Core Faculty
Members of the Centre’s Core Faculty are appointed from their respective academic units within Western and Affiliated University Colleges...
The following themes are indicative of the teaching interests and strengths of the Centre:
Social and Political Thought
Continental Philosophy
Visual Culture
Marxist Theory
Post-Humanist Theory
Linguistics and Rhetorical Theory
18th & 19th Century Philosophy and History of Thought
Additional research areas include Biopolitics and Governmentality; Feminist Theory; Historiography; Post-Colonial Theory; Disciplines Y (Inter)disciplinarity; Aesthetics; Media Theory; Cultural Studies; Queer Theory; Critical Race Theory; Gender Studies; Disability Studies; and Organizations of Knowledge.
This list is by no means exhaustive and reflects the teaching/research strengths and interests of our present faculty. Core faculty move in and out of certain areas of theory. Courses offered at the Centre reflect faculty research interests and their intersections with various areas of theory.
Select the name of a core faculty member below or scroll down the page to learn more about their research areas and contact information.
Faculty can view a copy of the Theory Centre Constitution here.
Imants Baruss
Doctoral membership
Professor, Psychology, King’s University College
Research Areas
- Consciousness Studies
- Postmaterialism
- Mathematical Modelling
Selected Publications
- Barušs, I. (2023). Death as an Altered State of Consciousness: A Scientific Approach. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association
Thomas, K., & Barušs, I. (2022). Psychological characteristics and state integration of a persistent altered state of consciousness following an eighteen week self-development course. Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice.
Kadler, G., Vasudev, A., Ionson, E., & Barušs, I (2022). Unintended deviations of a random event generator by patients with late life depression and anxiety during a direct mental influence task. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease.
Barušs, I. (2021). Radical Transformation: The Unexpected Interplay of Consciousness and Reality. Imprint Academic.
Collesso, T., Forrester, M., & Barušs, I. (2021).The effects of meditation and visualization on the direct mental influence of random event generators. Journal of Scientific Exploration 35(2), 313–346.
Lai, K. S. P., Watt, C., Ionson, E., Barušs, I., Forchuk, C., Sukhera, J., Burhan, A. M., & Vasudev, A. (2020). Breath Regulation and yogic Exercise An online Therapy for calm and Happiness (BREATH) for frontline hospital and long-term care home staff managing the COVID-19 pandemic: A structured summary of a study protocol for a feasibility study for a randomised controlled trial. Trials, 21(17), 648.
Barušs, I. (2020). Alterations of Consciousness: An Empirical Analysis for Social Scientists, Second Edition. American Psychological Association.
Barušs, I. (2019). Categorical modelling of conscious states. Consciousness: Ideas and Research for the Twenty-First Century, 7(7), 1–10.
Peckham, S. B., Ionson, E., Nassim, M., Ojha, K., Palaniyappan, L., Gati, J., Thebérge, J., Lazosky, A., Speechley, M., Barušs, I., Rej, S., & Vasudev, A. (2019). Sahaj Samadhi meditation vs a Health Enhancement Program in improving late-life depression severity and executive function: Study protocol for a two-site, randomized controlled trial. Trials, 20(1), 605. doi:10.1186/s13063-019-3682-z
Barušs, I. (2018). Meaning fields: Meaning beyond the human as a resolution of boundary problems introduced by nonlocality. EdgeScience, 35, 8–11.
Barušs, I. & Mossbridge, J. (2017). Transcendent mind: Rethinking the science of consciousness. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Theory and Criticism Theses Supervised
- Monika Mandoki, Are Near-Death Experiences Veridical? A Philosophical Inquiry, PhD thesis 2021 (co-supervised with Antonio Calcagno)
Nandita Biswas Mellamphy
Doctoral membership
Email: nbiswasm[at]
Associate Professor, Political Science
On sabbatical July 1 - Dec 31, 2024
Research Areas
- Political Thought (Antiquity to Contemporaneity)
- Post-Humanism & Neuro-Cognition
- Network-Centric War & Media
- War on Terror and the Politics of Fear
- Nietzsche & Contemporary Theory
Selected Publications
Nandita Biswas Mellamphy and Jacob Vangeest, Human, all too human? Anthropocene narratives, posthumanisms, and the problem of “post-anthropocentrism”, The Anthropocene Review, 2024, DOI 10.1177/20530196241237
Biswas Mellamphy, N. Humans “in the Loop”?, Nature and Culture, 16(1), 11-27. 2021.
Biswas Mellamphy, N. “Rethinking Democracy”. In What is Democracy and How Do We Study It? Cameron Anderson and Laura Stephenson (eds.). University of Toronto Press, 191-206. 2021.
Biswas Mellamphy, N. “L’informe Cybernétique: Concepts of Information and the Contemporary Sciences”. In Philosophy and Technology, Volume 20, Issue 2, June 2015, DOI 10.1007/s13347-015-0205-z.
Biswas Mellamphy, N. and Dan Mellamphy, “The Critique of Transcendental Miserablism”. Parrhesia: The Journal of Critical Philosophy, number 22, 2015, 131-143.
Biswas Mellamphy, N. “Nietzsche’s Political Materialism: Diagram for a Nietzschean Politics.” In Nietzsche and Political Theory, Barry Stocker and Manuel Knoll (eds.). Berlin: De Gruyter, 2014.
Dan Mellamphy and Nandita Biswas Mellamphy, "From the Digital to the Tentacular, or From iPods to Cephalopods: Apps, Traps, and Entrées-without-Exit". In The Imaginary App, eds. Svitlana Matviyenko and Paul Miller (Boston: MIT Press), 2014.
Biswas Mellamphy, N. "Nietzsche and the Engine of Politics." In Nietzsche and Political Thought, Keith Ansell-Pearson (ed.). London: Bloomsbury Press, 2013, 141-160.
Biswas Mellamphy, N. “Nietzsche’s Experimental Ontology”. In Nietzsche’s Therapeutic Teaching: For Individuals and Culture. Horst Hutter and Eli Friedland (eds.). London: Continuum Press, 2013.
Theory and Criticism Theses Supervised
- Jacob Vangeest, Critical Post-Humanism as Problematic: Epistemological, Ethical, and Teleological Gestures for the Future of Post-Humanity, PhD 2024
- Suarjan Prasai, Algorithmic Hypnosis, MA 2023
- Jeremy R. Smith, The Cave and The Stars: On the People and Democracy of Non-Philosophy, PhD 2023
- Jacob Vangeest, Nietzschean Problematics, MA 2020
- Michelle Liu: com-posing abolitionist≠posthumanism: notes on incommensurability, incomputability and incognita syn-aesthetics, MA 2020
- Michael Saunders: Without Religion: Non-Philosophy and Messianism, MA 2014
- Karen McEwen: Extra-Capitalist Thought, MA 2013
- Laura Rooney: Contemplating Suicide, MA 2011
Tim Blackmore
Research Areas
- war and technology, the body, self, popular culture, art
- trauma and crisis in narrative structures and memory
- graphic novels, comics of all kinds
- theorizing technology
- science fiction and the machinic imagination
Selected Publications
War X: Human Extensions in Battlespace (Toronto: U of T Press, 2005)
Theory and Criticism Theses Supervised
- Daniel McFadden, Viral Possibilities: Media, the Body, and the Phenomenon of Infection, MA thesis, 2015
- Sarah Warren, For the Good of the Thing, MA thesis, 2015
- John Reed: Postmodern Frontier Anxiety: Utopia, State, and the Dynamics of Power at Waco and Ruby Ridge, MA thesis, 2003
Janelle Blankenship
Doctoral membership
Associate Professor, English and Writing Studies
On sabbatical July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025
Research Areas
- Frankfurt School
- literary/critical theory
- media history and film; phenomenology of perception
- theories of temporality, nature and utopia
19th-20th century German literature
Selected Publications
Translations, reviews and articles on Georg Lukács, literary modernism, film theory and early cinema published in Cinema & Cie, KINtop, Modernist Cultures, New Formations, New German Critique, Polygraph.
