Experiential and International Learning Opportunities


The School of Health Studies offers students opportunities to enhance their educational experience and explore additional learning opportunities with courses that include experiential learning. When students enroll in these courses, they get the chance to apply their theoretical knowledge in real-world environments. These courses could include independent research, a practicum, community engaged learning, or an international experience.

Community Engaged Learning Courses (CEL)

The following courses offered by the School of Health Studies integrates service to the community as a part of the course curriculum. Part of earning credit for the course will be participation in a placement or project for a community organization. Students will be able to gain hands-on practical experience and develop professional skills, and our community partners gain fresh, new perspectives and will have the chance to implement the work our students complete.

Aging and Community Health - HS4705B

Focusing on innovative multi-sectorial collaborative models to support economical, optimal aging at home for older adults with multiple chronic diseases, the objective of this course is to introduce students to the concepts of active aging, consumer engagement in health, community capacity development, and the role of communities in promoting health.

Prerequisites: Registration in the third or fourth year of the School of Health Studies.

Extra Information: Blended learning; 2 lecture hours and 1 hour online/experiential activity

The Aging Body - HS3701B

This course examines the complexities of aging from a physiological perspective and provides students with learning opportunities to examine normal and abnormal aging, theories of aging, common conditions associated with aging, compression of morbidity, the concept of frailty, aging as a developmental process, and the complex interaction of disease, disability and function with advancing age.

Prerequisites: Health Sciences 2300A/B, Health Sciences 2700A/B and Health Sciences 2711A/B

Environmental Health Promotion - HS3240B

Responding to the health needs of an aging population, this course will examine global aging and investigate issues unique to aging populations. Topics include demographic and population trends, global burden of disease, evolving models of care, contextual factors such as the environment, health system design and capacity, age-friendly cities and health policy considerations driven by an aging population.

Prerequisites: Health Sciences 2711A/B; or registration in third or fourth year of the Honours Specialization or Specialization in Global Health Studies at Huron University College.

Scandinavian Opportunities

The School of Health Studies has recognized that Canada’s healthcare system has much in common with that of Scandinavian countries: universal healthcare systems, worldviews about excellence in research, models of social care, old age security, and settlement of refugees, to name a few.

Aging Globally: Lessons from Scandinavia - HS3721B

Aging Globally is an international course that introduces students to healthcare systems, public health policies, homecare delivery practices, hospitals, long-term care homes, aging research and exemplary community initiatives in three Scandinavian countries: Norway, Sweden and Denmark. The objective of the course is to explore and identify what we can learn from arguably the best healthcare systems in the world when it comes to disease prevention, management of chronic disease, well-being, and health-related quality of late life. The course is a third year, half course (0.5 FCE) elective in the winter term. It will start with seven bi-weekly two-hour mandatory lectures and conclude with a 10-day trip through Scandinavia in early May. While traveling, students will engage in continuous reflection, including blogging, journaling, and nightly de-briefings. Course assessments will include pre-departure team presentations, in-trip team presentation, ongoing reflections, and individual e-Portfolios.

Aging Globally: Lessons for Scandinavia requires an application, which is due on Friday, October 12, 2023 at 4 pm. 

For more information on Aging Globally, please contact Professor Aleksandra Zecevic at azecevi2@uwo.ca.

International Summer Internships in Scandinavia

Students can receive funding to support a summer internship in Scandinavia. Internships are 6 weeks long and can be paid or unpaid. The School of Health Studies will be liaising with Scandinavian organizations and will work directly with interested students to coordinate internships. Students are also welcome to find their own opportunity. Internships must be approved by the School of Health Studies.

Students will be enrolled in the intersession course HS4995A/B and will receive course credit. Regular tuition fees will apply.

For more information on summer internships in Scandinavia, please email the FHS Experiential Learning team at experiencefhs@uwo.ca.

Exchanges in Scandinavia

Students who pursue a one-term or full-year exchange in a Scandinavian country can apply for scholarships on the International Web page. Exchange opportunities that are currently approved by Western can be found through the Western International Atlas portal.