Jennifer Irwin, PhD
- PhD (Waterloo)
- MA (Dalhousie)
- BA (Wilfrid Laurier)
Graduate Program Supervision
Research In Profile
My health promotion research includes interrelated and overlapping streams that centre around health-related behaviours and behaviour change interventions. My program of research primarily encompasses: (1) motivational interviewing applied through Co-active life coaching interventions; and (2) understanding and promoting healthy lifestyle behaviours related to physical activity, sedentary engagements, sleep, mindfulness, prosocial practices, nomophobia, resilience, and healthy body weights .
Featured Publications and Projects
- Irwin, J.D., Burke, S.M., Insel, P., Roth, W. (2019). Core Concepts in Health, Third Canadian edition. Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson Chapters and Entries in Books and Dictionaries
Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals
- Fried, R. R., Karmali, S., & Irwin, J. D. (2022). Minding many minds: An assessment of mental health and resilience among undergraduate and graduate students: A mixed methods exploratory study. American Journal of College Health, 70(3), 898-910. https://doi:10.1080/07448481.2020.1781134
- Shillington, K. J., Vanderloo, L. M., Burke, S. M., Ng, V., Tucker, T., & Irwin, J. D. (2022). A Cross-Sectional Examination of Canadian Adults’ Prosocial Behaviour During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Rural Mental Health.
- Shillington, K. J., Vanderloo, L. M., Burke, S. M., Ng, V., Tucker, T., & Irwin, J. D. (2021). Ontario Adults’ Health Behaviors, Mental Health, and Overall Wellbeing During COVID-19. BMC Public Health, 21(1679), 1-15.
- Moulin, S.M, Prapavessis, H., Tucker, P, & Irwin, J.D. (2021): Using mixed-method feasibility studies to examine the impact of a mobile standing desk on undergraduates’ sedentary time. Journal of American College Health. https://doi:10.1080/07448481.2020.1865974
- Ly, H., Lee, C. J., & Irwin, J. D. (2021). Step on up! A multi-component health promotion intervention to promote stair climbing. Health Education Journal. https://doi:10.1177/0017896920987586
- Karmali, S., Battram, D. S., Burke, S. M., Cramp, A., Johnson, A. M., Mantler, T., Morrow, D., Ng, V., Pearson, E. S., Petrella, R. J., Tucker, P., & Irwin, J. D. (2020). Perspectives and impact of a parent-child intervention on dietary intake and physical activity behaviours, parental motivation, and parental body composition: A randomized controlled trial. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17.
- Rudkovska, A., Sui, W., & Irwin, J.D. (2020). Assessing the prevalence and severity of smartphone addiction in post-secondary students: A brief report. American Journal of College Health, 1-5.
Visit Google Scholar for a comprehensive list of publications.
Current Grants
- Irwin, J.D. & Meadows, K. Leveraging Kindness to Enhance Post-secondary Students' Academic Success: A Transdisciplinary Synthesis. 2021-2022. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. $24,804 awarded.
Graduate Student Projects
Kindness as an Intervention for Student Social Interaction Anxiety, Resilience, Affect, and Mood: The KISS of Kindness Study II.
- Shillington, Katie (2020). MSc, Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Health Promotion Field.
A Coaching and/or Education Intervention Targeting Physical Activity and Nutrition Behaviours in Parents with Overweight/Obesity and Their Children.
- Karmali, Shazya (2020). PhD, Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Health Promotion Field.
The Creation and Application of a Validated Tool to Measure the Impact of Mobile Standing Desks on Undergraduate Students’ Sedentary Time
- Moulin, Marc (2019). PhD, Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Health Promotion Field.
Breaking Under/Grad - Assessing and Addressing Stress, Anxiety, and Resiliency Among Undergraduate and Graduate Students via Motivational Interviewing and A Smart, Healthy Campus Intervention
- Fried, Rebecca (2019). PhD, Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Health Promotion Field.
Routines to Enhance Active Lifestyles (REAL) Projects: A Pilot Program to Promote Incidental Physical Activity
- Ly, Hieu (2019). PhD, Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Health Promotion Field.
Visit Scholarship@Western for a comprehensive list of completed student theses and dissertations.
Additional Information
Teaching Philosophy
- Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations Teaching Award (2019)
- Leadership in Wellness Award (2017)
- Edward G. Pleva Award for Excellence in Teaching (2015)
- Faculty of Health Sciences Teaching Award of Excellence (2014 )
- Award of Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching: Western University Alumni Association and the University Students' Council (2013 & 2005)
- Canada Obesity Network Student and New Professional Faculty Supervision Award (2011)
Professional Activities
- Manuscript and granting agency reviewer
- Actively engaged in School, Faculty, University, and community service roles