Academic Advising
Academic Advisors
Program Manager, Undergraduate Student Services
For all other inquiries, please contact the School of Health Studies:
Phone: 519-661-4119
It is the responsibility of the student to:
- Double check the examination schedule for their courses
- Ensure that any examination conflicts are dealt with ahead of time
- Not make any travel plans until after the last day of exams, particularly before the final exam schedule is posted
- Be aware that morning examinations are typically held at 9 a.m.; except Sundays, which are at 10 a.m.
Class Conflicts
If you have a class conflict with an exam/test you will need academic accommodation to move the exam/test. Please stop by the front desk of the Academic Advising Office during business hours, at which time you can submit a Request for Academic Consideration Form. After your academic advisor has been in touch with your instructor regarding the conflict, it is then your responsibility to connect with your instructor regarding accommodation.
Midterm Test/Exam Conflicts
If you have two exams/tests at the same time, please stop by the front desk of the Academic Advising Office during business hours, at which time you can submit a Request for Academic Consideration Form. You will need to list both exams/tests, including the day and times, and then indicate which exam you hope to move. In situations where there is an in-class midterm and a midterm outside of class hours the in-class midterm takes priority.
Midterm/Test: 3 in 23 hours
The School of Health Studies will extend the University Exam Conflict Policy of 3 exams in 23 hours to midterm exams/tests provided that each midterm exam/test is worth 15% or more of the final grade. Please stop by the front desk of the Academic Advising Office during business hours, at which time you can submit a Request for Academic Consideration Form. Each case is reviewed separately and students must show how much the course component is worth when completing the paperwork. Course outlines may be required. If approved, we will allow you to move one of your midterm exams/tests in order to eliminate the 3 in 23 conflict. In situations where there is an in-class midterm and a midterm outside of class hours the in-class midterm takes priority.
Final Examination Conflicts
Please refer to the Registrar’s Office for examination conflict information.
Students who have direct examination conflicts or multiple examination situations during the December mid-year examination and April examination periods will be emailed instructions, by the Office of the Registrar, as to how to make alternative arrangements.
The Health Studies Academic Advising Office will also accommodate SHS students who have direct conflicts or multiple examination situations during the mid-term examination periods. Please stop by the front desk of the Academic Advising Office during business hours, at which time you can submit a Request for Academic Consideration Form.
NOTE: A December examination conflict involving a mid-term and a final examination will require the rescheduling of the mid-term, not the final exam
Accommodation Requests
Holy Days
Students should first verify the conflict with the Final Exam Schedule and then visit their academic advisor to request accommodation.
Sleeping In/Misreading the Timetable/Flight Arrangements
These are not considered grounds for accommodation and professors are not required to set a special examination for students who miss an exam due to such reasons. Students who are only 30 minutes late for an examination may be given permission to start it. Students are expected to schedule vacations and flights that do not conflict with the examination schedule.
Medical Illness/Compassionate Issues
Students should contact their Academic Advising office immediately in person or by email to notify them of an illness and should also follow through with their professor(s) by email.
For medical illnesses students should visit a Physician and have them complete a medical form.
For compassionate issues students should obtain appropriate documentation on letterhead (or as instructed by the Academic Advising Office).
When students are well enough they should bring their documentation to the Academic Advising Office to discuss arranging an alternative examination. Accommodation of this nature will not be given without appropriate documentation.