#westernuCreates Announced as new Official Hashtag
The New Official Hashtag for the Department of Visual Arts at Western UniversityThe Department of Visual Arts at Western University is pleased to announce our new official hashatg: #westernuCreates !
Since mid-march, students, alumni, faculty, staff and members of the Western community submitted over 50 innovative hashtag ideas in the Visual Arts Hashtag Contest. The top 5 entries as selected by the contest committee were then open to a vote and by an overwhelming majority, #westernuCreates was selected as the favourite!
Tabitha Chan, a Visual Arts student was the first to submit the winning tag and is the recipient of a 50$ Bijan's gift certificate. A second 25$ gift certificate was randomly drawn from all who entered the contest and was awarded to Visual Arts student Ronnie Clarke.
Thank you to all who participated in suggesting and voting throughout the contest.
Now it's your turn; Use the new Visual Arts hashtag on social media when referencing the Department of Visual Arts and when sharing pictures of your artwork in the John Labatt Visual Arts Centre.