Aleksandra Zecevic, PhD


  • MSc, PhD (Western University, Canada)
  • BSc, MSc (University of Sarajevo, Yugoslavia)

Graduate Program Supervision

  • Health & Rehabilitation Sciences, Health and Aging Field MSc | PhD

Research In Profile

The focus of professor Aleksandra Zecevic's research program is on improvement of safety among the older adults by preventing falls and fall-related injuries in later life. She uses multidisciplinary research approach that has included gerontology, human factors, and biomechanics. The objectives of this research are to decrease incidence of falls, minimize severity of injury, establish evidence-based and system-wide prevention programs, improve organizational safety culture, and inform policy makers about financial burden of unintentional injuries related to falling. Her projects are related to organizational safety, knowledge translation and capacity building in health care organizations and the community.

Featured Publications and Projects

Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals

  • Ming, Y., Zecevic, A., Booth, R., Hunter, SW., Tirona, R. & Johnson, A (2022). Medication prescribed within One Year prior to Fall-related Injuries in Ontario Older Adults. Canadian Geriatrics Journal, 25(4), 347–367.
  • Ming, Y., Zecevic, A. A., Hunter, S. W., Miao, W., & Tirona, R. G. (2021). Medication review in preventing older adults' fall-related injury: a systematic review & meta-analysis. Canadian Geriatrics Journal, 24(3), 237–250. 
  • Donelle, L., Regan, S., Kerr, M., Zwarenstein, M., Bauer, M., Warner, G., Isaranuwatchai, W., Zecevic, A., Borycki, E., Forbes, D., Weeks, L., Leipert, B., & Read, E. (2020). Caring near and far by connecting community-based clients and family member / friend caregivers using passive remote monitoring: Protocol for a pragmatic randomized controlled trial. JMIR Research Protocols, 9(1), e15027.
  • Schierholtz, T., Carter, D., Kane, A., Kemp, O., Gallant, C., Sheikh, B., William, J., Zecevic, A. (2019). Impact of lift assist calls on paramedic services: A descriptive study. Prehospital Emergency Care, 23(2), 233-240.
  • Watson B., Salmoni, A., Zecevic, A. (2019). Case analysis of factors contributing to patient falls. Clinical Nursing Research, 28(8), 911-930.
  • Brennan, D., Zecevic, A.A., Sibbald, S.L., & Nolte, V. (2018). “I just roll over, pick myself up, and carry on!” Exploring the fall-risk experience of Canadian masters athletes. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 26, 599-607.
  • Leat, S.J., Zecevic, A.A., Keeling, A., Hileeto, D., Labreche, T., & Brymer, C. (2018) Prevalence of vision loss among hospital in-patients: A risk factor for falls. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics, 38, 106-114.

Visit Google Scholar for a comprehensive list of publications.

Current Grants and Research Projects

  • Zecevic, A. & Western International (2021-2025). Aging Globally: Building Global Skills by Studying Health and Aging in Scandinavia. Global Skills Opportunity, Universities Canada. $467,820 + $500,000 in kind.
  • Skeie-Skarpaas, L., Lund, A., Thordardottir, B., Giannoumis, A., Habib, L., Güler, E., Myklebostad, A., Gerritse, E., Zecevic, A., Vikström, S., Stelly-Gústafsdóttir, S. (2021-2025). Occupational Therapists as Responsible Global Citizens: Internationalization of the curriculum addressing diversity, innovation and occupational justice. DIKU - The Norwegian Agency for International Cooperation and Quality Enhancement in Higher Education. $500,000.
  • Bjørnnes, A.K., et al. (2021-2025). OsloMet MOVES (Mobilitet Organisert Ved Egen Sykepleieutdanning). DIKU - The Norwegian Agency for International Cooperation and Quality Enhancement in Higher Education. $854,024.
  • Recipients of the 2020 3M Fellowship (2020-2022). Documenting and activating educational leadership and authentic teaching. Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 3M National Teaching Fellowship Grant. $25,000.
  • Akai, S., Zecevic, A., Fukui, M. (2020-2021). COVID-19 inspired model of inter-generational virtual visiting to reduce isolation of residents at a Japanese retirement home in Ontario. SSHRC Partnership Engage Grants. $24,954.
  • Swartzman, L., Burkell, J., Garnett, A., Katchabaw, M., Quan-Haase, A., Vasudev, A., Vingilis, E., Zecevic, A. (2000-2021). A needs assessment for a trial to use synchronous video technology (SVT) to easily connect lonely older adults with their pre-existing social support networks. Western Research Catalyst Grant 2020. $45,647.
  • Zecevic, A. & Mantler, T. (2019-2020). Impact of innovative engaged learning in higher education on career development: A pilot study. Western University Fellowship in Teaching Innovation Award. $10,000.

