December 19, 2023 Nursing professor Shokoufeh Modanloo is leading a collaborative project with social agencies to study newcomer women from the Middle East and their maternal-newborn interactions with the health-care system.
December 04, 2023 Western Nursing professor, Susana Caxaj, has been named as a recipient of the inaugural Western Research Excellence Awards, created in 2023 to recognize excellence across disciplines and career stages.
November 29, 2023 Researchers from Western University, the University of British Columbia and University of New Brunswick have developed a free, secure and bilingual app, called iHEAL, to help women across Canada who experience violence from a current or past partner find personalized ways to stay safe and healthy while getting their basic needs met and reclaiming their power.
November 24, 2023 Aging Globally is an international course that introduces students to health-care systems in three Scandinavian countries: Norway, Sweden and Denmark. After completing their coursework in the winter term, participants travel to Scandinavia for a 10-day study trip.
November 22, 2023 A significant milestone for Western's Master of Physical Therapy (MPT) program, future students will have access to the inclusive and dynamic Ronald D. Schmeichel Building for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, currently under development on Western's main campus.
November 16, 2023 Occupational therapy professor Liliana Alvarez's research is marked by its commitment to leveraging technology, addressing the needs of at-risk populations, championing transportation equity, and ultimately, aiming for a real-world impact that enhances road safety and community mobility for everyone.
November 15, 2023 Ingrid Johnsrude, a professor in the School of Communication Sciences and Disorders and a cognitive psychologist, researches the interplay between hearing loss, speech comprehension and cognitive abilities, seeking ways to improve overall communication, especially for older adults.
November 15, 2023 Researchers, including Sean Spilsbury, MA‘21, and kinesiology professor Marc Mitchell, studied the impact on physical activity after financial incentives were offered and then removed a year later.
November 10, 2023 Western makes new safe sport commitments: Senior Advisor on Safe Sport appointment, semi-annual student-athlete surveys among measures.
November 06, 2023 School of Occupational Therapy alumni, Serena Campbell and Haley Sweet, both worked as learners during their clinical placements and now are valued members of the teams at London Health Sciences Centre (LHSC).
November 04, 2023 Dimitra Pouliopoulou, a PhD student in HRS, is developing a remotely-delivered Joint Protection Program to improve the functionality and reduce pain for people with hand osteoarthritis. She is the recipient of a 2023 Arthritis Society Canada PhD Salary Award, highlighting the significance and potential impact of her research.
October 27, 2023 A student in Western’s Arthur Labatt Family School of Nursing, Mutiat Olaniyan learned in class about a new volunteer placement that would allow students the opportunity to gain experience in primary care – and help promote cancer screening within the community.
October 25, 2023 Katie Shillington, PhD'23, recognized with national award for academic excellence. She worked with her supervisor, Health Studies professor Jennifer Irwin, on studying Ontario adults’ mental health, wellbeing and prosocial behaviour during the first 16 months of the COVID-19 pandemic.
October 23, 2023 Kayla Gauthier, BHSc'23 (Health Sciences), was recently announced as a Regional Winner (best submission from the US and Canada) in the category of Nursing, Midwifery & Allied Healthcare, in the Global Undergraduate Awards for her paper analyzing health ethics of hospital hiring practices during a health crisis.
October 18, 2023 Western Nursing professor, Richard Booth, led one of the first population-based studies to track the increasing proportion of deaths from opioid-related overdoses in the population of Ontarians experiencing homelessness.
October 10, 2023 Co-author, Treena Orchard, professor at Western's School of Health Studies, asks if online vigilante communities that shame daters also safeguard women from getting exploited or hurt.
October 06, 2023 Kinesiology professor and leadership scholar Jim Weese was inspired to write The Grandpa Rules after the arrival of his first grandchild, Rylee.
October 04, 2023 School of Physical Therapy professor, Trevor Birmingham, is one of five researchers from Western University elected as Fellows of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences.
September 29, 2023 Western's School of Physical Therapy professor, Tina Ziebart, is among the few researchers with expertise in the development of exercise and physical activity interventions tailored for individuals with osteoporosis. Drawing on her background in kinesiology, she studies the mechanics of safely applying loads to the skeletal system, reducing the risk of fractures while still enabling physical activity.
September 21, 2023 A group of Western nursing graduates from the class of 1973 gathered five years ago for their last reunion. Now they are preparing to celebrate their 50th anniversary with another gathering this weekend during Homecoming.
