2024-25 Writer-in-Residence: Saeed Teebi

Saeed Teebi is a writer and lawyer based in Toronto. His debut collection of short stories, Her First Palestinian, published in 2022, was a finalist for numerous awards, including the Atwood Gibson Writers' Trust Prize and the Rakuten Kobo Emerging Writer Award. His short story "Her First Palestinian" was a finalist for the CBC Short Story Award. His next book will be a work of personal non-fiction titled You Will Not Kill Our Imagination. He is also working on a novel.
Meet with Saeed
Saeed is ready to read your work and provide you with feedback on it. He will hold weekly office hours for writers at all levels, offering an empathetic ear, constructive criticism, and general guidance.
Office hours are available, by appointment, on Mondays:
- 10 am – 1 pm at Central Library starting January 13, 2025
- 2 – 5 pm at Western University starting January 13, 2025
To schedule an appointment, email Vivian Foglton at vivian.foglton@uwo.ca.
Once you have an appointment, please send Vivian a sample of your work one week before your appointment (up to 5 pages of poetry or 10 pages of other writing, double-spaced, 12 pt font, Times New Roman).
Writer-in-Residence FAQ
How do I make an appointment?
To schedule an appointment, email Vivian Foglton at vivian.foglton@uwo.ca.
Once you have an appointment, please send Vivian a sample of your work one week before your appointment.
How do I submit work?
Once you have scheduled an appointment, please email your work to vivian.foglton@uwo.ca.
What kind of work can I submit?
Any kind of creative writing! Fiction, non-fiction, poetry, prose. You name it.
How long should the work be that I submit?
Prose (fiction or non-fiction): 10 pages, Word document, double-spaced, 12 pt font, Times New Roman
Poetry: 5 pages, Word document, double-spaced, 12 pt font, Times New Roman
What should I expect at the meeting with the WIR?
Please come prepared to discuss your work. This could include your intentions with the work, your hopes and plans for it, and what you see as the next steps.
What if I can't make the appointment?
Please email vivian.foglton@uwo.ca as soon as possible if you need to re-schedule or cancel the appointment.
About Western's Writer-in-Residence
The Writer-in-Residence Program is sponsored by the James A. and Marjorie Spenceley Fund, the Department of English and Writing Studies, the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, and London Public Library.