Centre d'aide en français

Le Centre d'aide en français réunit des ressources et activités diverses pour l'apprentissage du français.
Toutes les activités ont lieu dans la Salle de rencontre dédiée à Sui Shek Law et Yuk Wah Law (University College 2305).

Conversation Group

With Kathryn Montminy

Tuesdays & Thursdays, 12:30pm - 1:30pm
September 9th - December 13th
January 6th - April 11th
(No meetings during the reading weeks)

Movie Night

With Emmanuel Nketia

Last Wednesday of the month
starting at 4:30pm

Tutoring Hours

September 9th - December 13th
January 9th - April 11th
(No tutoring sessions during the reading weeks)

Weekly schedule: 

Practice Your French Online 
(direct link to the Center's grammar site)
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