Linguistics 2242A
Prerequisite(s): One of: Anthropology 1027A/B, Linguistics 2288A/B, both French 2805A/B and 2806A/B, or Spanish 3303A/B.
Course Description:This course is an introduction to the study of the sounds of speech. Topics covered include: basic anatomy of speech production, articulatory phonetics, acoustic phonetics, speech perception, phonetic description and transcription of sounds of the world’s languages.
General learning outcomes:
- Describe and explain the anatomy and mechanisms of speech production.
- Transcribe speech sounds of English and other languages using the International Phonetic Alphabet.
- Describe in detail the articulation of consonants and vowels of English and other languages in isolated words and in connected speech.
- Describe the acoustic properties of consonants and vowels and detect representations of the properties of sounds in waveforms and spectrograms.
- Perform acoustic analysis on samples of speech from English and other languages.
- Analyze speech at the level of the segment and the syllable and also at the level of suprasegmental phenomena: stress, length, timing, intonation and tone.
- Identify and describe systematically rhythm and intonation patterns in English and other languages.
- Situate phonetic analysis in relation to linguistic analysis, demonstrating an understanding of different theoretical perspectives on speech and language from research in phonetics and phonology.
Assignments and Evaluations:
- Quiz (8): 20% (best 7/8)
- Assignments (2): 40% (2X20%)
- Final Assignment: 30%
Readings and other course material:
All reading and exercise materials will be made available on the Brightspace site.