FAQs: Campus Recreation Phased Reopening of WSRC in-person programming
Phased Reopening of Western Campus Recreation starts Nov. 2, 2020
The Western Sport and Recreation team is excited to start with a phased reopening of the WSRC for in-person student programming while meeting Provincial and Middlesex London Health Unit guidelines, reducing capacity, and providing new and robust cleaning and safety protocols.
The Western Student Recreation Centre (WSRC) will reopen to students only, on Monday, November 2.
Updated FAQ details will continue to be posted over the next few days, so check back for changes or more details.
More details about limited and phased in operations of other facilities & Mustangs Sports team training will be announced over the coming weeks.
Sports and Recreation appreciates that health and safety is a shared responsibility with those using its facilities:
Hours of Operation for Campus Recreation will be 8am-8pm, please check our main Campus Rec page for updates.
Before entering the WRSC members must book a scheduled time in advance and follow Western's protocols for being on-campus. Students will not be allowed entry if they present with COVID-19 symptoms. To ensure physical distancing, there will be reduced capacity in the facility. Members will book 60 minute workout blocks to guarantee a workout time. Booking reservation system is open now. Blocks open 5 days in advance, on the hour. E.g. Thursday at 8am, for Tuesday 8am workout blocks, etc...
Facility cleaning and sanitization will occur between workout blocks.
Participants will be asked to apply hand sanitizer immediately upon entry to the WSRC.
Washrooms will be available at the WSRC with additional cleaning and sanitizing procedures in place.
Change rooms, fitness classes, showers, massage therapy, towel service, lockers, equipment rentals and squash courts are NOT available at this time.
Facility Operations Video
Western University COVID-19 Information Page
Campus Recreation will be using a hybrid approach, with a mix of in-person programming (indoor and outdoor) and online digital programming, to service both students on-campus and students studying remotely.
What’s available at Campus Recreation for working out?
Online pre-registration is required, and will be open closer to Monday, November 2 on shop.westernmustangs.ca. Students will also be required to complete a self-assessment on the Western App prior to coming to campus.
Starting Monday November 2, there will be Weight Room pods, Cardio Room (Step and Treadmill) pods, General Workout Spaces, Outdoor Fitness Classes (Schedule TBA) available for booking, as well as Daily Digital (online) Live Fitness Classes.
- Each workout reservation will be for 1 hour.
- Capacity in the building will be limited. We are closely following the guidance of Western and the Middlesex London Health Unit.
- Washrooms will be open.
- Staff will be cleaning the facility in between the scheduled workout times.
- Changerooms and lockers will NOT initially be available.
- More detailed pod information can be found in the news section at news/2020/Pod Information
Masks must be worn entering, exiting, and throughout the building. The only exception is IN the pods, where students do not have to wear a mask when working out.
How do I register?
Visit shop.westernmustangs.ca and select Facility Reservation Access. You will then see available workout spaces and fitness classes. The reservation system Booking reservation system is open now. Blocks open 5 days in advance, on the hour. E.g. Thursday at 8am, for Tuesday 8am workout blocks, etc...
How do I arrive for my pre-reserved time?
Students will be asked to line up outside the WSRC building along the building towards Sarnia Road in advance of their workout time, approximately 5-10 minutes prior to your reservation. A staff member will verify information, verify you have completed your COVID self-assessment (required each day you come to campus), and confirm your reservation time, as well as verifying that all individuals are wearing a mask before they enter the WSRC.
In addition, once students/members enter the WSRC, they will tap their Western ONECard, which will be tied to their account reservation on the Western Rec App.
- Hand sanitizer will be available upon entering and exiting the facility as well as throughout the building.
- NEW Students will also need to scan their ONECard on the way out of the building.
How is Campus Recreation separated from the Covid and Flu Clinic?
The Campus Recreation entrance is the upper entrance by Western Road and the Spencer Engineering Building. The Covid/Flu Clinic has a distinct separate entrance at the lower level by the South Valley Parking Lot.
What are my responsibilities if I book a workout or fitness class?
- You must complete the COVID Self-Assessment each day you come on campus. Please see www.uwo.ca/coronavirus for more information.
- You must arrive on-time for your workout time. Entry will not be permitted 15 minutes or more after the reservation time begins.
- You can cancel your space up to 5 minutes prior to your workout time.
- Download the Western Rec App in order to bring up the entry and exit barcode associated with your workout reservation.
- You must wear a mask entering, exiting and throughout the facility except when you are inside your workout pod or during a fitness class.
- You must bring your bag with you at all times, including to your workout pod or class. Lockers and changerooms are not available.
- You must be diligent in physical distancing, washing hands and/or hand sanitizing, wearing a mask when you cannot physical distance and outside of your workout or before and after attending a fitness class.
- You must wipe down ALL equipment in your pod at the end of your workout session.
- Please stay at home if you are feeling unwell. For more information visit www.uwo.ca/coronavirus
What if I need to cancel my workout time?
You must cancel your workout up to 5 minutes prior to your workout time.
If you do not cancel before that time, you will be considered a ‘no show’ and the 1st time you will receive an email warning. The 2nd time you are a ‘no show’, you will have a 7-day suspension of your membership. The 3rd time you are a ‘no show’, you will have a 30-day suspension of your membership.
What new measures have you introduced to help improve safety at the WSRC?