Theory and Criticism Theses Supervised
- Yiling Hu, Assemblage, Paradox, and Becoming-cat: Making Videogames with Deleuze and Guattari, MA thesis 2024
- Heather Twele, A Critical Phenomenological Inquiry into Disabled Embodiment and Identity, MA thesis 2023
- Michael A. Bodkin, Grounds for a "Third Place": The "Starbucks Experience," Sirens, and Space, PhD thesis 2023
- Lucas Dvorsky, The Digital Extreme: Cinema's Reality Crisis in a Nostalgic Age, MA thesis, 2022
- Christina Elle Burke, Futures of Film Criticism: Aesthetics, Cinephilia, Philosophy, and Politics, PhD thesis, 2022, (co-supervised with John Vanderheide)
- Alexander McIntosh, Towards A Poetics of Representation in 'London, Ontario': or, Local and Universal Passages, MA thesis, 2021 (co-supervised with Michael Gardiner)
- Taylor McGoey, Toward a Fluid Cinematic Spectatorship and Desire: Revisiting Laura Mulvey’s Psychoanalytic Film Theories , MA thesis, 2020 (co-supervised with John Vanderheide)
- Kathryn Carney, Encountering Others: Degeneration, Distortion, and Disability in Interwar German Visual Culture, 1918-1933 , MA thesis, 2020
Jonathan Boulter
Research Areas
- psychoanalysis, poststructuralism, literary theory, Beckett, digital culture, gaming
Selected Publications
Samuel Beckett: A Guide for the Perplexed. London: Continuum, 2008.
Interpreting Narrative in the Novels of Samuel Beckett. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2001.
Cultural Subjects: A Popular Culture Reader. Toronto: Thomson Nelson, 2005. Co-Edited with Allan Gedalof, Joel Faflak, and Cameron McFarlane.
Articles/chapters: “Posthuman Melancholy: Digital Games and Cyberpunk.” In Beyond Cyberpunk: New Critical Perspectives. Eds. Sherryl Vint and Graham Murphy. New York: Routledge, 2010. 135-54.
“Archives of the End: Embodied History in Beckett’s Plays.” In Samuel Beckett: History Memory Archive. Eds. Sean Kennedy and Katherine Weis. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. 129-49.
“Borges and the Trauma of Posthuman History.” In Cy-Borges: Memories of the Posthumanism in the Work of Jorge Luis Borges. Ed. Ivan Callus and Stefan Herbrechter. New York: Bucknell UP, 2009. 179-215.
“Writing Guilt: Haruki Murakami and the Archives of National Mourning.” English Studies in Canada. 32.1: (2006): 125-45.
“The Melancholy Archive: Jose Saramago’s All the Names.” Genre. 36 3-4 (2005): 115-43.
“Virtual Bodies; or, Cyborgs are People Too.” In Digital Gameplay: Essays on the Nexus of Game and Gamer. Ed. Nathan C. Garrelts. Jefferson: McFarland, 2005. 52-68.
Theory and Criticism Theses Supervised
- Elizabeth Song, Spirals: Spacing, Trauma, Becoming, and Autoimmunity with Caruth, Derrida, Freud, Itō, and Miyazaki, MA thesis, 2019
- Joseph Leivdal, Subjectivity, Passion, and Mystical Intuition: Nietzsche's Early Writing, MA thesis, 2018 (co-supervised with Charles Stocking)
- Andrew Evans, An Esoteric Doctrine: Nietzsche's Politics and Way of Life, MA thesis, 2015
- Christopher Langlois, Literature in the Archive of Terror: Badiou, Blanchot, Beckett, PhD thesis, 2014
Antonio Calcagno
Doctoral membership
Professor, Philosophy at King's University College
On sabbatical July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025
Research Areas
- 19-21 st century social and political philosophy
- Renaissance philosophy, Continental philosophy
- Aesthetics
- Phenomenology
- Contemporary theory, subjectivity and intersubjectivity, community, statehood
Selected Publications
Antonio Calcagno, On Political Impasse: Power, Resistance, and New Forms of Selfhood (London: Bloomsbury Press, 2022), xxii + 198pp.
Antonio Calcagno, Lived Experience from the Inside Out: Social and Political Philosophy in Edith Stein, (Pittsburgh: Duquesne University Press: 2014), xvi + 231pp. Winner of the Edward Goodwin Ballard Book Prize in Phenomenology for best book in Phenomenology 2014.
The Philosophy of Edith Stein (Pittsburgh: Duquesne University Press, 2007), xv + 151 pp. Selected by Choice for public libraries.
Reading Continental Philosophy and the History of Thought, eds. Christian Lotz and Antonio Calcagno (Lanham, MD: Lexington/Rowman and Littlefield, 2024).
Rethinking Interiority: Phenomenological Approaches, eds. Élodie Boublil and Antonio Calcagno (Albany, NY: State University Press of New York, 2023).
Hedwig Conrad-Martius and Edith Stein: Philosophical Encounters and Divides, eds. Antonio Calcagno and Ronny Miron, History of Women Philosophers and Scientists Series, vol. 16 (Dordrecht: Springer, 2022).
Ethics and Metaphysics in the Philosophy of Edith Stein: Applications and Implications, eds. Michael Andrews and Antonio Calcagno, in History of Women Philosophers and Scientists Series, vol. 12 (Dordrecht: Springer, 2022).
Open Borders: Encounters Between Italian Philosophy and Continental Thought, eds. Silvia Benso and Antonio Calcagno (Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 2021).
Roberto Esposito: New Directions in Biophilosophy, eds. Tilottama Rajan and Antonio Calcagno (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2021).
Edith Stein’s Investigation Concerning the State: Sociality, Nationhood, Ethics, eds. Eva Reyes-Gacitúa and Antonio Calcagno, in series Contributions to Phenomenology (Dordrecht: Springer, 2020).
Gerda Walther’s Phenomenology of Sociality, Psychology, and Religion, ed. Antonio Calcagno, in series History of Women Philosophers and Scientists (Dordrecht: Springer, 2018). DOI
Theory and Criticism Theses Supervised
- Shakil Malik, Empathy/Sympathy, MA thesis 2023
- Thomas A. Doerksen, The Forgetting of Fire: An Archaeology of Technics, PhD thesis 2023 (co-supervised with Tilottama Rajan)
- Andrew Woods, After the Storm: Histories of Cultural Marxism/s in the United States, PhD thesis 2022
- Monika Mandoki, Are Near-Death Experiences Veridical? A Philosophical Inquiry, PhD thesis 2021 (co-supervised with Imants Baruss)
- Elden Yungblut, Between Worlds, Between Times: Thinking with Trans Narratives at the Limits of Ontology and Temporality, MA thesis 2020
- Camilo Hoyos, An Ontological Critique of the Self: The Daoist ‘Non-self’ at the Heart of Jung’s Analytical Theory, MA thesis 2020
- Maxwell Hyett, Han and Dada: Early Expressions of New Affliction, MA thesis 2019
- Vladimir Cristache, Bastard Reasoning: A "Preposterous" History of Walter Benjamin's Ideas, PhD thesis 2018 (jointly supervised with
Dr. Kevin Mooney) - Adam Rejak, The Event of Blues Music and the Effects of Technology on the Artistic Event, PhD thesis 2018
Dolleen Manning, Mnidoo-Worlding: Merleau-Ponty and Anishinaabe Philosophical Translations, PhD thesis 2017 (jointly supervised withDr. Helen Fielding)- Kathryn M. Lawson, The Tapestry of Memory, MA thesis 2017 (jointly supervised with Dr. Helen Fielding and Dr. Jan Plug)
- Thomas M. Szwedska, Autos, Allos, and World: Life and Identity in the Situation of Contemporary Global Modernity, MA thesis 2017
- Lawrence Liang, On That Heart-Knotting Feeling: An Outline, MA thesis 2017
- Eric Guzzi, Historiography in French Theory, MA thesis 2015
- Vincent Marzano-Poitras, De Heidegger à Henry, critique de la
transcendance et phénoménologie du corps vivant , MA thesis 2015 - William E. Rankin IV, Experiencing Nothing: Anxiety and the Philosophy of Alain Badiou, MA thesis, 2014
- Nathaniel Coward: Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Hannah Arendt: The Intersection of Institution, Natality, and Birth, MA thesis, 2013
- Sarah Brumwell: Temporality, Imagination, and the Right to Have Rights, MA thesis, 2012
- Hart Walker: Perceiving Cosmopolitanism, MA thesis, 2011
- Owen Glyn-Williams: The Politics of
Kants ' Aesthetics , MA thesis, 2010
Laurence de Looze
Doctoral membership
Professor, Modern Languages and Comparative Literature
Retiring December 31, 2024
Research Areas
- medieval and Renaissance culture/literature, theories of autobiography and textuality, film,
role of the poet, gender issues, metaphor and analogy
Selected Publications
Egil, the Viking Poet: New Approaches to 'Egil's Saga'. Co-edited with Jon Karl Helgason, Russell Poole and Torfi H. Tulinius. University of Toronto Press, 2015.
Manuscript Diversity, Meaning, and Variance in Juan Manuel’s El conde Lucanor. University of Toronto Press, 2006.
Theory and Criticism Theses Supervised
- Brendon Langer: Literature and its Dimensions, MA thesis, 2010
Jonathan De Souza
Master's membership
Associate Professor, Director of Collaborative Specialization in Music Cognition Don Wright Faculty of Music
Research Areas
- Music and sound
- Phenomenology
- Embodiment
- Technology/technique
- Aesthetics
Selected Publications
“Orchestra Machines, Old and New,” Organised Sound 23, no. 2 (2018): 156–66.
“Timbral Thievery: Synthesizers and Sonic Materiality,” in The Oxford Handbook of Timbre, ed. Alexander Rehding and Emily I. Dolan. Oxford University Press, 2018.
Music at Hand: Instruments, Bodies, and Cognition. Oxford University Press, 2017.
“Voice and Instrument at the Origins of Music.” Current Musicology 97 (2014): 21–36.
Theory and Criticism Theses Supervised
Russell Duvernoy
Master's membership
Associate Professor, Philosophy at King's University College
On sabbatical June 1, 2025 to June 1, 2026
Research Areas
- Philosophy of ecology
- Ecological Conversion and Religious Affect
- Process philosophies and speculative pragmatisms (Whitehead, James and others)
- 20th and 21st Century French Philosophy, especially Deleuze
- Comparative philosophies of nature (Daoist, Mahayana Buddhist, world Indigenous)
- Climate change
Selected Publications
“How Not to Talk about Environmental Personhood: Thinking Transitional Concepts,” Law and Critique, Published online first Nov. 15, 2022.
“The ‘Beautiful Soul’ and ‘Religious Consciousness’: Deleuze and Nishida,” Comparative and Continental Philosophy, Volume 14, Issue 1, Spring 2022, p. 1-14:
“Thinking in Crisis: Towards an Ethics of Speculation?” Environmental Philosophy, Volume 19, Issue 1, Spring 2022, p. 1-21. Published online first June 3, 2022.
“Paradoxes of Pure Experience: From the Radical to the Transcendental with James and Deleuze” Contemporary Pragmatism, Volume 18, Issue 4, 2021. Published online first Nov. 29, 2021:
Affect and Attention after Deleuze and Whitehead: Ecological Attunement. New Perspectives in Ontology series at Edinburgh University Press. December 2020.
“Life in Interregnum: Deleuze, Guattari, and Atleo” in Philosophy in the American West: A Geography of Thought, edited by Josh Hayes, Gerard Kuperus, and Brian Treanor. Routledge Press, 2020: 144-59.
“Climate Change and the Everyday: Becoming Present to Precarity.” Ethics and the Environment, December 2020, Volume 25 (2): 73-97.
“Reckoning with Jean Wahl’s ‘Poetry as Spiritual Exercise’ in Times of Duress: Translation and Commentary.” Philosophy Today, Summer 2020, Volume 64 (3): 793-807.
“Climate X or Climate Jacobin?: A Critical Exchange on our Planetary Future.” Co-Authored with Larry Busk. Radical Philosophy Review, 2020, Volume 23 (2): 175-200. DOI: 10.5840/radphilrev2019103100).
“A Genesis of Speculative Empiricisms: Whitehead and Deleuze read Hume.” Southern Journal of Philosophy, December 2019, Volume 57 (4): 459-482.
Theory and Criticism Theses Supervised
- Lennon Needham, Digital Ecology - Ecological Interfaces in Félix Guattari's Ecosophy, MA thesis 2024.
Nick Dyer-Witheford
Research Areas
- autonomist counter-power, hydra-headed resistance, general intellect, species being, and
Selected Publications
Co-author, "Sim Capital: General Intellect, World Market, Species Being, and the Video Game", McGill-Queen's University Press, 2003.
Cyber-Marx: Cycles and Circuits of Struggle in High Technology Capitalism (University of Illinois, 1999)
Theory and Criticism Theses Supervised
- Anna Mirzayan, Art, Work: Subsumption, Posthumanism and Artistic Responses to Surveillance Capitalism, PhD thesis, 2022
- Can Guven, Civil War and Power: A Theoretical Inquiry, PhD thesis, 2022
- Svitlana Matviyenko: Lacan's Cybernetics, PhD thesis, 2015
- Robbie Cormier: Basic Cable: Notes Toward Digital Ontology, MA thesis, 2013
- Emanuele Leonardi: Biopolitics of Climate Change: Carbon Commodities, Environmental Profanations, and the Lost Innocence of Use-Value, PhD thesis, 2012
- Bernard Lesawich: Towards a Politics of the Posthuman, MA thesis, 2002
Joel Faflak
Doctoral membership
Professor, English
On sabbatical July 1, 2025 to June 30, 2026
Research Areas
- psychoanalysis, cultural theory, critical theory, 18th- and 19th-century philosophy
Selected Publications
Revelation and Knowledge: Romanticism and Religious Faith (with Ross Woodman) University of Toronto Press, 2011.
Romanticism and Consciousness Revisited (co-editor with Richard Sha). Edinburgh University Press, 2022.
William Blake: Modernity and Disaster (co-editor with Tilottama Rajan) University of Toronto Press, 2020.
Marking Time: Romanticism and Evolution (editor) University of Toronto Press, 2017.
American Gothic Culture: An Edinburgh Companion (co-editor with Jason Haslam) Edinburgh University Press, 2016.
Romanticism and the Emotions (co-editor with Richard Sha) Cambridge University Press, 2014.
The Public Intellectual and the Culture of Hope (co-editor with Jason Haslam) University of Toronto Press, 2013.
Sanity, Madness, Transformation: The Psyche in Romanticism (editor) University of Toronto Press, 2005
Confessions of An English Opium- Eater, by Thomas De Quincey (editor) Broadview Press, 2009.
The Handbook to Romanticism Studies (co-editor with Julia M. Wright) Blackwell, 2011.
Nervous Reactions: Victorian Recollections of Romanticism (co-editor with Julia M. Wright) SUNY Press, 2005.
Theory and Criticism Theses Supervised
- Mitch de Lange, Giving Death to the Production of Knowledge: Collective Resistance through Testimony, MA thesis, 2023 (co-supervisor with Jan Plug)
- Alexander Morgan, Phantasms of Hope: The Utopian Function of Fantasy Literature, MA thesis, 2021
- Austin Chisholm, Foucault, Affect, History: On the Art of Feeling, MA thesis, 2020
- Maryam Golafshani, Critical Interventions in the Medical Humanities , MA thesis, 2019
- Sheena L. Yates, Agoraphobia And Emptiness: Theoretical Considerations From A Psychoanalytic Perspective, PhD 2015
- Sarah Thorne: The Cleaving of House and Home: A Lacanian Analysis of Architectural Aesthetics, MA thesis, 2012
- Jennifer Gartner: From Terminology to Ontology, MA thesis, 2011
- Sheena McKay: Taboo, Laughter, Shame in Psychoanalysis, MA thesis, 2008
Helen Fielding
Doctoral membership
Professor, GSWS and Philosophy
On sabbatical June 30, 2025 to July 1, 2026
Research Areas
• phenomenology, feminist phenomenology, perception, embodiment, technology and art, feminist philosophy, Merleau-Ponty, Heidegger, IrigaraySelected Publications
Cultivating Perception Through Artworks: Phenomenological Enactments of Ethics, Politics and Culture. Indiana University Press, 2021.
“The Habit Body”, in 50 Concepts for a Critical Phenomenology, Gail Weiss, Ann V. Murphy and Gayle Salamon (eds.), Northwestern University Press, In Press. 2019, pp. 155-160.
Helen A. Fielding and Dorothea E. Olkowski (eds.), Feminist Phenomenology Futures, Indiana University Press, 2017.
Christina Schües, Dorothea Olkowski and Helen Fielding (eds.), Time in Feminist Phenomenology, Indiana University Press, 2011.
“Feminist Phenomenology Manifesto,” in Feminist Phenomenology Futures, H. Fielding and D. Olkowski, eds. Indiana University Press, 2017.
“Open Future, Regaining Possibility,” in Feminist Phenomenology Futures, H. Fielding and D. Olkowski, eds. Indiana University Press, 2017.
“Dwelling and Public Art: Serra and Bourgeois”, in Rachel McCann and Patricia Locke (eds.), Merleau-Ponty: Space, Place, Architecture, Ohio University Press, 2016.
"Cultivating Perception: Phenomenological Encounters with Artworks”, Signs: Journal
“Filming Dance: Embodied Syntax in Sasha Waltz’s ‘S’, Paragraph (Special Issue on ‘Screening Embodiment”) 38.1 (2015): 69-85.
“The Poetry of Habit”, in Silvia Stoller (ed.) Simone de Beauvoir’s Philosophy of Age: Gender, Ethics, De Gruyter Publishers. 2014.
Theory and Criticism Theses Supervised
- Jean F. McLachlin, Outrageous Love Letters to the Psy-disciplines: Rethinking Causal Models of ADHD and OCD Through Phenomenological Encounters with Bergson and Merleau-Ponty, MA thesis 2024.
- Emily Monaghan, Does the Cogito Have (a) Sex?, MA thesis, 2021
- Deanna Aubert, The Habits of Settlement: A Critical Phenomenology of Settlerness, MA thesis, 2020 (jointly supervised with Dr. Joshua Schuster)
- Jessica N. Ellis, The Psyche and Gender as a Multiplicity, MA thesis, 2020
- Joshua Livingstone, Preparing to Receive: On the Revolutionary Questioning of Being and Time, MA thesis, 2018
Dolleen Manning: Mnidoo-Worlding: Merleau-Ponty and Anishinaabe Philosophical Translations, PhD thesis 2017 (jointly supervised withDr. Antonio Calcagno)- Kathryn M. Lawson, The Tapestry of Memory, MA thesis 2017 (jointly supervised with Dr. Antonio Calcagno and Dr. Jan Plug)
- Rachel Bath: In-Between What Once Was and What is Yet to Come: On the Phenomena of Bereavement and Grieving, MA thesis, 2016
- Mary McLevey: Living Perception in Maurice Merleau-Ponty, MA thesis, 2016
- Jonathan R. Fardy: A Photographer Develops: Reading Robinson, Rejlander, and Cameron, PhD thesis, 2014
Catherene Ngoh: Memory and Truth, MA thesis, 2009- Laura Krahn: Eat Your Words: The Incorporation of Language and Body, MA thesis, 2009
- Adrian Sinclair: Thinking the Digital Corporeally, MA thesis, 2008
- Maureen Melnyk: Monstrous Expressions: On the "Style" of Tattooed Women, MA thesis, 2004
- Mary Bunch: Mapping the Secrets of Life, MA thesis, 2002
- Cynthia Leighton: Mechanics of Thought and Its Relation to the Concept of Life, MA thesis, 2002
- Ursula Misztal: The Elemental Coding of Sexual Difference, MA thesis, 2002
Michael Gardiner
Doctoral membership
Professor, Sociology
please note that Dr. Gardiner will not be taking on any new supervisions
Research Areas
- Bakhtin and dialogical theory; European social theory and social philosophy including poststructuralism, phenomenology, hermeneutics and critical theory
- history of social thought
- cultural studies, especially the culture of cities
- utopianism in theory and practice
- social ecology
- sociology of the body
- ethics
- theories of everyday life
Selected Publications
Bakhtin in the Fullness of Time: Bakhtinian Theory and the Process of Social Education, Craig Brandist, Michael E. Gardiner, E Jayne White, and Carl Mika (eds.), London and New York: Routledge, 2020.
Boredom Studies Reader: Frameworks and Perspectives, Michael E. Gardiner and Julian Jason Haladyn (eds.), London and New York: Routledge, 2017.
Gündelik Hayatın Eleştirisi (Turkish translation of Critiques of Everyday Life), Ankara: Heretik Basın Yayın Sanayi ve Ticaret Limited, 2016.
Weak Messianism: Essays on Utopia and Everyday Life. Oxford and Bern: Peter Lang, 2013.
‘A Tale of Two ‘68s: The “Politics of Boredom” in France and Italy’, Cultural Politics, 15(3), 2019, 289-302 (special issue on May ’68, Morgan Adamson and Sarah Hamblin, eds.).
‘Henri Lefebvre e la sociologia della noia’, Sociologia Urbana e Rurale, special Issue on Henri Lefebvre’s Le droit à la ville, Guido Borelli (ed.), 118, 2019, 63-85.
‘An Autonomist Marcuse?’, Rethinking Marxism: A Journal of Economics, Culture & Society, 30 (2), 2018, 232-255.
Craig Brandist, Michael E. Gardiner, Jayne White and Carl Mika, ‘Bakhtin in the fullness of time: Bakhtinian Theory and the Process of Social Education’, Educational Philosophy and Theory, 49, 2017, 849-853.
Bakhtin and the “General Intellect”’, Educational Philosophy and Theory, 49, 2017, 893-908.
‘Bakhtin, Boredom and the “Democratization of Skepticism”’, The European Legacy: The European Legacy: Toward New Paradigms, 22 (1-2), 2017, 163–184.
‘Critique of Accelerationism’, Theory, Culture and Society, 34(1), 2017, 29–52.
‘The Situationists’ Revolution in Everyday Life’, The Situationist International: A Handbook, Alastair Hemmens and Gabriel Zacarias (eds.), London: Pluto Press, 2020, 236-251
‘Bakhtin and the “General Intellect”’, Bakhtin in the Fullness of Time: Bakhtinian Theory and the Process of Social Education, Craig Brandist, Michael E. Gardiner, E Jayne White, Carl Mika (eds.), London and New York: Routledge, 2020, 45-60.
Theory and Criticism Theses Supervised
- Shubhayan Chakrabarti, The Embodied Rhetoric of Cognitive Labour, PhD thesis 2023
- Nicholas Wees, The Arts of the Street: Sense Perception, Creativity and Resistance in Everyday Urban Life, PhD thesis, 2022
- Alexander McIntosh, Towards A Poetics of Representation in 'London, Ontario': or, Local and Universal Passages, MA thesis, 2021 (co-supervised with Janelle Blankenship)
- Matthew Prokopiw, Religion in Modern Sports Fanaticism: From Classical Antiquity to Online Sports Forums, PhD thesis, 2020
- Dillon Douglas, A Geology of the General Intellect, MA thesis, 2019
- James Hall, In the Fullness of Time: M. M. Bakhtin, In Discourse and in Life, MA thesis, 2012
- Julian Haladyn, The Will to Boredom, PhD thesis, 2012
- Jessica Reilly, Beyond the Spectacle: Rethinking Debord, MA thesis, 2009
- Timothy August, The Edible Plebiscite, MA thesis, 2006
- Petra Hroch, Puppet Masters: Aesthetics and Politics of the
Marionnette , MA thesis, 2006 - Carolyn Veldstra, Subversive Postmodern Humour in the Era of Its Impossibility, MA thesis, 2005
Christopher Keep
Doctoral membership
Associate Professor, English; Program Director of Film Studies; Former Director of Centre for the Study of Theory and Criticism
Research Areas
- The relationship of technology to cultural practice
- the discursive construction of gender, race, and sexual orientation, especially in the nineteenth century
- hypertext, virtual reality and theories of electronic textuality
Selected Publications
“Victorian Disability: Introduction.” Co-authored with Jennifer Esmail. Victorian Review 35:2 (2009): 45-53.
“Institutional Memory: History, Disciplinarity, and Victorian Studies.” Victorian Review 33 (2007): 38-41.
“Hypertext and Literary Theory.” The John Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory and Criticism, Second Edition, eds., Mike Groden, Martin Kreiswirth, and Imre Szeman. Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press, 2004. 511-514.
“Of Writing Machines and Scholar-Gypsies.” English Studies in Canada 29 (2003): 55-66.
Editor, special issue of The Victorian Review (1998)
Articles on postmodern apocalypticism, theories of the body in hypertext fiction, imperialism and addiction, and the gendering of information technologies in the nineteenth century
Theory and Criticism Theses Supervised
- Sean Sokolov, The Sense of Waste, MA thesis 2023
- Christopher Coughlin: Tracing the Interstice: Godard, Deleuze, and The Future of Cinema, MA thesis, 2017
- Katie Grant: Bodies: Punk, Love and Marxism, MA thesis, 2016
- Christopher M. Bomba: Crossing the Law: Trans Activism, Aleatory Materialism, and the Analyst's Discourse, MA thesis, 2014
- Thomas Wormald: Sculpted Selves, Sculpted Worlds: Plasticity and Habit in the Thought of Catherine Malabou, MA thesis 2014
- Cristian Melchiorre: The Downward Path, PhD thesis, 2011
- Mary Bunch: Outlawry and the Experience of the (
Im )possible: Deconstructing Biopolitics , PhD thesis, 2010 - Kathryn Simpson: Minerva's Owl, MA thesis, 2005
- Heather Egger: A Glittering Set of Things: Performing Postmodern Subjectivities, MA thesis, 2003
- Tara Mimnagh: Living Dead Girl: Death, Representation and Repetition, MA thesis, 2003
Katherine Lawless
Master's membership
Associate Professor, Centre for Global Studies at Huron University College
Research Areas
- Collective and cultural memory
- Enclosure, dispossession, and primitive accumulation
- Aesthetics and politics of preservation
- History of capitalism and colonialism
- Relationality
- Soil cultures
- Urban Politics and Sustainability
- Feminist theory
- Political ecology
- Cultural Studies and Critical Theory
Selected Publications
“The Future of Plasticity: An Interview with Catherine Malabou.” Chiasma: A Site for Thought 3 (3): 99-108. 2016
“Trauma, Memory and the Matter of Historical Violence: The Controversial Case of Four Photographs from Auschwitz.” American Imago. (Refereed; 2014)
“Down the Rabbit Hole: Five Theses on the Subject of Retreat in the Time of Global Capital.” PUBLIC: Art/ Culture/ Ideas (2014)
“Unrecyclable Times: The Traumatic Topographies of Global Capitalism in W.G. Sebald’s Austerlitz.” The Word Hoard, 1.2, 2013: 94-108. (Invited)
“(Re)Circulating Foreign Bodies: Richard Fung’s Sea in the Blood.” Feminist Media Studies, 12.1, 2012: 119-132. (Refereed)
Theory and Criticism Theses Supervised
- .
Mary Helen McMurran
Master's membership
Associate Professor, Chair of Graduate Studies, English
Research Areas
- Enlightenment philosophy, Eighteenth-Century literature and culture
- Ancient philosophy
- History and Theory of Religion
Selected Publications
The Spread of Novels: Translation and Prose Fiction in the Eighteenth Century (Princeton 2009)
Articles in ELH, Cambridge Critical Concepts, Eighteenth-Century Studies, Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture, Novel: A Forum on Fiction and The Translator.
book chapter in The Literary Channel (Princeton 2001)
Current project: Embodied Soul in Lyric and Philosophy 1650-1730
Christof Migone
Research Areas
- Sound Art
- Performance and Performativity
- Conceptualisms
- Curatorial Practice
- Techniques of Museums
- Failure Aesthetics
Selected Publications
Migone, Christof. "Wet Water (Let's Dance)", 2xCD, Futura Resistenza, Brussels, Belgium; 2023.
Migone, Christof. "Seti Sati (Ma mère, musicienne, est morte)", CD, Merles, Québec; 2023.
Migone, Christof. "My Body Doing Its Best Without Me, And Then You See The Mouth Open As If It Wanted To Say Something ", CD, with Alexandre St-Onge, Squint Press; 2023.
Migone, Christof. "undoundone", CD, with Alexandre St-Onge, Ambiances Magnétiques, Montréal; 2023.
Migone, Christof. "Swan Song", 2xCD, with Marla Hlady, Crónica, Porto, Portugal; 2023.
Migone, Christof. "Record Release", 2xCD, Ambiances Magnétiques, Montréal; 2021.
"Soundfullessness", essay for the Oxford Handbook of Sound Art, eds. Jane Grant, John Matthias and David Prior; 2021.
"Viva Vivian" introductory essay for Darroch-Lozowoski’s Voice of Hearing. Toronto: Squint Press; 2020.
"Canadasonic" essay in Sound Art: Sound as a Medium of Art, ed. Peter Weibel, MIT Press/ZKM; 2019.
Kevin Mooney
Doctoral membership
Associate Professor; Associate Dean Graduate Studies, Music
Research Areas
- Adorno, modernist aesthetics, works and fragments, authorship,
archaeologies of knowledge, Weimar culture, Mahler
Selected Publications
Book in progress, Adorno and the Modern Musical Work
Theory and Criticism Theses Supervised
- M. Curtis Allen, The Metaphysics of Modernism and the Aesthetics of Reason in Wittgenstein, Deleuze, and Others, PhD thesis, 2023 (jointly supervised with Dr. John Vanderheide).
- Jeremy Arnott, Transient Constellations: Adorno, Benjamin, and the Actuality of Idealism, PhD thesis, 2022 (jointly supervised with Dr. Tilottama Rajan).
- Alexander Harasymiw, Hallucinating the Ukrainian Cityscape: A Reevaluation of Walter Benjamin’s Urban Experience for a Postsocialist Context, MA thesis 2019 (jointly supervised with Dr. Jan Plug)
- Vladimir Cristache, Bastard Reasoning: A "Preposterous" History of Walter Benjamin's Ideas, PhD thesis 2018 (jointly supervised with
Dr. Antonio Calcagno) - Alexander Walker, Monuments of the Present: The Document and Monument in Michel Foucault's Archaeology, MA thesis, 2018 (co-supervisor with Jan Plug).
Tobias Nagl
Master's membership
Associate Professor, Department of English and Writing Studies
On sabbatical July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025
Research Areas
- Film history and theory
- the Frankfurt School
- African American studies
- silent film
- political modernism and the historical avant-garde
- popular music
- experimental cinema
- visual arts
- Holocaust representation
- postcolonial studies and European colonialism
Selected Publications
“March 6, 1920: Chinese Students in Berlin raise charges of racism against Joe May’s Die Herrin der Welt,”in: Jennifer M. Kapczynski and Michael Richardson (ed.), A New History of German Cinema (Rocherster: Camden House, 2012)
“‘So Much Tenderness’: Rainer Werner Fassbinder, Günther Kaufmann, and the Ambivalences of Interracial Desire” (co-authored with Janelle Blankenship), in: Brigitte Peucker (ed.), A Companion to Rainer Werner Fassbinder (Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell Press, 2012)
“‘Sonst wären wir den Weg gegangen wie alle anderen’: Afro-deutsche Komparsen, Zeugenschaft und das Archiv der deutschen Filmgeschichte” [‘Or we would have gone the way of the all the others’: Afro-German bit players, testimony and the archive of German film history] in: Claudia Bruns, Arsal Dardan and Anette Dietrich (ed.), “Welchen der Steine du best”: Filmische Erinnerungen an den Holocaust [‘Whichever Stone You Lift’: Filmic Remembrance of the Holocaust] (Berlin: Bertz+Fischer, 2011)
“Projecting Desire, Rewriting Cinematic Memory: Gender and German Reconstruction in Fraulein, ein Deutsches Melodram,” in: Roy Grundmann (ed.), A Companion to Michael Haneke, (Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell Press, 2010)
Theory and Criticism Theses Supervised
Allan Pero
Research Areas
- Modernism, Psychoanalysis, Frankfurt School, Critical Theory, Spatial Theory
- Jacques Lacan, Julia Kristeva, Walter Benjamin, Theodor Adorno, Henri Lefebvre, Maurice Blanchot, Jacques Rancière, Gaston Bachelard, Alain Badiou and Maurice Merleau-Ponty
Selected Publications
The Many Façades of Edith Sitwell. Co-Editors: Allan Pero and Gyllian Phillips. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2017.
“Sunshades will usurp their space”: Edith Sitwell, Sacheverell Sitwell, and the Dreaming Clowns of Melancholy in The Many Façades of Edith Sitwell. Co-Editors: Allan Pero and Gyllian Phillips. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2017: 75-93.
“These Tautomeric Changes”: The Figures of Lewis Carroll’s Alice and Humpty Dumpty in the Work of W. H. Auden in Modernism in Wonderland: Legacies of Lewis Carroll; February 2024) Editors: Michelle Witen and John Morgenstern. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
“Found his anxiety frothing”: Denton Welch’s In Youth Is Pleasure, and the Hotel as Camp Allegory in Hotel Modernisms; March 2023: 137-51. Editors: Anna Despotopoulou, Vassiliki Kolocotroni, Efterpi Mitsi. London: Routledge.
In the Orbit of the Cephalopod: Lynda Barry’s What It Is and Artistic Education in Contagious Imagination: The Work and Art of Lynda Barry, University Press of Mississippi; August 2022, 99-111. Editor: Jane Tolmie.
“A Pinch of Inquisitive Pleasure”: Wyndham Lewis, the Great War, and Military Surveillance in Aviation in the Literature and Culture of Interwar Britain; Palgrave Macmillan; December 2020: 25-41. Editors: Michael McCluskey and Luke Seaber
“Monster Cupid”: Brophy, Camp, and The Snow Ball in Brigid Brophy: Avant-garde Writer, Critic, Activist. Edinburgh University Press; May 2020: 193-209. Editors: Gerri Kimber and Richard Canning
"Appalling Tabernacle of Self and Unbelief": Wyndham Lewis’s Enemy of the Stars in Closet Drama: History, Theory, Genre; New York and London: Routledge; September 2018: 83-94. Editor: Catherine Burroughs
“The Call of the Anterior”: Blanchot, Lacan, and the Death Drive in Understanding Blanchot, Understanding Modernism. New York and London: Bloomsbury Press; June 2018: 247-262. Editor: Christopher Langlois
“Whose Sex Is It Anyway?”: Lacan, Sexual Difference, and the Sinthome in English Studies in Canada Special Issue: “Lacan Now,” 47:2-3 (2023): 79-99. Guest Editor: Concetta Principe.
“A Carnival of Archaeology: Camp and Commemoration,.” Modernism/modernity Print+ Vol. 7, Cycle 2 (December 2022) Editor: Andrew Frayn.
“Paris hints of sacrifice”: Necropolitan Aesthetics in Tarr in The Journal of Wyndham Lewis Studies 9 (2018): 1-23.
“Jigging away in nothingness”: Knowledge, Language, and Feminine Jouissance in “Bliss” and “Psychology,” Katherine Mansfield and Psychology, Eds. Clare Hanson, Gerri Kimber, W. Todd Martin. Edinburgh: Edinburgh U P (September 2016): 100-112.
“Dispersed Are We: Voice as Technology in Between the Acts,” Virginia Woolf Miscellany, 85.1 (Spring 2016): 23-25.
“A Fugue on Camp,” Modernism/modernity, 23.1 (January 2016): 28-36.
Theory and Criticism Theses Supervised
- Anda Pleniceanu, You Unseen Cathedrals: A Study of the Conceptual Conditions of Negativity, PhD thesis, 2023 (co-supervisor with Jan Plug).
- Megan Sherritt, Dancing beyond the Mirror Stage: Jacques Lacan and the Embodied Sinthome, PhD thesis, 2022
- Robert Halperin, Is Another World Possible?: Herbert Marcuse and Possibilities for 'Real' Change, MA thesis, 2021
- Dylan J. Hughes, Language After God: Nietzsche, Lacan, and the Sinthome of Tragic Wisdom, MA thesis, 2020
- Dru Farro, There is a Secret Heart, PhD thesis, 2019
- John Nyman, Double/Cross: Erasure in Theory and Poetry, PhD thesis, 2018 (co-supervisor with Jan Plug).
- Tyler Nash, Can the Undead Speak?: Language Death as a Matter of (Not) Knowing, MA thesis, 2018
- Jennifer Komorowski, The Voice as an Object of Desire in the Work of Ann Quin, MA thesis, 2017
- Rebecca Bernstein: Very Pressing Television and Other Imaginary Things, MA thesis, 2016
- Svitlana Matviyenko: Lacan's Cybernetics, PhD thesis, 2015
- Mazen Saleh: Jouissance and Being in Lacanian Discourse, MA thesis, 2015
- Jason D'Aoust: The Orpheus Figure: The Voice in Writing, Music and Media, PhD thesis, 2013
- Mark Jull: City Limits: A Psychoanalysis of Urbanism and Everyday Life, PhD thesis, 2012
- Aarnoud Rommens: Antropofagia and Constructive Universalism: A Diptych, PhD thesis, 2012
- Brendan Bruce: The Subject and the Ghost of Immanence, MA thesis, 2011
- Ian McCausland: Thinking Where I am (k)not, MA thesis, 2011
- Jessica Sherman: Israel and Its Discontents, MA thesis, 2009
- Kieran Aarons: Transcendental Genesis and the Material Event, MA thesis, 2007
- Matthew Austin: Critical Studies on the Subject, the Genius Figure and Faust, MA thesis, 2006
- Averil Farrar: Toward a Critical 'Ontology of the Present', MA thesis, 2006
- Martin McCallum: Trauma and Metaphor: Lacan, Lacapra, and the 'Poetic Spark', MA thesis, 2006
- Christopher Bundock: Ethics and Writing, MA thesis, 2005
- Tara Kachroo: Under the Sign of Transparency, MA thesis, 2005
- Timothy De Vries: Passage Atlas: Benjamin and the Arcades, MA thesis, 2004
Jan Plug
Doctoral membership
Professor, English
Associate Dean, Faculty of Arts & Humanities
Former Director of the Centre for Theory and Criticism
Research Areas
- Enlightenment and Idealist philosophy, Romanticism, aesthetics, contemporary theory, including deconstruction and theory of community
Selected Publications
University Press, forthcoming).
Editor, On The Brink: Language, Time, History, and Politics (Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2020)
trans. Of Stigmatology (Fordham University Press, 2018)
They Have All Been Healed: Reading Robert Walser (Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 2016)
Borders of a Lip: Romanticism, Language, History, Politics (SUNY, 2003)
trans. Jacques Derrida, Eyes of the University: Right to Philosophy 2 (Stanford, 2004)
Theory and Criticism Theses Supervised
- Mitch de Lange, Giving Death to the Production of Knowledge: Collective Resistance through Testimony, MA thesis, 2023 (co-supervisor with Joel Faflak)
- Anda Pleniceanu, You Unseen Cathedrals: A Study of the Conceptual Conditions of Negativity, PhD thesis, 2023 (co-supervisor with Allan Pero).
- Jonathan Doering, The Weak Survival of French Rhetoric, PhD thesis, 2019 (co-supervisor with Tilottama Rajan).
- Shannon Lodoen, The Myths That Make Us: An Examination of Canadian National Identity, MA thesis, 2019
- Alexander Harasymiw, Hallucinating the Ukrainian Cityscape: A Reevaluation of Walter Benjamin’s Urban Experience for a Postsocialist Context, MA thesis, 2019 (jointly supervised with Dr. Kevin Mooney)
- Alexander Walker, Monuments of the Present: The Document and Monument in Michel Foucault's Archaeology, MA thesis, 2018 (co-supervisor with Kevin Mooney).
- John Nyman, Double/Cross: Erasure in Theory and Poetry, PhD thesis, 2018 (co-supervisor with Allan Pero).
- Kathryn M. Lawson, The Tapestry of Memory, MA thesis 2017 (jointly supervised with Dr. Helen Fielding and Dr. Antonio Calcagno)
- Dylan Vaughan: Praesentia Sublimis: Studies in the
Differend , MA thesis, 2015 - Derek Liu: The Almost Nothing of the Unpresentable": the Experience of "My Death" in the thought of Jacques Derrida, MA thesis, 2014
- Kamran Ahmed: Descartes’ Askesis, MA thesis, 2012
- Tyler Miller: Comparing Arche-Writing, MA thesis, 2012
- David Collins: Physical and Artistic Taste in Hegel, Nietzsche and Huysmans, MA thesis, 2006
Tilottama Rajan
Doctoral membership
Professor, English
Canada Research Chair
Former Director of the Centre for Theory and Criticism
Distinguished University Professor
Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada
On leave
Research Areas
- German Idealism (Kant, Hegel, Schelling, Schopenhauer), Organizations of Knowledge, (Inter)Disciplinarity, Intellectual History
- Deconstruction (early Foucault, Derrida, de Man
,Blanchot ), Post-Structuralism, Phenomenology - Romantic literature, philosophy and science
Selected Publications
(co-edited with Antonio Calcagno). Roberto Esposito: New Directions in Biophilosophy. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2021. Pp. viii + 268.
(co-edited with Joel Faflak). William Blake: Modernity and Disaster. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2020. Pp. 328.
“Hegel’s Irritability,” European Romantic Review 32:5-6 (2021): 499-517.
“Elements of Life: Editing and Arranging the Work of John Hunter.” Studies in Romanticism 59 (Spring 2020): 133-59.
Romantic Narrative: Shelley, Hays, Godwin, Wollstonecraft. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010. Pp. 324.
Deconstruction and the Remainders of Phenomenology: Sartre, Derrida, Foucault, Baudrillard. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2002 (cloth and paper). Pp. Xxi + 363.
The Supplement of Reading: Figures of Understanding in Romantic Theory and Practice. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1990 (cloth and paper). Pp. xii + 361.
Dark Interpreter: The Discourse of Romanticism. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1980 (paperback edition, 1986). Pp.281.