September 19, 2023 Canadian Paralympian and Western's School of Kinesiology professor David Howe to receive International Paralympic Committee Scientific Award for 2023.
September 19, 2023 Nursing professor, Cheryl Forchuk, is one of six Western scholars who were elected Fellows of the Royal Society of Canada in recognition of her outstanding scholarly achievements.
September 14, 2023 As Western University celebrates Riverfest 2023, School of Health Studies professor Lesley Gittings is actively engaged in the discourse on water justice and equity. Collaborating with academics and the community, she presents the Confluency exhibit, an exploration the profound connection between water and health equity.
September 14, 2023 Nursing professor Saleema Allana has been named by AMS Healthcare among a group of 12 Fellows in Compassion and Artificial Intelligence (AI).
August 29, 2023 Recent study from researchers in Western University's School of Kinesiology shows efficacy of interventions designed to counter the detrimental effects of prolonged sitting.
August 28, 2023 BJ Cunningham, a professor from Western’s School of Communication Sciences and Disorders, is working to redefine how we approach research on preschool children's speech and language impairments.
August 21, 2023 Colleen McGrath's journey began as a pursuit of a lesser-known research topic during her master's degree. Today, as a professor at Western's School of Occupational Therapy, she is a leading Canadian researcher on the impact of vision loss in older adults.
August 14, 2023 Western and Lawson Health Research Institute researchers, including co-author and kinesiology professor Kevin Shoemaker, have found that a combination of computerized cognitive training and aerobic-resistance exercises (such as walking and cycling along with weight training) can significantly improve cognitive functions, such as memory, attention, recognition and orientation, in older adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI).
August 10, 2023 A new Conversation piece co-authored by International Centre for Olympic Studies director and kinesiology professor Angela Schneider examines whether the Paris 2024 Olympics will return to pre-pandemic normalcy.
August 08, 2023 Sung Been Cho, a PhD candidate in Health and Rehabilitation Sciences and supervised by professor Ewan Macpherson, shares his research in 150 or fewer words in this Inspiring Minds Showcase.
July 20, 2023 Songlin Zhu is a second-year Master’s student in Integrative Biosciences, Kinesiology. She is also a trainee of the Collaborative Specialization in Musculoskeletal Health Research. Read about her research, in her own words, in this Inspiring Minds Showcase.
July 10, 2023 Nursing student Natalie Thirsk, whose name was announced for the Canadian team on June 29, will be competing in the T38 100-metre and 400-metre races in Paris.
June 20, 2023 Varsha Vasudevan, MSc candidate in Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, shares her research in 150 or fewer words in this Inspiring Minds Showcase.
June 20, 2023 According to Nursing professor, Abe Oudshoorn in his recent The Conversation article, current affordable housing systems are failing those with the highest needs.
June 16, 2023 In The Conversation, Boshra Bahrami, Master’s student, Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, BJ Cunningham, Assistant Professor, School of Communication Sciences and Disorders,and Zoe A. Leyland, Coordinator, EDIDA and Interprofessional Education, share how making animal sounds can make a difference in children’s early speech and language development. Read more to learn how animal sounds help children’s vocabulary and cognitive skills.
June 14, 2023 The knowledge Demo Kaltabanis gained earning his BScN has had a profound impact on how he views others – and himself. It’s also given him the opportunity to shine as a leader and an advocate, while making meaningful contributions to the education of future nurses.
June 01, 2023 New research led by nursing professor Abe Oudshoorn and a team of researchers from the Centre for Research on Health Equity and Social Inclusion at Western has shown that when considering how to move Canada’s most vulnerable from unhoused to housed, the network of supports available within that housing is critical to its success.
May 29, 2023 Arman Hassanpour Aslishirjouposht is a PhD student in the Health and Rehabilitation Sciences graduate program (Hearing Science field) in the Faculty of Health Sciences at Western University. His research interests include digital signal processing, speech intelligibility, electroacoustic assessment of hearing aids and machine learning in hearing applications.
May 26, 2023 PhD candidates from around the world came to Western for a two-week Event Rights program discussing ways to make large sporting events safer and more beneficial for all.
May 23, 2023 Western's School of Physical Therapy professor Pavlos Bobos' research explores the power of exercise-based interventions to combat chronic conditions.
May 18, 2023 Kinesiology professor David Howe and graduate student Karmen Mohindru are studying the harms and protections in place for athletes in para sports, and how effective those safeguarding practices truly are.
May 11, 2023 Heather Gillis, a lecturer in Western University’s School of Physical Therapy, recently received a pair of prestigious awards in recognition of her outstanding contributions to teaching, leadership and advancing the practice of musculoskeletal physiotherapy in Canada.
