Upcoming Exhibitions & Events



Join us in the Cohen Exploration Lab (room 129) on February 24 at 1PM. Interested in learning how to 3D print? Intimidated by 3D print design? Attend this workshop and learn how to use basic 3D design to print your own object. Print cost will be $1 per print (one print per participant). We have a template you can customize by using online 3D design tools in Tinkercad (www.tinkercad.com) where you can sculpt or mashup objects for free! Once you get the hang of it, you can start using the template. Please bring your own laptops/ipads to use the website and template. Once your design is ready, download it as a .stl file and email it to kneudorf@uwo.ca. Feel free to create an account on Tinkercad beforehand for free. The event will take place in the Cohen Exploration Lab (room 129) on February 24th at 1pm.

The event will be hosted by Professor Kim Neudorf and Practicum student Amy Murray.
Workshop limited to 8 participants. Sign up using the email address aitzelre@uwo!


EVENT! | Henna Workshop

Join us in the Cohen Commons on January 28th from 1pm-3pm for a fun lesson in culture and art with special guest and curator of "International Aisle," Dhra Patel. Learn about the practice of Henna/Mehndi in India while getting hands on experience with the medium. The first 2 people to arrive may choose from a list of pre-selected designs to have their Henna done by Dhra herself.
Don’t miss out - all are welcome!
>This event is organized by Cheyne Ferguson, artLAB Gallery Intern.

To Here Knows When
Practicum Exhibition
artLAB Gallery

Cohen Commons

Exhibition: March 21 – April 10, 2025
Opening: Friday, March 21 from 6–8PM

Theo Jean Cuthand, IAiR
artLAB Gallery

Exhibition: April 24 – May 15, 2025