Residence Intramural Leagues

Residence Intramural Winter 2025 Team Leagues  

Co-ed Dodgeball (League runs Tuesdays 8:00-11:00pm - 12 TEAM capacity)
Dodge Ball is an incredibly popular and fun way to bond as a team, meet new people, and get in some deserved stress relief!

Co-ed Volleyball (League runs Wednesdays 8:00-11:00pm - 6 TEAM capacity)
Volleyball is a great team sport and regardless of your skill or experience intramural sports has a league for you.

$160.00 + HST (13%) + $40 *Performance Bond
• Each team must pay a mandatory performance bond fee (specific to sport/league) collected at registration. One default, captain fails to respond to the captain's online playoff meeting email, incomplete roster violation or multiple game suspension will result in the loss of half of a team’s performance bond.
• Performance bonds for the fall leagues are $40.00 per team.
• The performance bond is put in place to ensure that teams show up with the required number of participants to each of their league games.
• The bond ensures that captains respond to the required captain's online playoff meeting email, that each team roster is complete and filled out correctly with correct names, prior to the roster close date.
The bond also discourages actions warranting multiple game suspensions or use of ineligible players.
• If a team does not default, the captain replies by email to the mandatory captain's online playoff meeting, has a complete roster by the roster close deadline, and incurs no multiple game suspensions for player conduct/game violations, the entire performance bond will be available for refund at the end of the semester/season by email (Click here for more info on performance bond refunds), prior to the deadline; by the person who originally paid for the team.


Register and pay online at after the payment open date.
**You cannot secure your team's preferred spot until you pay your fees.


• Residence Leagues Open: Monday, December 2 at 8:00am


• Residence Leagues Close: Monday, January 13 @ 11:59pm

Following the close of registration (Monday, January 13) the captain will receive an invitation from IMLeagues (our scheduling website) via email from the Intramural sport convener inviting you to join your team that your Intramural sport convener has created under your name. This email invite will be sent to the email you registered with. Please log in to IMLeagues (or create an account if you do not already have one) and on your Home Page you will see a “Pending Invitation” to join the team, click on this invitation.

You then must pass a Quiz to join your team’s roster. There are links to the information required to answer the Quiz questions which you will need to open in new tabs/windows in your browser.  A passing grade of 80% (16/20 correct) is needed to be added to your team’s roster. If this grade is not achieved, you will have an unlimited number of attempts to complete the Quiz. Once you pass the Quiz, you must read and accept our waiver to play Intramural Sports at Western University. You have now been added to your team’s roster. Once the Intramural sport convener has made you captain on your roster (does not happen automatically, usually done within 24 hours of passing quiz), you will be able to invite your teammates via email and change your team’s settings (i.e. team name and photo). Please note that the Quiz is not an exhaustive list of all of our Policies and Procedures. The link provided will show all IMS Policies and Procedures.

Once you invite your teammates via email through IMLeagues, your teammates will also have to complete a Quiz to join your team’s roster. A passing grade of 80% (16/20) correct is needed to be added to the team’s roster. If this grade is not achieved, they will have an unlimited number of attempts to complete the Quiz. Once they pass the Quiz, they must read and accept our waiver to play Intramural Sports at Western University.

Schedules will be posted by Friday, January 17 by 12pm at the latest. The first game of the season will begin Sunday, January 19.

If you have any questions, please visit our website for the answer before emailing your Intramural sport convener or Program Coordinator.

ALL Residence Leagues will begin the week of Sunday, January 19.