Recently Published
Pienaah, C., Baruah, B. and I. Luginaah. 2024. Women’s perspectives on addressing the decline of Shea trees in Northern Ghana. GeoJournal. 89(9): 1-15.
Cayen, L. (In progress). “My actions constituted a possible career risk”: A Culture Jam of Experiential Learning and Performance-Based Funding. Revisions submitted July 2023.
Grey, C., and Kareem K. M. Willis. “LGBTQ+, Race, and The Pursuit of Social Equity.” In Achieving Social Equity: From Problems to Solutions, edited by Mary E. Guy and Sean A. McCandless, 2nd ed: Melvin & Leigh. In press.
Fielding, H.A. "Being Touched by Wellness: Merleau-Ponty, Nancy and the Intensive Care Unit”, Puncta: Journal of Critical Phenomenology. On-line open access journal, 2024. Forthcoming.
Fielding, H. A. Editor. “Merleau-Ponty’s Open Futures: a Dialogue with Anishinaabe Thinking”: a dossier in Chiasmi International: Trilingual Studies Concerning Merleau-Ponty’s Thought. Vol. 25 (2023). Forthcoming.
Lawson, E.S. “Black Maternal Grief and Grievance against the Liberal State.” In M. Caputi and P. Moynagh (eds). Research Handbook on Feminist Political Thought. Elgar Edward Press (forthcoming 2024).
Lawson, E.S., and O. Osman. “Maternal Activism and the Politics of Memorialization in the Mothers of the Movement.” In Crosby, A. & Evans, H. (eds). Memorializing violence: Transnational feminist reflections. Rutgers University Press (forthcoming 2024).
Ernie Blackmore, Kerstin Knopf, Wendy Gay Pearson, and Corina Wieser-Cox. “Introduction: Indigenous Filmmaking throughout the World.” Routledge Handbook of Indigenous Film, ed. Ernie Blackmore, Kerstin Knopf, Wendy Gay Pearson, and Corina Weiser-Cox. New York: Routledge. Forthcoming in 2024.
Pearson, WG. “‘Two Parts Broken Heart and One Part Hope’: Violence and Historical Trauma in Skins, Bearwalker and Once Were Warriors.” Routledge Handbook of Indigenous Film, ed. Ernie Blackmore, Kerstin Knopf, Wendy Gay Pearson, and Corina Weiser-Cox. New York: Routledge. Forthcoming.
Susan Knabe, . and Wendy Gay Pearson. “Recipes for Survival: Muffins for Granny and the Legacy of Residential Schooling.” Routledge Handbook of Indigenous Film, ed. Ernie Blackmore, Kerstin Knopf, Wendy Gay Pearson, and Corina Weiser-Cox. New York: Routledge. Forthcoming.
Pearson, WG. “Bodies, Right or Wrong: Medicine, Gender Identity, and Science Fiction’s Representation of Transgender Possibility.” Edinburgh Companion to Science Fiction and the Medical Humanities, ed. Gavin Miller, Anna McFarlane, Joan Haran, and Donna McCormack. Edinburgh UP. Invited submission. Forthcoming.
Younes, K. Forthcoming chapter in The Crossroads of Crime Writing, Anthem Press, (2024), edited by Meghan P. Nolan and Rebecca Martin: “Eco-Noir in Kim Stanley Robinson’s New York 2140”.
Younes, K. Forthcoming chapter in Outlander as Crime Fiction, McFarland, (2024), edited by Erin E. MacDonald: “Epistemophilia and Landscapes: Claire Randall as a Metaphysical Sleuth in Outlander”.
Younes, K. South Central Review, (2025), edited by Meghan Gilbert-Hickey, Sara K. Day, and Sonya Sawyer Fritz: “Mimetic Femme Fatales and Melancholic PIs in the Literary works of Dashiell Hammett and Raymond Chandler”.
Najjar, D. and B. Baruah. (2023). “Even the goats feel the heat:” gender, livestock rearing, rangeland cultivation, and climate change adaptation in Tunisia. Climate and Development. DOI: 10.1080/17565529.2023.2253773
Baruah, B. and Biskupski-Mujanovic, S. (2023). “Indigenous women's employment in natural resource industries in Canada: Patterns, barriers and opportunities.” Women's Studies International Forum.
