New Travel Management Company - Direct Travel

July 27, 2023

Procurement Services is pleased to announce the selection of Direct Travel as the official travel management company (TMC) for Western University.

Direct Travel was the successful proponent for Western’s Travel Management request for proposal (RFP) tender and has been helping Western travelers over the past few months as a supplemental travel agency. This agreement will provide full service and online travel booking.

Benefits of our agreement with Direct Travel:

  • Competitive pricing and discounted rates

  • Plane and train tickets can be charged directly to your speed code

  • Dedicated team who will be familiar with your needs and Western’s Travel and Expense Policy and Procedures.

  • Online booking tool

  • After Hours Support & Emergency Service

  • Dedicated Groups Team

Procurement Services will be working with units over the next few weeks to transition active travelers.

For more information on booking travel, please visit our Preparing to Travel website.

For any questions or to set up your Direct Travel account, please email