Esports Intramural Leagues/Tournaments

Western Esports Winter 2025 Intramural Leagues Information Page

Western Esports Intramural Leagues in collaboration with WEGA

All players are responsible for reviewing the following league rules and code of conduct. The league will be held within the official Western Esports Intramural Discord and led by “Intramural Officials” or “TOs.” Officials will moderate the games and answer any inquiries that arise within the Discord.

General Information

League of Legends
Rocket League (Duos)


• League of Legends / Valorant: $70.00 + HST (13%)
• Rocket League: $30.00 + HST (13%)

Free Agent (Individual Fee): $15.00 + HST (13%)

Register and pay online at after the payment open date.
**You cannot secure your team's preferred spot until you pay your fees.

Registration Instructions:
In addition to paying the fee (at, participants must also fill out the respective Google form and join the Discord server.

Esports Registration form: Western Esports Intramural Leagues 2025 | Registration Form

Esports Fee & Registration opens Monday, December 16 @ 8:00AM EST
Esports Fee & Registration closes Monday, January 13 @11:59PM EST

Sign-Up Details and Eligibility:
• All participants must be registered as a students of Western University.
• There may be up to two Western Esports players on the same premade team for the same title they compete in (Rocket League is exempt).
• No student can sign up for more than one title (they are run simultaneously).
• If you are signing up with a team, the person who fills out this form will be considered as the Team Captain. Team Captains need to sign up for their FULL TEAM.
         -Make sure all team members have joined the Discord server & stay tuned for more details.
• You can sign up as a free agent/solo player and be matched to a team if there are enough free agents.
• There must be a minimum of 5 players on the registered roster (Valorant and League of Legends).

Contact Info:
To ask any further questions please ping the @Intramural Official role or message any intramural official on Discord (e.g. jahziyah, lindashi).

No substitutes will be accepted mid-league. You can sign up with substitutes when you are creating your team via the registration form. Substitutes must be from Western University.

Free Agent Exception:
We understand that free agent teams (a team consisting of free agents / solo players) may have more trouble with communication and may not have access to subs on the team. Before playoffs, free agent teams are allowed to field any Western student (who is not registered in any Esports Intramural Leagues) as a substitute if a player on their team cannot attend the match. Free agent teams are required to let the TOs know about a substitute at least 30 minutes before their scheduled game.

• If you are LATE, your team will forfeit that game and receive a loss. It is your responsibility to show up latest 10 minutes from the agreed start time to be ready to play.
• Teams without the minimum number of players (5 for League of Legends and Valorant, and 2 for Rocket League) will forfeit the game.
• If you know your team cannot show up with the minimum number of players to a scheduled match, please notify the TOs and the opposing team as early as possible.

League Format

Group stage
Teams will play on the following Sunday evenings on January 19th, January 26th, February 2nd, February 23rd, and March 2nd starting at 5:00 PM EST.  Within the designated game days, teams will play 2 games. Games will be a Best of 1 (BO1) during the group stage.

Playoffs will be single-elimination (one loss means that the team is out of the League) and held on March 9th, 16th, and 23rd starting at 5:00 PM EST

• On March 9th, teams will play up to 3 Best of 1s (BO1)
• On March 16th and 23rd, teams will play 1 Best of 3s (BO3).

Note: The playoffs format is subject to change (any changes will maintain or increase the minimum number of games played in playoffs)

• Group Stages (BO1s)
-January 19 @ 5:00PM EST
-January 26 @ 5:00PM EST
-February 2 @ 5:00PM EST
-February 23 @ 5:00PM EST
-March 2 @ 5:00PM EST
• Playoffs
-Playoffs (3x BO1)
         -March 9 @ 5:00PM EST
-Semi-Finals & Finals (BO3)
         -March 16 @ 5:00PM EST
         -March 23 @ 5:00PM EST

League Prizing
Western Purple Shirt (1 for each winning team member including substitutes)

There will be three titles: League of Legends, Rocket League, and Valorant. Please refer to the following rulebooks corresponding to your game.

Rulebook - League of Legends
Rulebook - Rocket League
Rulebook - Valorant

COMING SOON: Esports Intramural Tournaments
There will be two 1-day esports intramural tournaments occurring for these titles:

February 9: Super Smash Bros.Ultimate
March 30: Teamfight Tactics

More information to be announced in January 2025.