Professors Emeriti
P. Auksi, Ph.D. (Harvard) The Renaissance; Influence of the Reformation; Rhetoric; Style.
S. Bruhm, Ph.D. (McGill) Gothic literature and culture; Queer studies; Childhood in literature and culture.
F. Davey, Ph.D. (S. Cal.) Literary Institutions, Globalization and the Canadian Literary Nationalism, Margaret Atwood.
L.A. Garber, Ph.D. (Toronto) The Novel; Biography, Bloomsbury Group; Forster, Woolf, Ford, Strachey; Film.
A.J. Gedalof, Ph.D. (London, England).
J.M. Good, Ph.D. (Columbia) Romanticism; Wordsworth and Coleridge; Rare Books.
R.F. Green, Ph.D. (Toronto) Late Medieval English court poetry; patronage and reception; literature and the law; traditional ballads; medieval popular culture.
J.D. Kneale, Ph.D. (Toronto) Wordsworth, Milton, history of rhetoric, psychoanalysis.
M. Kreiswirth, Ph.D. (Toronto) Narrative theory, literary theory, William Faulkner, critical intellectual history, Tony Morrison, interdisciplinarity, and historical fiction.
B.R. Lundgren, Ph.D. (Western) Victorian literature; the Novel; Charles Dickens.
R. Poole, Ph.D. (Otago) Medieval; Icelandic sagas; skaldic poetry.
E.H. Redekop, Ph.D. (Toronto) Nineteenth-century American literature; Cooper, Melville, Hawthorne; science fiction.
R.J. Shroyer, Ph.D. (Toronto) Romantic poetry and poetics, eighteenth-century intellectual history, Blake.
J.A.B. Somerset, Ph.D. The Shakespeare Institute, University of Birmingham; Medieval and Renaissance Drama; Bibliography and Textual Criticism.
P.L. Surette, Ph.D. (Toronto) Modern British literature, poetry, fiction, Ezra Pound, T. S. Eliot, W. B. Yeats, James Joyce, William Golding, literary history, literature and religion, literature and philosophy, literary theory and criticism.