Dr. Catherine Neish

Planetary Surfaces

Catherine Neish

Associate Professor
Ph.D. University of Arizona, 2008
Office: BGS 0170
Lab: BGS 0175
Phone: 519-661-2111 x.83188
Fax: 519-661-3198
Email: cneish@uwo.ca
Web: planetneish.ca

Research Interests

My research interests focus on the use of orbital radar observations to study the geology of planetary surfaces, with a particular focus on processes related to impact cratering. Radar represents the best way to observe the surface of planets with large opaque atmospheres, such as Venus and Saturn’s moon Titan, leading to a better understanding of their surface morphology. It also provides a wealth of information about the physical properties of the surface being imaged, revealing features not easily seen with optical data alone.

To pursue my interest in planetary radar, I am involved in several spacecraft missions. I am currently a Co-Investigator on the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter’s (LRO) Mini-RF instrument, and a Co-Investigator on NASA’s Dragonfly mission, which will fly across Titan’s surface to better understand its potential for prebiotic chemistry.

Selected Publications

For a complete listing, see my website.


  • ES 3001B: Astrobiology
  • ES 4435B: Planetary Surface Processes
  • Planetary Science 9603A: Introduction to Planetary Science
  • Planetary Science 9606L: Remote Sensing and Image Analysis for Earth and Planetary Sciences

Future Students

Prospective students should reach out to Dr. Neish for more information.