Sports and Recreation appreciates that health and safety is a shared responsiblity with those using its facilities. We have implemented a number of measures, including directional arrows, signage, and placement to ensure physical distancing can be achieved. Where possible, equipment may be disabled and/or relocated to facilitate this. Members are still expected to use best judgement when determining if a piece of equipment or workout area can be used safely while maintaining the recommended 2 metres (6 ft) of physical distancing.
What cleaning protocols do you have in place at the WSRC?
Sports and Recreation appreciates that health and safety is a shared responsibility with those using its facilities. We have new protocols in place to ensure robust cleaning measures in the WSRC. Staff will be performing a deep clean each night with new Electrostatic sprayers. Members will be asked to clean after each individual use using wipes provided by the WSRC. And staff will clean after every booking, prior to the next block of bookings.
Will participants be asked to apply hand sanitizer immediately upon entry and upon leaving WSRC?
Yes. We will be asking members to apply hand sanitizer upon entry to the facility, and we will have an increased number of hand sanitizer stations available throughout the WSRC.
We will not require Members to apply hand sanitizer when leaving, but it will be available.
Will members have to pre-register online before they workout?
Yes. We will be asking members to pre-register online for a workout appointment time on the Western Rec App in advance of arriving at the WSRC. Students will also have to fill out a COVID self-questionnaire on the Western App the day of their workout, prior to arrival.
What will the welcome desk look like?
Our Membership Services Associates will be behind plexiglass barriers at the front welcome desk. We ask that all members observe physical distancing. New signage and wayfinding information will be posted in the WSRC and outdoor fields upon reopening.
What will the workout pods look like?
See our article at news/2020/Pod Information.
Do not enter the sport facilities, if:
- You have travelled outside Canada during the previous 14 days.
- You have symptoms of COVID-19 or are feeling unwell.
- Someone in your household has COVID-19 symptoms in the past 14 days.
- Anyone in your household has been exposed to someone who has or is recovering from COVID-19.
Will Campus Recreation have self-screening tools?
All students must complete the COVID self-assessment questionnaire on the Western App prior to coming to campus. There will also be signage throughout the WSRC and other facility spaces informing members about our new procedures.
Will members be required to wear masks while working out?
Masks must be worn entering, exiting, and throughout the building. The only exception is IN the workout pods, where students do not have to wear a mask when working out.
What are the hours of operation for each facility?
WSRC - Daily hours of operation can be found on the main page at https://www.uwo.ca/campusrec.
Thompson Recreation Athletic Centre - Daily hours of operation will be announced shortly. We anticipate having similar hours to last year, with some adjustments for additional cleaning measures.
To ensure physical distancing, what is the capacity in each facility?
Western Campus Recreation is adhering to the Provincial and Middlesex London Health Unit guidelines, and Western has worked with a global architecture and space planning firm, to inform guidelines, signage and wayfinding.
What about faculty, staff, alumni and others who have been WSRC members in the past?
Students will be first to access the WSRC. Timing for staff, faculty, alumni, external stakeholders and community users will be announced in the coming months.
How do I make a booking/reservation?
Members will be required to make a reservation using our new online booking system. There will be no walk-up workouts available initially. Visit shop.westernmustangs.ca and select Facility Reservation Access.
Example of current proposed procedures:
60 minutes per workout. After which time, we would close the doors to the WSRC and clean all surfaces.
Can I use the water fountains?
No. Members are encouraged to bring a pre-filled water bottle for their workouts. Water fountains will be equipped with bottle fillers, but members are not permitted to drink directly from the water fountains.
Are you offering equipment rentals?
No. Equipment rentals are not available at this time. Members are encouraged to bring their own small equipment, where possible.
What’s closed?
To reduce the number of potential touchpoints the following services and amenities will be closed for now, based on recommendations:
- Showers
- Pool
- Massage Therapy
- Towel Service
- Lockers
- Equipment Rentals
- Squash Courts – currently being repurposed for physically distanced workout space
How far in advance am I able to book my workout?
You will be able to book your workout up to 4 days in advance, depending on space availability.
When will intramurals start again?
- E Sports: Currently underway.
- Stay tuned for information about Winter Intramurals.
Are the changerooms and washrooms open?
Washroom facilities are open but members are NOT permitted to change in the washrooms. Proper physical distancing must be maintained at all times. Watch for new protocols, and any changes in capacity, on signs posted outside the washrooms.
Changerooms will remain closed for the time being. They will reopen in the coming months. Individuals must come ready for their workout.
Are lockers available?
No. Initially, locker rentals will not be available. We are looking to reopen these at a later date. Members will be required to take their bags with them to their workout pods.
Are showers available?
No. Showers will not be available when the WSRC first reopens. They will reopen at a later date.
What about Group Fitness Classes?
Western Campus Recreation will be adhering to Ontario provincial guidelines as well as new room space physical capacities where applicable. Visit shop.westernmustangs.ca and select Facility Reservation Access to view our Fitness Class options.
Will Campus Recreation continue to have digital offerings?
Yes. Campus Recreation will be using a hybrid approach, with a mix of in-person programming (indoor and outdoor) and online digital programming, to service both students on-campus and students who will be studying remotely in the fall.
How will varsity bookings for athletes and teams work?
A booking protocol has been messaged to coaches and players.
For more information on Mustangs Sports:
For more information on Western and Covid-19: