James Purkis
Associate Professor
PhD, Shakespeare Institute, 2005
MPhil, University of Birmingham, 1996
PgDip, Shakespeare Institute, 1993
BA (hons), University of Birmingham, 1992
University College 4412
519-661-2111 ext. 85835
Research Interests
My PhD thesis explored the forms in which the author plays a role in the reception of early modern literature by looking at recent theoretical debates over theatrical collaboration and seventeenth-century woman-debate writing. Since then, my research has focused on early modern dramatic manuscripts. I am currently writing a book that examines how the social practices involved in the production of theatrical texts may be read through their documentary traces, and what these practices mean for our understanding of authorial canons in general, and the Shakespeare canon in particular. I also have an interest in editorial theory, while my next project will explore how writing in the early modern England was shaped by notions of masculinity and desire.
Current Projects
Shakespeare &C.: Manuscript, Collaboration, and Canon after Theory. A monograph on early modern manuscript drama that brings together textual studies with recent historicist and theoretical critiques of the author.
Selected Publications
‘Foul papers, Prompt Books, and Thomas Heywood’s The Captives’ MRDE (forthcoming 2008).
Drama to the Restoration