Health & Wellness Services - Students
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Health & Wellness Services
Thames Hall
room 2170 (Students)
or room 2130 (Employees)
Book Appointments:
519-661-3030 (Students)
519-661-2047 (Employees)
Hours of Operation:
Visit our Appointments page for more info.
*Same-day mental health appointments for students are available Monday – Friday. For after-hours crisis support, click here.
Health and Wellness Services strives to provide an inclusive, respectful, non-judgemental, professional, confidential, and transparent experience for you. To best support you, we ask that you familiarize yourself with the following policies. It is our intention to provide a transparent understanding of responsibilities to each other and our health care system, while striving to ensure an equitable application of policy and provide a superior medical experience.
Your care is a partnership. We provide recommendations and investigations based on the history received from you, and the examination we conduct. Once we make recommendations and investigations, we expect you to complete the requested activities, and to follow-up with your provider on the results.
Appointment times are established by the concern type. To stay on-time, we limit the appointment to the reason booked, however a more urgent medical concern could be raised and its urgency can be assessed by the provider based on their knowledge and experience. Non-urgent concerns can be booked with the provider at another time.
Our providers aim to see you at your appointment time, but we can not guarantee the timing since we have no control over the presentation/events that may occur before you. We appreciate your patience if this occurs.
Prescriptions have a set duration intended to prompt a follow-up so we can reassess its benefit and adjust dosing if needed at the prescribed interval. You are responsible for taking your medications as prescribed and booking follow-up 30 days before they run out.
Prescription renewals should be requested with a scheduled appointment. If you are not able to get an appointment, your pharmacist has the authority to extend your prescription for certain medications until seen. On an exceptional basis, obtaining a prescription refill over the phone can be accommodated until you can be re-assessed at an appointment, but that will incur a cost to you.
Some prescriptions are “controlled” (eg: narcotics, stimulants, sedatives), and are more regulated due to the risk of misuse, addiction, or diversion. Controlled prescriptions require a Letter of Understanding outlining your responsibility to: use the medication as prescribed; only use the same doctor to prescribe (or their delegate); and submit to a random urine drug screen when and where required. Violations of the understanding can result in review and adjustment of the medication.
Specialist referrals occur internally or externally where it is medically appropriate, and the patient and provider agree to the need. Many specialist appointments are in high demand therefore it may take some time to obtain an appointment. If you miss the appointment, you are responsible for rescheduling the missed appointment with that specialist, and we will not source an alternate specialist. If you do not agree with a specialist’s opinion, you may be eligible for a second opinion after discussing the assessment with your provider. We do not support third opinions.
Funded Services
Provincial, federal and insurance plans fund medically necessary services. At each visit, you are required to provide proof of insurance and your provider may bill you when you can not provide the proof. Quebec does not participate in Canada’s reciprocal billings, and Quebec patients will be required to pay for their visit and can submit for reimbursement from the Quebec insurer (RAMQ).
Some services (eg: some wart therapy, forms, cosmetic excisions, 3rd party medicals, prescription renewals without reassessment, certain tests) are not funded and payment is your responsibility. We follow the standard fees set by the Ontario Medical Association (OMA). Your provider can provide you with the fee amount in advance of the service, and consists of assessment, procedure, and form fees.
Missed and late appointments
We experience multiple No show and missed appointments per day. Missed appointments impact others who may want/need an appointment for their medical concern. As well, most of our medical providers are compensated for the patients seen. Missed appointments have a direct impact on their livelihood and our ability to retain our qualified physicians for you. We require 24 hours notice for missed appointments or changes, and a missed appointment fee will be billed otherwise. The fee can range from $50-300 based on the reason and duration booked for the appointment.
A fee will be incurred for any missed appointments with a counsellor (social worker, psychologist, psychotherapist) as these last-minute no-shows/missed appointments has a direct impact on our ability to see other students in a timely manner. To read more about our fee policy, please visit our patient fees page.
Patients are instructed to arrive 10 mins prior to their appointment to allow for check-in and preparation for the visit and keep you and us on time. If you are late beyond: 2 minutes for a 10-minute appointment; 5 minutes for a 20-minute appointment; 10 minutes for a 30-minute appointment, you will be re-booked and a missed appointment fee (see note above) will be levied.
Clinic Practice and Supervision
Medical Learners
You may be asked to see a nursing student, an advanced medical student, or a medical resident (licensed learning doctor), but your case will be reviewed with the supervising physician. You have the right to refuse to see a learner and arrangements can be made for you to see another provider, or in the community at another time.
Clinical Trainees
You may be asked to see a practicum student, intern candidate, or a resident (advanced psychology student), but your case will be reviewed with the supervising social worker, psychotherapist, or psychologist for that clinical specialty. You have the right to refuse to see a learner and arrangements can be made for you to see another provider, or in the community at another time.
Virtual Visits
In-person visits are preferred relative to virtual visits since it allows for a better history and physical examination. Virtual visits may be conducted in rare circumstances where a patient is unable to attend due to their location, and the physician or clinician considers the reason for the visit amenable to a virtual consultation. Virtual visits can not be conducted for patients outside of Ontario, for visits where exams are necessary, or for patients who have not been seen by the scheduled clinician in the previous 2 years.
Choice of Physician/Clinician
Our services aim to provide inclusive respectful care to our patients. Special requests will be considered (ie: change of physician, change of clinician, gender or sex specific medical procedures) but may not be able to be accommodated due to limited available providers. Where we can not provide accommodation, we will provide alternate places where your care may be managed.
Provider Notes and Accommodation
Requests for notes are an uninsured service and appointments booked for this purpose are not medically necessary, therefore a fee for the visit and the note is necessary.
Where a note request occurs after the illness, our providers do not have a method to verify the authenticity of the absence/illness and may: decline completion of the notes/documents; or provide a document indicating the patient was not assessed but reports to have been absent with illness. These notes may be provided without seeing a physician/clinician to avoid the student incurring the cost of an assessment in addition to the note.