Basketball Regulations

The Intramural sport convener may modify these rules at their discretion. The Intramural sport convener and officials have the discretion to rule on any matter not covered by these rules.
Number of Players
• A minimum of 4 players are required to be present 10 minutes after the scheduled start time to avoid a default (Maximum roster size = 11, minimum 2 of each gender for coed leagues).
• If in the course of the game players leave the game due to ejections or injuries, the game shall continue as long as there are at least three (3) players on the court for each team. Should a team lose enough players as to have less than 3, the game shall be forfeited.
The Game
In general, our rules are governed by the FIBA. Please see our house rules below for exceptions.
I. Games will consist of two, 20-minute RUNNING time halves, with a five minute halftime. The last two minutes of the second half will be stop-time if the score differential is 10 points or less.
II. Each team will be allowed two (2), 30-second time-outs per game, including overtime. Time-outs stop the clock. These can be used at any point during the contest.
III. Substitutions must report to the timer's bench and be beckoned by the official before entering the court.
IV. A Single-Bonus free-throw (1 and 1) will be shot on the seventh (7) and subsequent team fouls in a half. Double-bonus free-throws will be shot on the tenth (10) and subsequent team fouls in a half.
V. Five (5) personal fouls will result in the player being disqualified from the game.
VI. A technical foul will constitute two foul shots by the opposition and will count against the total team fouls and individual personal fouls.
VII. The official will not handle the ball before any throw-in made by a team in their backcourt, except after fouls and time-outs.
VIII. No dunking is allowed in warm-ups. A dunk in warm-ups will result in a technical foul.
II. In cases where teams only have 1 of a particular gender, they must play shorthanded (i.e., 4 [3M:1F] vs. 5), you may not replace the missing person with someone of the opposite gender). If this is not possible, the offending team will default.
III. In cases where both teams default, each team will lose half of their performance bond and the game will be recorded as a scoreless tie.
IV. There are no defensive restrictions.
V. All other intramural house rules are applicable to the coed division.
I. Games will consist of two, 20-minute RUNNING time halves, with a five minute halftime. The last two minutes of the second half will be stop-time if the score differential is 5 points or less.
II. Teams must have 3 players on the court. For co-ed, the gender split must be 2:1 with no restriction on which gender has more players. In cases where teams do not have 3 players they may play shorthanded (i.e., 2 vs. 3 [provided the gender requirements {1M:1F} is are met for coed leagues]). Maximum roster size = 7 (including a minimum of 1 of each gender for coed leagues).
III. Possession will be determined at the beginning of the game by rock, paper, scissors.
IV. After a made basket, possession will alternate.
V. An out of bounds ball in favour of the attacking team, or a defensive foul results in the attacking team taking possession of the ball at the top of the key. At this point, the ball must be “checked” in by the defensive team. Once the ball has been “checked”, one pass must be made before scoring.
VI. On a missed shot attempt or turnover, the opposing team must clear the ball outside the 3-point line.
VII. All baskets scored within the 3-point line will count as 1 point, and any basket made beyond the 3-point line will count as 2 points.
VIII. One official will keep track of the score/time, and fouls.
X. All standard basketball and house rules apply unless otherwise stated.
In general, our rules are governed by the Special Olympics. Please see our house rules below for exceptions.
I. Games must be played in a 3 Special Olympic Athlete to 2 Unified Athlete format.
• Pinnies will be provided for both teams.
• Technical fouls can be given for duplicate numbers.
• In regular season, there will be no overtime. Games tied at the end of regulation will be recorded as such in the standings.
• In playoffs, overtime periods will be two (2) minutes stop-time. There will be no intermissions between periods. Overtime periods will continue until one team is victorious at the end of a period.
• Playoff formats will be determined by the Intramural sport convener.
Playing Field Conditions
• In the event of a problem with lights or leakages, captains will be notified and games will be rescheduled, if possible.
• When in doubt, players should expect the game to be played and arrive at the indoor facility on time. If games get/are to be cancelled the sport convener will send out a message to those affected as soon as the decision to cancel has been made.
Game Reschedules
II. Team Requests for a Reschedule - Unfortunately, once our schedules are released online we only make changes due to facility closure, etc.
III.If you need to reschedule a game, email your opponent to gain their permission to a possible rescheduling. Only if the opponent agrees to a change of game time can you email your Intramural sport convener at least 48 hours prior to the game with your request (and proof of opponent’s agreement). Requests will be accommodated when possible, but are not guaranteed. If you wish to swap game times with another game in your division, you must contact the captains of all teams involved in the game swap. The swap can only occur if all parties agree. This must be completed at least 48 hours prior to the originally scheduled game. Proof of all agreements must be sent to the Sport Convener before the game time swap can be executed.
IV. Forfeit the game: If you give at least 48 hours’ notice to your sport specific convener that your team won't be playing and that the game is a ‘forfeit’. You will lose the game, but not your Performance Bond.