Step 1: Evaluate Your Workstation


Office Ergonomics

Take the test and see if you have your workstation properly adjusted.  A consistent ‘yes’ answer means you are in good shape and can skip to Step 3.  Answering ‘no’ to any of the questions means you should take a closer look by moving to Step 2.

Posture Assessment

When using the computer are your shoulders relaxed at your sides with your elbows bent to 90 degrees, forearms level and wrists straight?

Yes No

While looking at the monitor or documents, is your neck straight and your head upright and looking forward?

Yes No

Do you typically sit against the back of the chair and is your lower back supported by the curved part of the backrest?

Yes No

Are your legs equally supported by the seat, not in contact with the front edge of the chair and feet fully supported on the floor or footrest?

Yes No

Work Space Assessment

Is there enough room at your desk for tasks and do you have adequate storage space for equipment (i.e. monitor, printer, telephone)?

Yes No

Is there sufficient legroom beneath your desk to change position?

Yes No

Seating Assessment

Do you know how to adjust your chair and is it suited to your tasks?

Yes No

Is your chair adjusted to fully support your feet, legs, back and arms in a position that does not limit access to your work?

Yes No

Computer Assessment

Is the top of the monitor at eye level when seated normally?

Yes No

Is your torso upright and not twisted when working?

Yes No

Are the keyboard and mouse positioned just below elbow level with the wrists straight and shoulders relaxed when seated comfortably?

Yes No

When working is the monitor positioned about an arm’s length away?

Yes No

Is lighting even and without glare from overhead lights or windows?

Yes No


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