Arthur Nestor", an exhibition curated by the students in Museum Studies.
Casing the Joint | Concourse Gallery
Drawing from a personal interest, students will create a sculpture, installation or performance that draws from related in-depth research into this interest. Opening Reception: March 26 > 5-7PM
Art Now! Speakers' Series: David Balzer
February 26, 2015 Join us as critic and writer David Balzer discusses his new book, "Curationism". Thursday, February 26, 7pm, NCB 113
Prof. Christof Migone | Journal of Curatorial Studies Editorial Board
Journal for Curatorial Studies ,February 2015 Congratulations to Christof Migone who has been invited to join the editorial board of the Journal for Curatorial Studies. Copies of the journal are available for access via Western Libraries.
Nature's Handmade Opening Reception | Museum London
Museum London ,December 13, 2014 - April 5, 2015 On view December 13th 2014 to April 5th 2015. This exhibition includes work by Western University Alumni Conan Masterson (MFA 2007) and Ed Pien (BFA 1982)
ShapeShifters: Faith Patrick | Project Gallery, Toronto
Project Gallery ,January 29 – February 11, 2015 SHAPESHIFTERS is a duo exhibition of new paintings by Kristyn Watterworth and Western University BFA student Faith Patrick on display from Jan 29 – Feb 11, 2015 at Project Gallery – 1109 Queen St E.
Untitled (new visions) | aka artist run centre
Gordon Snelgrove Gallery ,January 23 - February 28, 2015 Untitled (new visions) features work by Maggie Groat and Western University alumna Barbara Hobot (MFA 2014). Hobot will also be giving an artist talk 12pm, Thursday, January 22, 2015; Gordon Snelgrove Gallery.
The Cabinet of Curiosities in Contemporary Art | Dresden, Germany
The Cabinet of Curiosities in Contemporary Art ,January 16 - 17, 2015 Ph.D. candidate Helen Gregory presented her paper "Curious Instances and Chimeric Blobs: Disrupting definitions of natural history specimens through contemporary art practice" at the conference "Curiosity 2.0: The Cabinet of Curiosities in Contemporary Art" in Dresden, Germany.
Ron Benner: Three Questions | McIntosh Gallery
McIntosh Gallery ,January 15 - February 28, 2015 Curated by Julian Haladyn. Please join us at the McIntosh Gallery for the opening reception Thursday, January 15 at 7:00 P.M. A Talk and tour of the exhibition is scheduled for Friday, January 16 at 12:00 P.M.
Sidewalk Screenings | Whippersnapper Gallery
Whippersnapper Gallery ,January 9 - February 15, 2015 BFA student Taylor Doyle's video "Grease" will be included in Whippersnapper Gallery's "Sidewalk Screening" emerging video artist series. Screening will run from January 9th – February 15th, 2015 at 594b Dundas Street West, Toronto.
A Fresh Look at the Rich Enigma of Regionalism | London Yodeller
McIntosh Gallery ,January 8, 2015 The London Yodeller review's Joel Faflak and Sky Glabush's new book of essays (Re)imagining Regionalism. Copies of (Re)imagining Regionalism are available at McIntosh Gallery, Attic Books and Brown & Dickson.
Boredom | Graduate Conference
Boredom an interdisciplinary conference investigating notions boredom in the arts and humanities and related disciplines.
Art Now! Speakers' Series: Kitty Scott & Tom McDonough
Join us for a talk by Kitty Scott, curator of modern and contemporary art at the Art Gallery of Ontario and writer and critic Tom McDonough who will be speaking about their work and research. Thursday, January 29, 7pm > NCB 113
Patrick Mahon included in 2015 Mayor's Honour List | London Free Press
The London Free Press ,January 2015 Congratulations to faculty member Patrick Mahon who has been included in the City of London 2015 Mayor's Honour List for his work in London's Arts community.
Bridget Moser Video | YouTube
Art Now! ,January 2015 Visit the Arts & Humanities YouTube channel to view video from Bridget Moser's artist talk and performance. Part of the Art Now! Speakers' Series.
Interrobang | Artlab Gallery
A curious carnival of collections mounted by students from VAS1025, Advanced Foundation classes in the Department of Visual Arts. Closing Reception: January 22, 5-7pm
Art Now! Speakers' Series: Bridget Moser
Performance and artist talk by Toronto-based performance artist Bridget Moser. Her engaging work is suspended between prop comedy, experimental theatre, performance art, absurd literature, existential anxiety, and intuitive dance. Thursday, January 22, 7pm > NCB 113
AJE 13: Thirteenth Annual Juried Exhibition | Artlab Gallery
Please join us for the Opening Reception: Thursday, January 29th 5-7PM. People’s Choice Award Voting Takes Place 5-6PM and Opening Remarks/Awards will be at 6:15PM.
AJE 13: Call for Submissions | Artlab Gallery
Open to all undergraduate students currently registered in a Visual Arts program (Studio or Art History), the AJE will exhibit a diverse selection of artworks in various mediums. Students may enter a maximum of two new works. Recent works should have been completed no later than September 2015.
Call for applications: Visual Arts Awards & Scholarships
Please click to read more and see full information regarding guidelines, deadlines and eligibility.
Print London with Love | The Arts Project
The Arts Project ,February 10 - 21, 2015 Print London is a collective of artists who will display a wide variety of print techniques. The exhibition of prints features Western faculty, staff, students and alumni, including Tricia Johnson and Jessica Desparois. Opening night: Tues, Feb 10th from 5-8PM.