Rubik's Cube

Grade Level: All Grades
Drop-in Event


Solve a series of Rubik’s Cube (five) in the quickest and fastest time possible.


This is an individual event. It is open to students in any grade.


Each participant will use a regulated sized Rubik’s cube to complete their trials. Participants are permitted to bring their own 3x3x3 custom cube, as long as it is standard size (5.5cmx5.5cmx5.5cm).


  1. Each participant must solve five total computer generated patterns. After five patterns have been solved, the highest and lowest times will be tossed out, leaving the final three times to be averaged out for a competitive score.
    • To ensure fairness, all participants will receive the exact same scrambles as the other participants in the same order. The provided link will produce a series of computer generated patterns for the cube ( Set the number of ‘Scrambles’ to 10, and select five patterns that are challenging, but fair. If you are not satisfied with the 10 patterns, feel free to generate another set of 10.
    • For those who have difficulty on understanding the permutations necessary to arrive to the generated pattern, please refer to page two of the provided link
    • When scrambling the cube, ensure that the cube is being scrambled out of sight. Otherwise, the pattern can be easily recognized.
  2. Each participant will be allowed 15 seconds to inspect the cube prior to each solve.
  3. Participants must approach a facilitator BEFORE beginning a solve. Solving without a facilitator watching will NOT count.
    • The generated patterns should only be used when the participant is solving for one of their scrambles. The page with provided patterns are NOT to be provided to the participants at any time. Participants MUST provide you a solved cube to scramble. Participants should submit only when they are confident. No re-dos will be allowed for any of their five solves.
  4. Each misaligned side (45 degree angle) at the end of a finish will result in a two second penalty each.
  5. If a cube has a defect in anyway (a piece of the cube falls out, or the center caps of the cube come loose), the participant may choose to either repair the cube during the solve, or count the solve as a DNF. The DNF will result as the highest time and be tossed out at the end. Should this occur again, both DNF’s will be tossed out and the other three will be averaged out.


The winner is the solver who achieves the lowest average time.