April 24, 2023 An assistant professor in Western’s Arthur Labatt Family School of Nursing, Saleema Allana is exploring the need for healthcare services to be unique and specific to immigrant populations through the lens of intersectionality.
April 18, 2023 Led by Nursing professor Abe Oudshoorn, the Making Permanent Supportive Housing Work for Vulnerable Populations research project explores housing practices that support people experiencing chronic homelessness and other vulnerable people.
April 18, 2023 Kinesiology PhD candidate Denise Kamyuka researches social entrepreneurship for women in sport, in Botswana. Learn more about her work from her contribution to the Western Libraries Inspiring Minds Showcase.
April 14, 2023 Nursing professor Abe Oudshoorn is part of a team of researchers at Western that have partnered with startup company SCATR Inc. to pilot and research the effectiveness of drug checking technology at safe consumption sites.
April 13, 2023 Angela Roberts, an assistant professor in the School of Communication Sciences and Disorders who holds a joint appointment in the Department of Computer Science, is studying ‘SuperAgers’ to help unlock mysteries around the human brain and its aging processes.
April 12, 2023 A new article in The Conversation coauthored by Kinesiology professor Angela Schneider discusses the International Olympic Committee recommendation that individual athletes from Russia and Belarus be allowed to participate as “neutral athletes” while their nations remained barred from competing.
April 11, 2023 Ivy Osei plans to use her current research on the standardization of traditional folk games to grow SportDrive, a non-governmental organization she co-founded in Ghana focused on developing traditional games into standardized sports.
April 10, 2023 Glorieuse Uwizeye survived the genocide against Rwanda's Tutsi people. Her research promotes global health equity and gives voice to those carrying effects of 1994 massacre.
April 05, 2023 Article in The Conversation co-authored by Kinesiology professor David Howe describes new study looking to understand parents' experience supporting their children’s sport participation and parasport pathways.
March 15, 2023 Health Studies professor Jennifer Irwin's research on the impact of kindness on university campuses gives her a unique perspective to assess Western's new Making Kindness Count campaign.
March 10, 2023 Health Studies professor Anuskha Ataullahjan is a critical qualitative researcher who draws on a variety of disciplines in her work, including anthropology, demography, and public health. Much of her work has taken place within Pakistan (and particularly in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa), where she’s studied issues like polio vaccination and family planning.
February 27, 2023 Physical Therapy professor Laura Brunton is one of two Western University researchers sharing in nearly $1.5 million in federal funding to improve health care for Canadians experiencing transitions in care.
February 15, 2023 Kinesiology professors Laura Misener and Angela Schneider argue that the Canadian government's inaction in regard to launching an inquiry into abuse in Canadian sport highlights enduring gender and racial inequities.
February 13, 2023 Occupational Therapy professor Gail Teachman says that most of the focus in children’s rehabilitation tends to be on addressing impairment in an effort to help kids with disabilities be as ‘normal’ as possible. But what is ‘normal’? And should the focus be on ‘fixing’ something that isn't ‘broken’? The research shows that, though well-intentioned, rehabilitation in this form can actually be detrimental to a child with disabilities.
February 08, 2023 Traditional gyms still sell weight loss and a change in one’s body appearance – leading to improved self-esteem – as the desired outcomes to potential customers. Those reasons are why many people engage in physical activity in the first place. But are they the right ones? If the goal is to achieve a healthier body image, the answer is certainly not, according to Eva Pila, an assistant professor and researcher in Western’s School of Kinesiology.
February 03, 2023 Conditions of employment under Canada’s temporary foreign worker program can cause challenges to workers’ health, rights, and survival
January 30, 2023 A new Western study shows that university students who were regularly vaping wanted to cut back after learning about the threat the habit could pose to their health.
January 25, 2023 In collaboration with the Child and Youth Network, OT professor Trish Tucker, MScOT/PhD student Leah Taylor and a team from Western’s Child Health & Physical Activity Laboratory produced a practical, online resource to support physical activity participation for families of children with disabilities in London, Ontario: Everyone Can Play.
January 16, 2023 Kinesiology professor Eva Pila discusses the social issues related to the use of the diabetes drug Ozempic as a rapid weight loss drug on CBC Radio: The Current,
January 08, 2023 Communication Sciences and Disorders professor Marlene Bagatto's new research study will examine hearing health care inequity across regions in Canada and determine the costs when infant hearing issues go unidentified.