In progress, Reading Hegel Reading Schelling; Encyclopedic Thinking From Idealism to Deconstruction
Theory and Criticism Theses Supervised
- Thomas A. Doerksen, The Forgetting of Fire: An Archaeology of Technics, PhD thesis 2023 ((co-supervised with Antonio Calcagno)
- Jeremy Arnott, Transient Constellations: Adorno, Benjamin, and the Actuality of Idealism, PhD thesis, 2022 (jointly supervised with Dr. Kevin Mooney)
- Justas Patkauskas, An Archaeology of Contemporary Speculative Knowledge, PhD thesis 2020 (co-supervised with John Vanderheide)
- Jonathan Doering, The Weak Survival of French Rhetoric, PhD thesis, 2019 (co-supervised with Jan Plug)
- Colby Chubbs, Hegel avec Kleist: On Marriage, MA thesis 2019
- Domenic Hutchins, The Passing Away Of Nature: Two Essays On Natural History, MA thesis 2018
- Benjamin Woodard, Schelling's Naturalism: Motion, Space, and the Volition of Thought, PhD thesis 2015
- Andrew Kingston: Hegel's Unconscious: Analyzing Matter in the Philosophy of Nature, MA thesis, 2013
- Marc Mazur: The Cruelty of Reading: Reading and Writing in the Works of Friedrich Schelling, MA thesis, 2012
- Malcolm McPherson: Dissident Spaces, MA thesis, 2012
- Jared McGeough : Romantic
Anarche : The Philosophical and Literary Anarchism of William Godwin, PhD thesis, 2011 - John Vanderheide : Allegory and Apocatastasis, PhD thesis, 2010
- Mark Asberg : Go On, Give Up: Cynical Aporias, PhD thesis, 2008
- Shea Coulson: Adorno's Aesthetics of Critique, MA thesis, 2005
- Andrea Dumbrell: A History of Care in the Work of Michel Foucault, MA thesis, 2005
- Joshua Lambier: Justice, Community and the Romantic Political Unconscious, MA thesis, 2005
- Christopher Morrison: Post-Heideggereanism and the Co-Ontological Horizon, MA thesis, 2005
- Jonathan Murphy: Onto-Epistemology after Metaphysics, MA thesis, 2004
- Jeremy Proulx: Non-Contemplative Idealism, MA thesis, 2004
- Elana Commisso, Simulate This! Figurations of Simulacra: The Truth(s) That Belie Representation, MA thesis, January 2003
- Surti Singh: Negativity in Hegel, MA thesis, 2002
- John Vanderheide: On Ideology and the Ideological Ritual of Allegory, MA thesis, 2002
- Heather Snell: Spacing the Event: The Theoretical Performance of Jean Baudrillard, MA thesis, 2000
- Mark Asberg: Towards a Kantian Ethics of (In)decisive Obligation, MA thesis, 1999
- Brett Buchanan: Who is Nietzche's Philosophy?: Psychological Remainders of Post-Kantian Anthropology, MA thesis, 1999
- Neil Gohill: "Spirit" in Schelling's Freedom Essay, MA thesis, 1998
- John D. Sawicki: Towards a Politics of Apathy: Baudrillard, Bartleby and Adorno, MA thesis, 1997
- Mark Rozahegy: Levinas and the Architecture of Alterity, MA thesis, 1995
- William McConnell: Figuring Paul de Man: (Literary) History and the Indeterminacy of the Reading/Writing Subject(s), MA thesis, 1993
Christine Roulston
Doctoral membership
Professor, French; Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies
Research Areas
- Feminist Theory
- Queer Theory
- Poststructuralism
- Eighteenth-Century women's writing
- Mme de Graffigny
- Anne Lister
- Narratives on marriage
Selected Publications
Monograph in progress, School Daze: Queer Nostalgia and British Girls' Boarding- School Narratives, funded by SSHRC Insight Grant (2020-2024).
Decoding Anne Lister: From the Archives to ‘Gentleman Jack'. Co-edited with Caroline Gonda. Cambridge University Press, 2023.
"Graffigny, Zilia, et la question du mariage au XVIIIe siècle." Ed. Charlotte Simonin. Françoise de Graffigny (1695-1758), femme de lettres des Lumières. Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2020. 271-288.
"Representations of Marriage." A Cultural History of Marriage: Volume 4 The Age of Enlightenment (1650-1800). Ed. Edward J. Behrend-Martinez. London: Bloomsbury Academic Press, 2020. 115-132.
"Marriage and Its Queer Identifications in the Anne Lister Diaries." After Marriage in the Long Eighteenth Century: Literature, Law and Society. Eds. Karl Leydecker and Jenny DiPlacidi. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018. 181-203.
"Interpreting the Thin Archive: Anne Lister, Eliza Raine and Telling School Tales." Eighteenth-Century Studies, in press.
Entry on Choderlos de Laclos, Dangerous Connections (1784), Cambridge Guide to the Eighteenth-Century Novel, 1660-1820, forthcoming 2022.
"Sexuality in Translation: Anne Lister and the Ancients." Journal of the History of Sexuality (JHS) 30.1 (January 2021): 112-135.
"Translating Desire: Queer Affect, Autobiography and Involuntary Love in Dorothy Strachey's Olivia (1949)." Modernism/Modernity 5.2 (July 30, 2020).
Theory and Criticism Theses Supervised
- Marshall Smith: Touch My Desire, MA thesis, 2011
- Sara Rodrigues: Vaginal Biopolitics, MA thesis, 2011
- LindaBeth Nichols: Engendering Heteronormativity: A Critical Analysis of Marriage in the United States as a Discursive Site of Cross-Institutional Practices, MA thesis, 2008
- Sarah Trimble: Monstrous: Action, Life and Citizenship in Science Fiction, MA thesis, 2007
- Zahra McDoom: Unsettled Identity: Rhizomes, Home and Diaspora in the West Indies, MA thesis, 2000
Matthew Rowlinson
Research Areas
- Psychoanalysis, material culture, symbolic and economic exchange, rhetoric,
nineteenth century poetry and poetics
Selected Publications
“Onomatopoeia, Interiority, and Incorporation.” Studies in Romanticism 57 (2018): 429-51.
“Darwin’s Ideas.” Marking Time: Evolution and Romanticism, ed. Joel Faflak, (Toronto, 2017). Pp. 68-91.
“History, Materiality and Type in Tennyson's In Memoriam.” In Darwin, Tennyson, and their Readers: Explorations in Victorian Literature and Science, ed. Valerie Purton. (Anthem, 2013). Pp. 35-48.
“Allegory and Exchange in the Waverley Novels.” In Romantic Frictions, ed. Theresa Kelley, (2011). Online in the Romantic Circles Praxis Series. 10,652 words
“Foreign Bodies: How Did Darwin Invent the Symptom.” Victorian Studies, 52.4 (2010): 535-59
"The Victorian Lyric," in The Blackwell Companion to Victorian Poetry, (Blackwell, Oxford: 2002)
Real Money and Romanticism (Cambridge: 2010)
"The Thing in the Poem: Maud’s Hymen," differences: a journal of feminist cultural criticism 12 (2001)
Tennyson's Fixations: Psychoanalysis and the Topics of the Early Poetry (Virginia: 1994)
Theory and Criticism Theses Supervised
- Elise Thorburn: The Crude and the Abject: A Psychoanalysis of the Oil Economy, MA thesis, 2007
Scott Schaffer
Research Areas
- Contemporary French social theory
- post-colonial and non-western social theory
- social ethics
- resistance and revolution
- globalization and development
- key thinkers include Sartre, Merleau-Ponty, Bourdieu, Fanon, Mbembe
Selected Publications
"Cosmopolitanism and an Ethics of Sacrifice." pp. 181-211 in Beyond Cosmopolitanism: Towards Planetary Transformations. Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan. 2018
"The Past as Product in the Present: Disney and the Imagineering of Histories." Ch. 3 in Debating Disney: Pedagogical Perspectives on Commercial Cinema. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield. 2016
Resisting Ethics (2004, Palgrave Macmillan)
“The engagement of social theory: The relationship between critical social theory and everyday life,” forthcoming (2008) in American Behavioral Scientist
Theory and Criticism Theses Supervised
- Spencer Kett, Extinction Anxiety as Zeitgeist: An Examination of the Cultural Anxiety Surrounding Extinction Threats, MA thesis 2024
- Natalie Treviño, The Cosmos is Not Finished, PhD thesis, 2020
- Jonathan Nash, The Politics of Wounds, MA thesis, 2018
- David Miller, Guilty Subjects: The Biopolitical Function of Guilt in
Neoliberal States , MA thesis, 2015 - William Samson: Rights As Praxis, MA thesis, 2011
Joshua Schuster
Doctoral membership
Professor, English
Director, Centre for Theory and Criticism
On sabbatical July 1, 2026 - June 2027
Research Areas
- Environmental Theory
- Poetics
- Literary Theory
- Animal Studies
- Existentialism
- Deconstruction
- Critical Theory
Selected Publications
What Is Extinction? A Natural and Cultural History of Last Animals (Fordham University Press, 2023).
Calamity Theory: Three Critiques of Existential Risk, co-written with Derek Woods (University of Minnesota Press, 2021)
The Ecology of Modernism: American Environments and Avant-Garde Poetics (University of Alabama Press, 2015)
“Modernist Planets and Planetary Modernism,” Modernism and the Anthropocene. Eds. Jon Hegglund and John McIntyre. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2021.
