Art Now! Speakers' Series: Bridget Moser

Bridget Moser Performance
Bridget Moser

Toronto-based performance artist Bridget Moser will be performing and discussing her work for the Visual Art Department's Art Now Speaker Series. Her engaging work is suspended between prop comedy, experimental theatre, performance art, absurd literature, existential anxiety, and intuitive dance. For more information, visit

image credit: Henry Chan

All welcome!

Thursday, January 22, 2015 > 7:00PM > NCB-113

This Artist talk is part of Art Now!, a course offered by the Department of Visual Arts at Western University. The course focuses on current contemporary art production, both locally, nationally and internationally. The Winter 2015 Series “FREEDOM!??” is organized by Kelly Jazvac.

All Artist Talks are FREE and OPEN to the Public!

See the full list of our upcoming visiting artists: 2015 Winter Speakers' Series