Policies and Supports
Student Academic Rights and Responsibilities
- Academic Appeals (PDF)
- Scholastic Discipline (PDF)
- Scholastic Discipline Flowchart (PDF)
- Student Code of Conduct (PDF)
Other Resources
Students have the right to request academic relief for term marks, final grades, to keep scholarships or waive progression requirements. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that his/her appeal is complete and that he/she approaches the appeal according to policy. Many resources can assist students with this process online and on campus.
Appeals must be submitted by June 30.
All requests should be forwarded to:
Associate Dean, Undergraduate Programs
Faculty of Health Sciences
Room 200, Arthur & Sonia Labatt Health Sciences Building
Western University
Students should enclose all appropriate supporting documentation with their appeal. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that his/her appeal file is complete and it is strongly recommended that they make copies of all information mailed to the Dean's Office. Originals of all documents are required and will be retained by the Dean's Office.
If a Dean’s Waiver is granted, students must participate in a mandatory academic advising appointment and complete a take-home activity that is designed to assist with meeting academic goals and the requirements necessary to continue in the Faculty of Health Sciences.
Appealing Term Marks and Final Grades
If a student believes that his/her assignments or exams were not graded fairly (see academic handbook for grounds for appeal), he or she can appeal that grade. A student can request relief in this order:
- Course instructor (informal consultation)
- Department Chair (submission of written request)
- Faculty Dean (submission of written request)
It is important for the student to initiate each step at the earliest opportunity. The academic calendar outlines the process more fully, including grounds or basis for appeal, timelines and deadlines.
Appealing to Keep a Continuing Scholarship
Students whose overall average during the academic year (September - April) falls within 2% of the normal minimum standard for retaining a Continuing Scholarship may appeal in writing to the Office of their Dean outlining the basis of the appeal and any special circumstances which warrant consideration.
In the Faculty of Health Sciences, these appeals are to be addressed to the Associate Dean, Undergraduate Programs. Students requesting an appeal to retain their Continuing Scholarship must do so within six weeks from the date of the notification.
Dean's Waiver for Students Required to Withdraw
Any student who is required to withdraw from the University for failure to meet Western's minimum progression requirements may appeal to the Dean of his or her Faculty of Registration. Students must complete the Dean’s Waiver as part of this process (see link below.)
Appeals must address all of the questions in the Dean’s Waiver and any additional documentation to support the Dean’s Waiver request should be attached.
In-person meetings to discuss an appeal will be at the discretion of the Associate Dean and can only be initiated by the Dean’s Office. Dean’s Waivers are normally granted only when significant extenuating circumstances have occurred during the unsuccessful academic year.
Appeals to Progress in a Program Within the Faculty of Health Sciences
Programs in the Arthur Labatt School of Nursing, the Brescia School of Food and Nutritional Sciences, the School of Health Studies and the School of Kinesiology are limited enrollment and have minimum progression averages. Students required to leave their program because they do not meet the minimum progression average, can appeal based on medical or compassionate extenuating circumstances. Students should consult the academic advisor in their school for deadlines and information regarding appeal submission.
A request for relief against a decision concerning program eligibility must be made to the Chair of the Department in writing by June 30. A request against a decision of the Chair must be made to the Associate Dean in writing within three weeks of the Chair's decision being issued. For more detailed information, consult the Academic Handbook on Undergraduate Student Appeals.
Readmission to Western
Applicants seeking readmission to Western or to an affiliated University College (Huron or King's) following withdrawal for unsatisfactory academic standing should contact the Undergraduate Admissions Office well in advance of the deadline. Students must apply by the appropriate deadline in order to be considered for readmission.
Scholastic Offenses
Members of the University Community accept a commitment to maintain and uphold the purposes of the University and, in particular, its standards of scholarship. It follows, therefore, that acts of a nature which prejudice the academic standards of the University are offences subject to discipline. Any form of academic dishonesty that undermines the evaluation process, also undermines the integrity of the University’s degrees. The University will take all appropriate measures to promote academic integrity and deal appropriately with scholastic offences.
Scholastic Offences can include plagiarism, cheating on an exam, falsifying documents, or submitting false medical or supporting documentation when requesting accommodation. These types of offences may result in significant consequences.
Students who have been informed that they have been found to have committed a scholastic offence can review the policy on Scholastic Discipline in the Academic Handbook, or contact the ombudsperson for assistance.
Western Academic Calendar
The Western Academic Calendar outlines deadlines, processes and grounds for appealing at the Undergraduate Level:
Academic Policies
Academic policies documents are found on the University Secretariat’s website. The Rights and Responsibilities tab provides in-depth information on academic appeals.
University Secretariat Policies and Procedures
The University Secretariat’s Policies and Procedures documents include the many policies that govern conduct at the University.
Office of the Ombudsperson
The Office of the Ombudsperson provides a safe, confidential environment in which students can discussed any University-related problem or concern to determine possible options. Services there are independent, confidential and impartial. They also have many helpful guides to help walk students through the process.
Academic Advisors
Academic advisors are available for help with faculty/program specific information, including whether to appeal to the Undergraduate Chair or Associate Dean, and how to get in contact with the appropriate people.
Connect with advisors in the following programs: