Accounts Payable
How do I request a rush payment?
Accounts Payable works to efficiently process invoices in the order they are received, based on vendor payment terms. In the event that a department requires payment of an invoice to be expedited, a request may be sent to:
Accounts Payable
Support Services Building, Suite 6100
1393 Western Road
London, ON N6G 1G9
E: accountspayable@uwo.ca
P: (519) 661-2111 Ext. 83024
Unless otherwise noted, the University’s standard payment terms are net 30 days from the invoice date.
How do I request a stop payment and/or replacement cheque?
In the event that payment does not reach the recipient in a timely manner, or payment was requested in error, a stop payment form should be completed and sent to:
Accounts Payable
Support Services Building, Suite 6100
1393 Western Road
London, ON N6G 1G9
E: accountspayable@uwo.ca
P: (519) 661-2111 Ext. 83024
Whenever possible, please include the original cheque with your request as this will help to expedite processing time. If the original cheque is not received, we will place a stop payment request with our bank.
Please allow up to 4-6 weeks for processing of void payments and/or replacement cheques.
Travel & Expenses
What happens if I lost my receipts?
If original receipts are lost, accidentally destroyed, not provided by the vendor, or are in a foreign language/currency, you should complete the Attestation form . A written explanation of the circumstances must be provided by the Claimant and approved by the Dean, AVP, Vice-Provost, Vice-President, Budget Unit Head or President before the claim will be processed. The form should be submitted to Financial Services along with proof of payment (i.e. credit card statement) where possible.
Can receipts be scanned and emailed or faxed to Financial Services?
As per the Broader Public Sector (BPS) Accountability Act, original, itemized receipts are a mandatory requirement for all expenses except for mileage claims, parking meters, valet parking, tolls and reasonable gratuities paid in cash. As such, we require that the original receipts are sent to Financial Services.
In exceptional circumstances, if receipts are lost while in transit to Financial Services, we will accept electronic copies of the receipts as backup. As such, it is advisable to take photocopies of your receipts prior to sending to Financial Services.
Do you require the itemized receipt for meals, or just the credit card slip?
We require the itemized receipt outlining the items purchased. If the total amount paid is different than the itemized receipt (i.e. due to gratuities), you can include the credit card slip to support the gratuities paid or simply write the gratuity amount on the itemized receipt.
When staying at someone’s house, can I purchase groceries instead of meals?
Yes. The original, itemized receipt should be submitted for reimbursement. The total daily amount claimed should still be in line with the Treasury Board meal and accommodation guidelines.
Are we still able to claim a "per diem" for meal reimbursement when traveling?
You may claim either a meal allowance or the cost of your actual meal (supported by original, itemized receipts, up to the maximum allowable Treasury Board Meal rates).
What happens if I spend more than the Treasury Board meal and accommodation guidelines?
You will be reimbursed up to a maximum of the Treasury Board rate for actual meal expenses, as supported by itemized detail receipts and proof of payment. Those traveling on behalf of Western are expected to exercise fiscal responsibility when choosing restaurants. Please note that the Treasury Board provides meal rates by country, taking into account higher subsistence costs in certain parts of the world.
Can I claim alcohol on an externally funded account?
No. Alcohol is not reimbursable or allowable if the project or program being charged is externally funded.
Alcohol can only be claimed on internally funded grants or operating accounts. It is allowable to charge the meal to an externally funded grant and the alcohol to a separate internally funding grant/operating account.
Are individuals allowed to purchase travel for multiple people? For example multiple air line tickets?
The recommendation is that individuals book their travel through our preferred travel agents and not by using their personal credit and then expensing the items. This way, one individual can book for multiple people easily.
Can I book premium economy or business class airfare?
Travellers are expected to book the lowest-priced, non-stop economy airfare available when booking domestic air travel. Business-class domestic air travel is not allowed. Under extenuating circumstances, such as documented medical reasons, business-class service may be reimbursable where it is normally prohibited, provided the expense is approved by the traveller’s Dean, AVP, Vice-Provost, Vice-President, Budget Unit Head or the President.
With proper approvals, individuals travelling on a long haul flight may book the lowest-priced, non-stop business class airfare, if funds are available and where allowable by the funding source. Approval must be obtained prior to travel by the traveller’s Dean, AVP, Vice-Provost, Vice-President, Budget Unit Head or the President.
Anything above the lowest-priced, non-stop economy airfare needs to be pre-approved. Documentation of this pre-approval should be sent with the original receipts to Financial Services.
How long do I have to submit my expense report and receipts for reimbursement?
All reimbursement requests must be received by Financial Services no later than sixty (60) days after the date of completion of the travel and/or date of incurred expense, cash advances must be cleared within sixty (60) days following the completion of the activity and receipts must be sent to Financial Services within fifteen (15) days from approval of claim. Claims may be rejected or held if receipts, advances and expense reports are not managed within these timeframes.
Is there HST or GST on the Purchase of Books?
Where these are qualifying books, the point-of-sale rebate of the 8% PVAT portion of the HST would apply. The supplier only needs to indicated 5% GST on the invoice.
Is there HST or GST on the Shipping of Books?
Where these are qualifying books, the point-of-sale rebate of the 8% PVAT portion of the HST would apply. The legislation also indicates that where the supplier arranges for the shipping, the supply of the book and the shipping would be considered a single supply of a book and the point of sale rebate would apply to both. Therefore, where the supplier is required to ship the goods under the terms of agreement and continues to be responsible for the goods until they are delivered to Western University, the point-of-sale rebate will apply to the amount payable for the books, including the shipping charged.
However, delivery is considered to be a separate supply where the supplier is not responsible for the shipping of the goods and 13% HST would be charged on the shipping.