MA Graduates

2023-24 Cohort

Clare Littlechild 

Independent Research Project: Eating Our Feelings: The Weight of Trauma in Eating Disorders & Recovery

Kate Maillet

Independent Research Project: Affective Norms Surrounding Abortion Experience and Disclosure

Sophia Wright

Independent Research Project: An Autoethnographic Exploration of the Gendered Performance of Grief

2022-23 Cohort

Hanieh Bakhtiari

Independent Research Project: Feminism and Its Usability: A Study of Iranian New Men and Their Claim to Feminism

Porter Belanger

Independent Research Project: Decolonizing carcerality: Reimagining Two-spirit and Indigenous women’s sovereignty in Canadian prisons 

Lilly Compeau-Schomberg

Independent Research Project: Things Being What They Are Not: Contextualizing the “Lesbian Earring” Trend

Elizabeth Kilborn

Independent Research Project: Self-care, vicarious trauma and neoliberalism: A close textual analysis of victim service worker handbooks

Madison Monk

Independent Research Project: Neopronoun discourse in online space: Constructing queer and autistic identity

Ashton Pugh

Independent Research Project: What Feminist TikTokers Want ‘For You’: Ditch the Instagram Mood Boards for Some Critical Conversation 

2021-2022 Cohort

Isabelle Di Giuseppe

Independent Research Project: Hidden in queer sight: A digital discourse analysis of queer parent and family groups on Meetup

Sarah Langill

Independent Research Project: “The First White President”: Right-Wing Populism and Divisions of Race and Gender in the 2016 US Presidential Election

Nicole Paldino

Independent Research Project: Stop Protecting Your Rep, Start Protecting Us: A Discourse Analysis of the Aftermath of the September 2021 Sexual Assaults at Western University

Alessia Servin

Independent Research Project: An Academic "Sin Hogar"

Callie Whalen

Independent Research Project: I am IN FACT Trans: The Construction My Own Transfeminine Identity

2020-2021 Cohort

Grace Young

Independent Research Project: Contemporary Youth Climate Activism in Canada: Shifting Frames and Mobilizing for a Fossil Free Future

Jessica Ip

Independent Research Project: Co-Constructing "Subtle Asian Traits" Online: Exploring the Role of Digital Diaspora for Children of Asian Immigrants

Katarina Grambow 

Independent Research Project: Examining Cis, Het, Patriarchal Masculinities in YA Literature to Envision Gender Expansiveness that Promotes Boys’ Mental Wellness and Well-Being

Natasha Germana 

Independent Research Project: "On the border of borderline”: An Autoethnographic Exploration of Narratives of Borderline Personality Disorder in Western Psychiatry and Self-Help Literature

Nicole Kaniki 

Independent Research Project: A Black Feminist Narrative Analysis about Diversity work in a Canadian University

Peyton Campbell

Independent Research Project: “I’m an Accountant:” Sex Worker’s Engagement in Discourses of Labour on the Online Platform TikTok

Sabrina Lamana

Independent Research Project: Overcoming Settler-Colonial Power Relations: An Investigation of the Relationship between the ‘Politics of Recognition’ and Reclaiming Power and Place: The National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls

Sarah Caldwell (course-based)

2019-2020 Cohort

Alex MacDonald

Independent Research Project: “Those Seasonals”: Examining PEI Residents' Reactions to Seasonal Residents Returning to PEI During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Brienna French

Independent Research Project: Equitable Employment in Mining: Examining Indigenous Women and Persons with Disabilities’ Participation in the Canadian Mining Industry

David Semenov

Independent Research Project: “Are You a Transtrender?”:Transnormativity and Intracommunity Identity Policing on YouTube

Jamie Kim

Independent Research Project: The Biometric Occupation: Settler Colonialism, Protocological Violence, and Racializing Surveillance in the Israeli Occupation of Palestine

Kody Muncaster

Independent Research Project: #TruvadaWhore: Gay, Bisexual and Queer men’s slut-shaming of HIV PrEP use on Grindr

Mark Shelvock

Independent Research Project: Green Death Practices: Consciously Dying

Serena Rahhal (course-based)

Katrina Fortner (course-based)