Upcoming Exhibitions & Events


Several Months Later…

August 8-22, 2024
Reception: Thursday, August 8 from 5-7PM
Cohen Commons

Tia Bates
Steve DeBruyn
Brittany/Andrew Forrest 
Jessica Irene Joyce
Danielle Petti
Hannah West


This exhibition gathers artworks by Western University’s MFA in Visual Arts 2023-2024 cohort as a ‘last hurrah’ to celebrate the time spent undertaking graduate studies together. We shared meals, constructive criticism, ideas, books, tools, podcasts, laughs, and late studio nights during an unforgettable year. Before moving on to new projects, we want to share a selection of artworks created during our time together, as a way to mark the end of a brief but intense period of artistic effort. 

The final evaluation event (final crit) for the exhibiting artists was scheduled to take place beginning at 10AM on Thursday, April 11, 2024. On the eve of final crit, graduate students were alerted by an email from their union that as of the next morning, Graduate Teaching Assistants would officially be on strike. The picket lines were in place for three weeks. As a result, final crit was postponed, and later cancelled. An opening in the Cohen Commons summer schedule presented a fortuitous opportunity to present artworks for community feedback and criticism. The crit box welcomes all kind, true, and helpful musings, thoughts, and challenges from generous spectators. We thank you in advance for your participation in our artistic growth.