Study art and visual culture in its social and political context. Western’s Art History program focuses on global networks of cultural exchange and is committed to interdisciplinary approaches informed by critical theory. This field of study develops cross-cultural understanding and a global perspective from the Renaissance and Baroque eras, in Mesoamerican, Hispanic American, Canadian, and Contemporary Art, Architecture, and Design, as well as Photography, Film and New Media.
Featured courses
AH 1641A/B: Art History and Visual Culture: Ancient to Renaissance
The course provides a study of painting, sculpture, and architecture through considerations of the cultural environments within which they were produced, with a focus on Western art from the ancient eras through Renaissance periods.
AH 2600F/G: Theories and Practices in Art History and Visual Culture
A brief introduction to historical and contemporary theories, methods, and practices for the study of art history and visual culture.
AH 2676F/G: Introduction to Design
This course examines the history and practice of modern design from the end of the 19th century to the present day. It outlines some of the fundamental principles of design, as well as looking at its political and sociocultural impact.
AH 3660F/G: Hollywood and Art
This course explores the relationship between film and the visual arts, from the invention of cinema to contemporary visual artists who have made Hollywood film the subject of their work.
AH 3674F/G: Sustainability and Art
Students will learn how artists and museums have considered, responded to, and proposed solutions for complex environmental issues such as climate change, environmental justice, waste, and energy production.
AH courses
Courses in the Major in Art History include:
AH 1641A/B: Art History and Visual Culture: Ancient to Renaissance
AH 2600F/G: Theories and Practices in Art History and Visual Culture
AH 2630F/G: Pre-Contact American Art and Architecture
AH 2650F/G: History of Photography
AH 2676F/G: Introduction to Design
AH 3620F/G: Race & Gender in the Pre-Modern World
AH 3660F/G: Hollywood and Art
AH 3674F/G: Sustainability and Art
AH 4600F/G/Z: Art History Honors Seminar
AH 4670F/G: Seminar in Architecture and Urbanism or Design
See all Art History courses on the Academic Calendar: