Ron R. Martin

Contact Information
Title: Professor Emeritus
Office: Rm 122 ChB
Phone (Office): 519-661-2111 ext 86314
Research Areas
Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy and Synchrotron Radiation Analysis
B.Sc.; M.Sc. St. Francis Xavier; Ph.D., U.W.O.
- OCUFA Teaching Award
- Edward G. Pleva Award for Excellence in Teaching
Advanced analytical techniques, especially as applied to environmental problems. These techniques include Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy, X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy, and Synchrotron Radiation Analysis. Most recently studies have focussed on a study of plant/metal interactions including metals in tree rings (Dendroanalysis) and behaviour of metals at the plant/root interface. This work is being extended to include studies of the trace metal distribution in human hair.
- "S-R. Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy And Synchrotron X-ray Fluoresence In The Study Of The Variation In Metal Content With Time In Tree Rings," R.R. Martin, T.K. Sham, K.W. Jones, R. Protz, and Song, Canadian Journal of Forest Research, In Press
- "Metals in the Annual Rings of Eastern White pine in Southwestern Ontario by Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy (SIMS)." R.R. Martin, J.P. Zanin, M.J. Bensette, M. Lee and E. Furimsky. Can. J. For. Res. 27: 76-79 (1997).
- "Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy in the Analysis of the Trace Metal Distribution in the Annual Growth Rings of Trees." R.R Martin, E. Furminsky, Jinesh Jain, and W.M. Skinner. in ACS Symposium Series 654, Environmental Biomonitoring: Exposure assessment and Specimen Banking, K. S. Subramanian and G. V. Iyengar Eds. Chapter 3, pages 30- 40 (1997).
- "Three-Dimensional SIMS Imaging of 18O2 Oxidized Calcium-Loaded Graphite", T. Kyotani, S. Hayashi, A. Tomita, J.A. MacPhee and R.R. Martin, Fuel 71, 655-659 (1992).
- "Relationships Amongst Organic Matter Content, Heavy Metal Concentrations, Earthworm Activity and Soil Microfabric on a Sewage Sludge Disposal Site", A.D. Tomlin, R. Protz, R.R. Martin, D.C. McCabe and R.J. Lagace, Geoderma. 57 1-15 (1993).