Featured Graduate Student Projects

Nature's prescription for physiotherapy rehabilitation

  • Struthers, Nicole (2022-present). Combined PT/PhD program, Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Physiotherapy Field; Co-Supervisor with Birmingham, T.

Population-based Studies on Medications and Fall-related Injury in Older Adults

  • Ming, Yu (2020). PhD., Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Health and Aging Field. Recipient of the Ontario Graduate Scholarship 2018-19 ($15,000); Supervisor.

Fall Prevention in an Acute Care Hospital: The Challenges Encountered by Patients, Staff and Administrators

  • Watson, Barbara (2017). PhD, Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Health and Aging Field; Co-supervisor with Salmoni, A.

Better Solutions: A Comparative Analysis of Long-Term Care Home Policies in Canada, China and Japan

  • Wu, Chaoran (2022). MSc, Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Health and Aging Field; Supervisor. International graduate student.

Descriptive Analysis of Fall-Related Injuries Among Older Adults in Ontario

  • Lappan, Nicolette (2021). MSc, Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Health and Aging Field; Supervisor.

Exploring the Effects of the Cycling Without Age Program on Older Adults Living in Long-Term Care

  • Cotnam, Victoria (2020). MSc, Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Health and Aging Field; Supervisor. Recipient of the Mitacs Accelerate Internship ($15,000).

Exploring the Fall-Risk Experience of Masters Athletes Actively Competing in Sport

  • Brennan, Dylan (2015). MSc, Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Health and Aging Field; Supervisor. Recipient of the Western University Graduate Student Teaching Award and nominee for the Governor General of Canada Gold Medal for outstanding scholastic achievement.

Visit Scholarship@Western for a list of completed student theses and dissertations in the repository.

Graduate Student Opportunities

I encourage my graduate students to learn the research process through thesis topics influenced by their own personal interests that align with my program of research. I supervise graduate students in the Health and Aging Field of the Health and Rehabilitation Sciences (HRS) Program at Western University.

Additional Information

Academic Appointments and Research Affiliations

  • CIHR, RNAO, ONF, OSN, New Horizons for Seniors, Mitacs
  • Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences (ICES)
  • Simon Fraser University Gerontology Research Centre, and University of British Columbia Hip Health Centre, Vancouver, BC
  • Associate Scientist with Lawson Health Research Institute since 2014, collaborator with London Health Sciences Centre and St. Joseph’s Health Care London
  • The University of Western Ontario collaborators: Ivey School of Business, Social Sciences, Engineering, Teaching Support Centre
  • Community partners: Age Friendly London Network, Alzheimer Society, Parkinson Society, Revera Living, Chelsey Park, Dearness Home, VON, CCAA, Cherryhill Healthy Aging Program

Media Highlights

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  • STLHE 3M National Teaching Fellow (2020)
  • Fellowship in Teaching Innovation Award from Western University (2019)
  • Edward G. Pleva Teaching Award for Excellence in Teaching at Western University (2018)
  • Western University International Curriculum Development Fund Award for development of the course Aging Globally: Lessons from Scandinavia (2016) and Lessons from Japan (2019), $31,500.
  • International D2L Brightspace Innovation Award in Teaching and Learning, from the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Canada (2015)
  • Pillar Non-profit Community Innovation Award for Community Collaboration (2012)
  • Western Community Service-Learning Award (2011)
  • Faculty of Health Sciences Teaching Award of Excellence (2011)
  • Bank of Nova Scotia, the UWO Alumni Association and the University Student’s Council Award of Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching (2010)
  • Canadian Institutes for Health Research, Institute of Aging ‘Age Plus Prize’ (2007)

Professional Activities

  • Member of the Canadian Association on Gerontology since 2003
  • Fellow of the Gerontological Society of America (2016) and member since 2003
  • Invited reviewer for Canadian Journal on Aging, the Open Longevity Science Journal, the Archives of
  • Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, BioMed Central, the Australian Occupational Therapy Journal and the Journal of Aging and Physical Activity.
  • Collaborator on the Technology for Injury Prevention in Seniors (TIPS), SFU and UBC, Vancouver, BC.
  • Invited external expert at the European Union consensus building meeting for the FARSEEING project, Stuttgart, Germany.
  • Invited expert and panel member for the development of the RNAO Best Practice Guideline: Prevention of Falls and Fall Injuries (2016-2017)