Associated Persons

At Western, an Associated Person is an individual who has a recognized and approved affiliation with Western University, but who is not an employee of Western.

Below you will find a helpful overview of who may become an Associated Person and how they are registered.

Note: Department Administrators play an important role in the registration of Associated Persons. If you are an Administrator, you may access more detailed information and documents in the Administrator Toolbox (Admin login required). 

Who is an Associated Person at Western?

An Associated Person is an individual who has a recognized and approved affiliation with Western University, but who is not an employee of Western.

There are many types of Associated Persons. Some examples include visiting scholars, visiting researchers, visiting students, and employees of the Affiliated University Colleges.

When is an Associated Person appointment necessary?

An Associated Person appointment is needed when an individual who is affiliated with Western requires access to University resources. Registering an Associated Person results in the individual being assigned a Western ID Number and a Western Identity (User ID and password) in order to access appropriate resources at the University in support of that role.

The Associated Person type determines what access will be provided to the individual. All Associated Persons receive access to a Western computer account. Other services such as access to Western Libraries, a Western ONECard or Required Training, may or may not be provided depending upon the type of Associated Person.

How can I request registration of a new Associated Person?

Contact your department HR representative (e.g. Administrative Officer or Human Resources Coordinator) for assistance. You will need to provide the administrator with the following information regarding the individual:

  • Name
  • Email address
  • Role or affiliation with Western
  • Start date and end date
  • If the individual is a Foreign National and whether or not they will be visiting Western.*

*Additional processes apply when inviting Foreign Nationals to Western. Registration as an Associated Person occurs after the individual had arrived at Western. Your department HR representative can assist.

Please allow two weeks for the registration process and encourage the individual to provide their information in a timely manner to avoid delays. Registration must be approved by the Administrative Officer designated in your department/unit who is responsible for the management/approval of these registrations.

What does an Associated Person need to do to register?

The individual will receive an email, outlining how to register - either through an online process or completion of a form. They will need to provide basic, personal information for identity verification. After the registration has been completed on My Human Resources, the new Associated Person will receive an email notification with general instructions on how to access resources. The next business day, Western Technology Services (WTS) will automatically setup a Western Identity (User ID and password) and access to default services at Western.

How can I request changes to an Associated Person’s registration?

If an Associated Person’s appointment needs to be cancelled, changed or renewed, please contact your department HR representative for assistance. Questions regarding Associated Persons can be directed to your department HR representative or to Western Human Resources using ASK HR.

For further help please use ASK HR to contact Human Resources.

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