Western Campus Recreation Student Staff 2023 Charity Tournament
Western Campus Recreation student staff ran and participated in their annual student staff charity tournament in late November 2023. This event is not only a fun competition for the student staff, but also raises money for some very worthy local causes.
The student staff were very creative on their individual team themes – and they can pick whatever theme they want. So some of the themes included: Minions, Old Folks, Sauces/Condiments, Cards (Kings & Queens of Recreation), Spices, 101 Dalmations and more.
This year’s tournament included over 90 participants on 10 teams, and each team had a different theme. Team Minions won the coveted golden shoe trophy!
This year’s event raised over $1,400, which was the highest amount ever raised by this tournament.
$1,000 was donated to the Unity Project, which supports the relief of homelessness in London, Ontario and $400 was donated to Western Food Support Services, which is a USC student service dedicated to relieving hunger among Western undergraduate students, helping to enable the full participation of students facing barriers of food insecurity. With the rising costs of tuition, housing, childcare, and food, many students are struggling and they provide essential support to Western students.
In addition to the cash donations, there were over 3 large bins full of food donations donated to Western Food Support Services.
“This tournament is one that our student staff look forward to every year. We paused it for a while over the pandemic, but the students were excited to have it back this year.” said Michelle Harvey, Fitness & Wellness Coordinator, Western Campus Recreation. “It is an event that allows the students to not only choose the charities that they raise money to support each year, but also allows them to have some fun and friendly competition with their colleagues. This year’s student staff are an incredible group, who are so supportive of our community; and this year’s fundraising total is reflective of their giving spirit.”
Congratulations not only to the winning Minions team, but also to all the Western Campus Recreation student staff for their incredible support of both our Western community and the London community.