Accounts Receivable - Customers of Western University
Do you accept credit card payments?
Yes, we accept MasterCard, VISA and American Express credit cards. Payments are processed in CAD. See Payment Options on the Customers of Western page. Or use this direct link http://ar.fin.uwo.ca/
Do you accept EFT payments?
Yes, please contact Accounts Receivable at: 519-661-3870 or accountsreceivable@uwo.ca
Who do I contact for questions regarding account balances and payment options for an invoice I have received?
Questions regarding account balances and payment options should be directed to Accounts Receivable at 519-661-3870 or accountsreceivable@uwo.ca.
Who do I contact for questions regarding content of an invoice I have received?
If you have questions regarding the amount or content of your invoice, contact the issuing unit. The Issued By individuals contact detail is located at the bottom of your invoice.
Who do I contact for questions regarding account balances and payment options for an statement I have received?
Questions regarding account balances, payment options or requests for copies of original invoices should be directed to Accounts Receivable at 519-661-3870 or accountsreceivable@uwo.ca.
What is your HST number?
108162587RT0001 - registered under The University of Western Ontario and Western University
Why wasn't I charged HST on my invoice?
As a University, most of Western's services are exempt from HST.
Who should the cheque be made payable to?
The University of Western Ontario or Western University.
What is your mailing address?
The University of Western Ontario, Financial Services, Accounts Receivable Office, Support Services Building, Suite 6100, London, ON, N6A 3K7
Accounts Receivable - Western Units
Does the University accept credit card payments against invoices?
Yes, we accept MasterCard, VISA and American Express credit cards. Payments are processed in CAD. Customers must enter their own credit card information so please direct your Customers to the Payment Options on the Customers of Western page or use this direct link http://ar.fin.uwo.ca/
Does the University accept EFT payments for invoices?
Yes, please contact Accounts Receivable or have your Customer contact us at: 519-661-3870 or accountsreceivable@uwo.ca Customers usually provide a form that needs to be completed and we will be happy to complete it. All payment notifications should be sent directly to accountsreceivable@uwo.ca so that we can identify the payment.
What do I do if a Customer sends a cheque to the Department?
Send the cheque to the Accounts Receivable Office, SSB 6100. We will deposit the cheque and apply the payment to the invoice.
When is my account credited?
Invoices created and finalized today will be credited to your account overnight. You can check the account inquires the next day to see that the credit is in the account used on the invoice.
Who do I contact for questions regarding an invoice I am creating?
Questions regarding creating an invoice can be directed to Accounts Receivable at 519-661-3870 or accountsreceivable@uwo.ca.
What is the Universities HST number?
108162587RT0001 - registered under The University of Western Ontario and Western University
Do I charged HST on my invoice?
As a University, most of Western's services are exempt from HST. Please review the Harmonized Sales Tax page and look for When Selling to External Parties. The HST tax Table for Sales to External Parties gives a list of many goods and services provided by the University and if HST should be charged. If you still have questions e-mail hst@uwo.ca
Why is the address incorrect on my invoice?
A customer may have more than one billing address. You can view address options under the address tab when creating an invoice.
Why is the contact information incorrect on my invoice?
While contacts are linked to a location, they do not always automatically update when the location is changed. You may have to also change the contact under the address tab.
How can units obtain official, perforated invoice paper?
Contact accountsreceivable@uwo.ca - we can either send a supply to your unit via inter-campus mail or you can opt to pick up a supply at Financial Services.
How do I reprint an invoice?
Sign into Western Financials. Navigate to Billing > Generate Invoices > Non-Consolidated > Reprint Invoices. Add a run control or use an existing one. Enter your invoice Number in the From box. Click Run Ensure the Type is Window and the Format is PDF. Click Ok. The window should launch with the invoice you can print.
What are the Cashier's hours?
The Cashier is available Monday, Wednesday and Friday - 12:00 - 3:00.
Who should a cheque be made payable to?
Cheques must be made payable to "The University of Western Ontario" OR "Western University" OR "UWO".
What Currencies can be deposited?
A Deposit must be for one currency only, we accept: CAD - Canadian cash and cheques; USD - US cash & cheques (except US Postal Money Orders); Foreign - Foreign cheques can be brought to the cashier, the cheque will be sent to the bank and the Canadian equivalent will be credited to your account
Are US Postal Money Orders accepted?
We can accept International Postal Money Orders issued by the United States Postal Service.
How do I arrange for reimbursement of petty cash expenses?
Bring a Petty Cash Reimbursement to the Cashier's Office during open hours.
Do you accept credit card payments?
Yes, for one-time activities we accept MasterCard, VISA and American Express. Payments are processed in CAD. Please visit the Central Cashier page for more information.
Employee Computer Purchase Plan
How do I pay off my Employee Purchase Plan computer Loan?
Contact accountsreceivable@uwo.ca for your current balance and to arrange for payment; cheque, cash, VISA, MasterCard and American Express credit cards are accepted.
What happens with my Employee Purchase Plan Computer Loan when I am no longer a full-time Western employee?
Payment is due immediately. Contact accountsreceivable@uwo.ca for your current balance and to arrange for payment; cheque, cash, VISA, MasterCard and American Express credit cards are accepted.
What happens with my Employee Purchase Plan Computer Loan when I am on a Temporary Leave from Western?
When you are on a leave and will not be receiving a pay from Western e.g. MAT or LTD arrangements to pay the monthly payments need to be made. Contact accountsreceivable@uwo.ca to arrange for payment; cheque, cash, VISA, MasterCard and American Express credit cards are accepted.