Safety & Well-being
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Workplace Health
Contact Us
Phone: 519-661-2111 ext. 85472
Fax: 519-661-2016
Monday to Friday
8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Support Services Building
Room 4159
A full-time Occupational Health Nurse is available for medical treatment of occupational and non-occupational illness/injuries, and general health concerns. Emergency care is provided as needed. A part-time Occupational Health Physician is available for consultation.
Occupational Health Surveillance
Health screening is available for all Western employees with identified potential workplace hazards. Occupational health surveillance programs are designed to monitor for health effects of potentially hazardous exposures and provide education about protection and prevention within the work environment.
Each new employee must have a a Hazard Communication Form (HCF) completed by their supervisor and sent electronically to Workplace Health. Once the HCF has been received, qualifying employees will be contacted to schedule a Job Placement Assessment with the Occupational Health Nurse.
The Job Placement Assessment visit includes a discussion about the potential hazards/exposures listed on the HCF that are specific to the individual’s job. A general medical history is taken, relevant immunizations are updated, and screening medical tests are done as needed. The employee in then placed in an annual Health Surveillance Program and may be asked to meet with the Occupational Health Physician.
Employees who have been placed in an annual Health Surveillance Program will be recalled yearly to voluntarily participate in an Annual Health Review visit where workplace hazards are updated along with medical conditions, and relevant immunizations. Occupational Health Surveillance tests will be completed as needed; these may include blood work, hearing tests, or lung function testing.
An employee's Health Surveillance Program will be updated to align with any job changes or new employee needs.
Flu Immunization Clinic
Flu vaccines are administered yearly to protect against influenza (the flu). The vaccine is updated each year because the virus that causes influenza continues to change. Watch for clinic dates and times to be advertised throughout the fall and winter.
Vaccine Recommendations
Western community members are strongly encouraged to receive a COVID-19 booster dose that aligns with their personal eligibility. To determine your eligibility, please visit this Middlesex-London Health Unit resource or the Ontario Government’s booster dose eligibility checker. University community members may receive a COVID-19 booster dose or Influenza (flu) vaccination at one of many pharmacies in London (new window).
Measles cases are being reported in the news and by public health agencies, including the London Middlesex Health Unit (MLHU), which is closely monitoring the situation. Western is working collaboratively with the MLHU to provide information about measles to help our campus community understand the risks and preventative measures.
The latest information about the measles virus from the MLHU can be found on their website.
Ontario residents wanting to view or submit vaccination information can do so by using the following MLHU tool.
Western faculty & staff are encouraged to visit their family physician for vaccination and testing.
Role-specific Vaccination
Some employees at Western require vaccinations that are specific to their role, and these individuals are contacted by Workplace Health to ensure they receive the appropriate vaccinations. These vaccinations can include:
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis B is caused by a virus that affects the liver and can cause permanent damage. It's the biggest cause of liver cancer worldwide. You need your liver to digest food and remove waste from your body.
There are around 150 cases of hepatitis B reported in Ontario each year. People with the disease often become tired, feverish, lose their appetite, and sometimes get yellow skin and eyes (called jaundice). However some people can get the virus and not have any symptoms. That means they can infect someone else without knowing. It is important therefore to get immunized.
In Ontario, this vaccine is routinely offered to students in 7th grade.
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis A is caused by a virus that affects the liver and can cause permanent damage.
This virus is typically spread through the consumption of contaminated food or water. The Hepatitis A vaccine is commonly offered in advance of travel to a developing country.
Tuberculin (TB) Skin Testing
The TB skin test (PDF) is used to find out if someone has been exposed to the TB germ. The test involves putting a small needle just under the skin of the forearm and injecting a small amount fluid. After 48-72 hours, a health care provider will read (interpret) the skin test and a look for a bump (induration). A TB skin test is said to be positive if a bump or induration of a certain size has developed where the needle was given. Individuals will be contacted through Workplace Health if they require a TB skin test.
The following vaccines are available to employees through Workplace Health. Appointments can be booked by calling 519-661-2111 ext. 85472.
Influenza (The Flu)
Faculty and staff should strive to minimize disruption of routine activities with any potential long-lasting illness such as the flu. This vaccine can help reduce the incidence and/or severity of the illness. Flu clinics usually occur in late fall or early winter at various locations on campus and in the London community, based on vaccine availability.
You can book an appointment with Workplace Health if you would like to get your flu shot.
Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis) and Td (Tetanus and Diphtheria)
Tdap is a three-in-one vaccine. It protects people against tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis.
All adults in Canada should be immunized against diphtheria and tetanus. Booster doses of diphtheria and tetanus toxoid-containing vaccine are recommended every 10 years.
We encourage everyone to take responsibility for their health and well-being by keeping up-to-date with their recommended immunization through their primary care physician (family doctor).
Blood Pressure Screening
This service is available to all employees at Western. Employees can have their blood pressure monitored regularly at Workplace Health. Readings are then given to employees for review by their family doctor. You may also learn ways to lower your blood pressure by talking with the nurse and/or picking up blood pressure handouts.
Treatment of Workplace Injuries/Illness Including:
- Falls
- Strains/sprains
- Minor lacerations requiring dressing or sutures
- Needle stick injuries
- Burns
- Chemical/laboratory exposures
- Blood pressure check
Published on and maintained in Cascade CMS.