Student Opportunity Fund (SOF)
All full-time undergraduate students in the Faculty of Health Sciences contribute to their undergraduate experience through a voluntary $100 Faculty Donation Fee that is part of their academic fees. The funds go to support the Faculty’s Student Opportunity Fund (SOF). The SOF, and the SOF donation fee that supports it, was an initiative of Faculty of Health Sciences student leaders and was introduced in 2012-13.
Students and student groups in the Faculty can apply for funding from the SOF to support activities and events that are outside of those typically covered by their tuition costs.
In the past, the Student Opportunity Fund has provided financial support for a variety of activities and initiatives, including:
- Community initiatives
- Conference fees
- International exchanges
- Association registration fees
- Guest speakers
- Convocation receptions
- First aid/CPR courses
- Student-sponsored career fairs
- Undergraduate Summer Research Internships
Each undergraduate School – Health Studies, Kinesiology, Nursing, and Food and Nutritional Sciences – have separate Student Opportunity Fund committees which are associated with its Students’ Association. There is also a Faculty-wide SOF committee associated with the Faculty of Health Sciences Students’ Council.
Applications for SOF support open in October. The application form will be posted on OWL when it is available and notice of applications opening will be distributed via email. The students and respective Students Associations can recommend initiatives for funding, and the final approval for spending lies with the Dean or senior administrative officer within the faculty.
SOF Donation Fee - Opt-Out
If you would prefer not to support the Student Opportunity Fund, you are entitled to opt out of the voluntary $100 SOF donation fee using the link below.
- Full-time students who choose to opt out will receive a credit to their tuition account
- If you have a tuition balance owing, the opt-out will be applied to the balance owing
- If your fees account is paid in full, you will receive a refund (to receive a refund, main campus undergraduate and professional students need to enrol in direct deposit)
- Login to Student Center
- Click "Enrol in Direct Deposit" in the Finances section
- Input appropriate banking information
- NOTE: It may take as many as three business days from when the refund is issued for the funds to be deposited
An email will be sent to students in early November providing information on donation fee refunds.
You must be registered as a full-time student in either the School of Kinesiology, the Arthur Labatt Family School of Nursing (Western site), the School of Health Studies or the Brescia School of Food and Nutritional Sciences to be eligible for the refund. Part-time students, Fanshawe College site Nursing students and graduate students (other than Kinesiology) are not assessed the fee and are therefore not eligible for the refund.
To opt out of the SOF donation fee, students must complete the form listed below: