Book a Physical Health Appointment

Western's physical health clinic waiting roomWestern’s Health and Wellness Services is a Residency and Internship site for several emerging professional staff working toward College registration or licensure. Patients may be offered appointments with Residents or Interns supervised by a member of our multidisciplinary professional team appropriate to the service the student has accessed.  

With each appointment, we aim to provide a supportive atmosphere, quality care, and an innovative approach complemented by the diversity of lived experiences among our clinicians and clinicians-in-training.

Student Health & Wellness Services Hours of Operation

Regular Hours
(September - April)

Summer Hours
(May - August)

During Reading Weeks

Statutory Holiday/Long Weekends

Monday to Thursday:
9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.*
*evening clinics will resume the first full week of September (2nd week).

9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.**
**no Saturday clinic before or after reading weeks or on weekends with a statutory holiday.

Sept 3 & 4: 1:30 to 5 p.m.
Sept 5 & 6: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Monday to Friday:
9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Monday to Friday:
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

The clinic is closed on holidays and over the winter break.

Health & Wellness Services are located in Thames Hall, room 2170.

Booking an Appointment

Booking an Appointment with a Doctor

To book an appointment with a doctor at Health & Wellness Services, you can either call or book online.

You can call reception to book an appointment at 519-661-3030. Our staff will be answering calls during clinic hours. When making an appointment, please provide your name, student number, and telephone number.

To book an appointment online, click the link below & follow the instructions.


*Please note that both email and telephone communications are never as private or secure as an in-person interaction in the office. 

Preparing For Your Appointment

Bring Your Health Card

You must provide your health card at each appointment.

Arrive On Time

Unless otherwise instructed, please arrive for your appointment ten minutes early. 


For any mental or physical health appointments, you must check-in with reception in Thames Hall, rm. 2170. After check-in, you will be directed where to go.

Missed or Cancelled Appointments

Health & Wellness Services requires adequate notice for cancellations otherwise No Show/Cancellation Fees will apply.

Students to provide at least 24 hours’ notice of cancellation otherwise a charge will be applied. If you need to cancel your appointment, please call 519-661-3030. Students who do not cancel an appointment at least 24 hours in advance, it will be recorded as missed and a charge will apply. Failure to pay the charges within 30 days will lead to the sealing of your academic records and an additional $50 administrative fee. If you miss two appointments, you may be asked to speak with a professional staff member before your next appointment is booked.

Click here for No Show, Cancellation Policy and Applicable Fees.

* To book a mental health appointment, please visit the Mental Health Appointment page for more information.
** If you are a Western employee, please visit our Employee & Family Health Clinic page to book an appointment.