“After Deconstruction? The Challenge of Malabou’s Plastic Biohistory, ” Thinking Catherine Malabou: Passionate Detachments. Eds. Thomas Wormald and Isabell Dahms. 143-160. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2018.
“Coral Cultures in the Anthropocene,” Cultural Review Studies 25, no. 1 (September 2019): 85-102.
“Broken Singularities (Derrida and Celan),” After Derrida. Ed. Jean-Michel Rabaté. 111-125. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018.
“Towards a Conceptual Ecopoetics,” Ecopoetics: Essays in the Field. Eds. Angela Hume and Gillian Osborne. 208-227. University of Iowa Press, 2018.
Theory and Criticism Theses Supervised
- Mina Rosefield, The Only Labourer Left: Resituating the Nonhuman Animal in the Language of Labour and the History of Philosophy, PhD thesis 2024
- Ryan K. Shea, Kierkegaard and the Assumptions of Philosophy, MA thesis, 2023
- Anna E. Stoutenburg, White Histories of Antiblack Violence: an Investigation between Black Studies and Critical Theory, MA thesis, 2022
- Deanna Aubert, The Habits of Settlement: A Critical Phenomenology of Settlerness, MA thesis, 2020 (jointly supervised with Dr. Helen Fielding)
- Nicholas A. J. Birmingham, Cognition without Construction: Kant, Maimon, and the Transcendental Philosophy of Mathematics, MA thesis, 2020
- Andrew Case, An Ecology Not Taking-Place: Analysing Ecocriticism's Move from Place and Space to Spacing and Displacement through Derrida, Morton, and Haraway, MA thesis, 2018
- Marshall Hill, The Revolution Will Be Social and Poetic: The Insurgent Poetics of Decolonial Thought, MA thesis, 2017
Sharon Sliwinski
Doctoral membership
Professor, Information and Media Studies; Director of Creative Arts & Production
Research Areas
- psychoanalytic theory, aesthetics, political theory, visual culture studies, human rights & humanitarianism
Selected Publications
Photography and the Optical Unconscious, Eds. Shawn Michelle Smith and Sharon Sliwinski (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2017)
The Museum of Dreams (digital project):
Sexuality in the Time of War, or, How rape became a The Flood of Rights, Eds. Thomas Keenan, Suhail Malik, Tirdad Zolghadr, (Berlin: Sternberg Press, 2017), Pp. 119-142
Evocative Objects: A Sexual Violence Primer (with a photo essay by Nina Berman) Humanity: An International Journal of Human Rights, Humanitarianism, and Development, Vol. 7 no. 3 (2016): 477-80
Before the Law, In Activestills: Photography as Protest in Palestine and Israel, Eds. Vered Maimon and Shiraz Grinbaum (London: Pluto Press, 2016), Pp. 206-213
That Incorrigible Disturber of the Peace, In Entry Points. The Vera List Center Field Guide on Art and Social Justice, No. 1, Ed. Carin Kuoni, (New York: Vera List Center for Art and Politics & Duke University Press, 2015), Pp. 14-22
Inventing Human Dignity, In The Routledge Companion to Human Rights and Literature, Eds. Alexandra Moore and Sophie McClennan (London: Routledge, 2015), Pp. 174-184
Human Rights In Camera, (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2011)
Theory and Criticism Theses Supervised
- Liam Morantz, Alighting: A Phenomenology and Ethics of Sight and Touch in the Videocall, MA thesis 2021.
- Ryan Shuvera, Sounding Unsettlement: Rethinking Settler States of Mind and Re(-)cognition through Scenes of Cross-Cultural Listening, PhD thesis 2020
- Jonathan R. Fardy: A Photographer Develops: Reading Robinson, Rejlander, and Cameron, PhD thesis, 2014
- Claudie Massicotte: Talking Nonsense: Spiritual Mediums and Female Subjectivity in Victorian and Edwardian Canada, PhD thesis, 2013
- Noel Glover: Shame and the Sharing of Existence, MA thesis, 2012
Matt Stahl
Master's membership
Associate Professor, Information and Media Studies
On leave July 1, 2024 - Dec. 31, 2024
Research Areas
- Creative/cultural/artistic labour and property
- Labour theory of value and the “new reading of Marx”
- Popular music and the recorded music industries
- Genealogy of the recording contract
- Race, royalties, and intellectual property
- Law as constitutive to modern social practice
- History and prehistory of capitalism
- Debt, austerity, and the media
- Subjectivity, affect, emotion (e.g. the “production of subjectivity”)
- Digitalization and reorganization of music business models
- Social and political theory
Selected Publications
Theory and Criticism Theses Supervised
Daniel Vaillancourt
Research Areas
- Theories of reading, mystical writings, travel narratives,
birth of urbanism and urbanity in 17th century France, philosophy and aesthetics of Deleuze, semiotics
Selected Publications
guest editor of journal: (in coll. With M.F. Wagner) "Les entrées royales: urbanité et société
(in coll with M. Randall) "Généalogie de de la figure du Patriote, 1837-1838" [Genealogy of the
(in coll. With C. Lavoie) "Sport et Sémiotique" [Sports and Semiotics], Recherches sémiotiques|Semiotic Inquiries, Vol 22, Nos 1-2-3, 2002 in progress, L'Invention
as an editor, La cérémonie: entre le
Theory and Criticism Theses Supervised
- Matthew Prokopiw: Addiction: the colonization of rituals, MA thesis, 2015
- Brett Mommersteeg: Space, Territory, Occupy: Towards a Non-Phenomenological Dwelling, MA thesis, 2014
- M. Curtis Allen: Deleuze Through Wittgenstein: Essays in Transcendental Empiricism, MA thesis, 2014
- Stephen Gray: Austerity in America, PhD thesis, 2011
- Jakub Zdebik: The Extraordinary Contraction, PhD thesis, 2007
- Timothy De Vries: Passage Atlas: Benjamin and the Arcades, MA thesis, 2004
- Darryl Biedron: Towards a Theory of Tectonic Morphogenesis, MA thesis, 2003
- Christopher Bradd: On the Fields of Emergence: Towards a Politics of Time, MA thesis, 2001
- Keith Bresnahan: Nothing, Really: Absence, Negativity, and the Last Word (On Theological Remainders in Post-Heideggerian Thought), MA thesis, 2000
John Vanderheide
Doctoral membership
Associate Professor, English and Cultural Studies at Huron University College
On sabbatical July 1, 2024 to Dec. 31, 2024
Research Areas
- Literary and interpretive allegory; Comedy; Transatlantic Modernism and Postwar Literature; Adaptation theory; Deleuze studies
Selected Publications
"A Standstill in Desire: Schelling, Nietzsche, Deleuze and the Idea of Eternal Recurrence" January 2015, Symposium
Carrying the Fire: Cormac McCarthy's The Road and the Apocalyptic Tradition (Chapter - publication details forthcoming)
Theory and Criticism Theses Supervised
- M. Curtis Allen, The Metaphysics of Modernism and the Aesthetics of Reason in Wittgenstein, Deleuze, and Others, PhD thesis, 2023 (jointly supervised with Dr. Kevin Mooney)
- Jennifer Komorowski, The Masochian Woman: Coming to a Philosophical Understanding of Haudenosaunee Women's Masochism, PhD thesis, 2022
- Christina Elle Burke, Futures of Film Criticism: Aesthetics, Cinephilia, Philosophy, and Politics, PhD thesis, 2022, (co-supervised with Janelle Blankenship)
- Alexandra M. Hudecki, "Second Sight": Acknowledging W.E.B. Du Bois's "Double Consciousness" as a Step Towards Dissolution, MA thesis, 2020
- Justas Patkauskas, An Archaeology of Contemporary Speculative Knowledge, PhD thesis, 2020 (co-supervised with Tilottama Rajan)
- Taylor McGoey, Toward a Fluid Cinematic Spectatorship and Desire: Revisiting Laura Mulvey’s Psychoanalytic Film Theories , MA thesis, 2020 (co-supervised with Janelle Blankenship)
- Adam Mohamed, A Deleuzean Poststructural Deconstruction , MA thesis, 2019
- Richard Dew
, Pheneticsim As A Cultural And Literary Critique Of Human Interaction , MA thesis, 2018 - Jacob Norris, 1981: One or Several Aesthetics?, MA thesis, 2018
- Jeffrey M. Ray, The Ontological-Ontic Character of Mythology , MA thesis, 2017
- Evan Pebesma, Laughing Doubles: The Duality of Humour , MA thesis, 2017