Workload Management


Workload management is being able to successfully accomplish your assigned tasks and responsibilities within the time available. It is important to remember that workload is very fluid and can change depending on what is happening at your workplace. Effectively managing workload can reduce stress, burnout, job-related errors, incidents and injuries. This is a video created by Ottawa Public Health and the Mental Health Commission of Canada, and adapted with permission from Mindful Employer Canada. (time - 2:59)

What can I do as an employee?

  • Prioritize your responsibilities 
  • Be honest - discuss workload concerns with your supervisor 
  • Share your strengths, weaknesses and skillsets with your supervisor
  • Take time to create an action plan and become more efficient - work smarter, not harder
  • Use your breaks to focus on personal wellness 
  • Remember the importance of proper nutrition, regular exercise, and sleep 

What can I do as a manager or supervisor?

It is important to consider the psychosocial factors that impact employees' response to work. Psychosocial factors include the way work is carried out (deadlines, workload, processes) and the context in which it occurs (rapport with managers, colleagues, and clients). It is not just the amount of work that makes a difference, but having the resources (time, equipment, support) to do the work well.

  • Prioritize the responsibilities of projects and tasks
  • Encourage and be responsive to workload management
  • Assign tasks based on the strengths and interest of team members
  • Rotate mundane tasks to avoid staleness and keep morale higher 
  • Be reasonable with timelines 
  • Provide the resources that are required 
  • When possible, allow for flexibility in accomplishing tasks 
  • Ensure that job descriptions are accurate and up-to-date

Read more about workload management


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