Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: How do I book a Crisis appointment?

A: Visit Health and Wellness Services in Thames Hall, room 2170, during office hours, or call (519) 661-3030.

Q: What is the difference between a psychiatrist and a mental health counsellor?

A: Mental health counsellors are either social workers, psychotherapists, or masters level interns under supervision who provide brief therapy; psychiatrists are medical doctors who specialize in mental health disorders. Psychiatrists can assess, diagnose, and prescribe medication for specific mental health conditions, but require a general practitioner’s referral.

Q: Who is eligible to access Mental Health Support?

A: Current students (undergraduate and graduate). 

Undergraduate students: 

The University Student's Council Plan covers 100% of the cost of a Registered Psychologist, Registered Psychotherapist, or Registered Social Worker up to a maximum of $1,200 per student year. For more information or to set up your account, click here.

Graduate students:

The SOGS Insurance Plan covers 80% of the cost of a Registered Psychologist, Registered Psychotherapist, or Registered Social Worker for a maximum of $500 per policy year. For more information or to set up your account, click here.

Additionally, many parents have coverage for student dependents up to age 25.

Q: I heard mental health support is confidential. What does that mean?

Your information is kept confidential and only shared with your consent.

Q: Do King's or Huron have mental health support?

King's and Huron University Colleges have mental health supports available on campus.

Kings University College has counselling services available for their students. If you are a Kings student and are interested in accessing their services please call 519-433-3491 ext. 4321. For additional information, click here.

Huron University College has counselling services available for their students. If you are a Huron student and are interested in accessing their services additional information is available here. To book an appointment, contact their Wellness Coordinator at