Baada, J., B. Baruah and I. Luginaah. 2023. Limit(ation)s, sustainability, and the future of climate migration. Dialogues in Human Geography. DOI: 10.1177/20438206231177071
Potvin, J. and Cayen, L. (2023). Plan International’s Digital Empowerment Campaign: Unlocking Healthy Futures for Girls? Girlhood Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 16(2).
Anthony W.H. Yuen, Jordan M. Sang, Lu Wang, Justin Barath, Nathan J. Lachowsky, Allan Lal, Julius Elefante, Trevor A. Hart, Shayna Skakoon-Sparling, Grey, C., Daniel Grace, Joseph Cox, Gilles Lambert, Syed W. Noor, Herak Apelian, Abbie Parlette, Kiffer G. Card, Mark W. Hull, Jody Jollimore and David M. Moore. “Attitudes of Gay, Bisexual, and Other Men Who Have Sex with Men (GBM) toward Their Use of Amphetamine-Type Stimulants and Relation to Reducing Use in Three Canadian Cities.” Substance Use & Misuse 0 (0): 1–13.
Fielding, H. A. “A Critical Phenomenology of Sound Art,” in The Oxford Handbook of the Phenomenology of Music, Jonathan De Souza, Benjamin Steege, and Jessica Wiskus, editors, 2023.
Lawson, E.S. (2023). “Black Women’s Mothering Practices in the Canadian Racial State: Reflections on Maternal Sufferation in the Afterlife of Slavery.” Journal of Canadian Studies, 57(1):1-19.
Grey, C., Ian Liujia Tian, Shayna Skakoon-Sparling, Emerich Daroya, Ben Klassen, David Lessard, Mark Gaspar, et al. ‘Unpacking Racism during COVID-19: Narratives from Racialized Canadian Gay, Bisexual, and Queer Men’. International Journal for Equity in Health 22 (1): 152.
Grey, C., Jad Sinno, Haochuan Zhang, Emerich Daroya, Shayna Skakoon-Sparling, Ben Klassen, David Lessard, et al. ‘Queering Public Health: A Critical Examination of Healthcare Access and Gender Expression among Trans, Nonbinary, and Other Gender Nonconforming People during COVID-19’. Health & Social Care in the Community.
Emerich Daroya, Grey, C., Ben Klassen, David Lessard, Shayna Skakoon-Sparling, Amaya Perez-Brumer, Barry Adam, et al. ‘“It’s Not as Good as the Face-to-Face Contact”: A Sociomaterialist Analysis of the Use of Virtual Care among Canadian Gay, Bisexual and Queer Men during the COVID-19 Pandemic’. Sociology of Health & Illness.
Bidushy Sadika, M. Jawad Zawulistani, Caden Miguel Reyes, Heather Martin, Grey, C., Kaitlynn Mendes, and Emily G. Nielsen. “Understanding Hate in Ontario.” London: Mosaic Institute.
Emerich Daroya, Mark Gaspar, Grey, C., David Lessard, Ben Klassen, Shayna Skakoon-Sparling, Jad Sinno, et al. ‘“It’s Different for Heterosexuals”: Exploring Cis-Heteronormativity in COVID-19 Public Health Directives and Its Impacts on Canadian Gay, Bisexual, and Queer Men’. Critical Public Health.
Korycki. K. Weaponizing the Past: Collective Memory, and Jews, Poles & Communists in the 21st Century Poland. Oxford, New York: Berghahn Books. 2023.
Korycki. K. “De-commemoration as healing and conflict: Canada and its colonial past and present." In Sarah Gensburger & Jenny Wüstenberg’s (eds.) (De)Commemoration: Making sense of contemporary calls for tearing down statues and renaming places. Oxford, New York: Berghahn Books. 2023
Korycki. K. “Le décommémoration comme guérison et conflit au Canada.” In Sarah Gensburger and Jenny Wüstenberg (eds.) Dé-Commémoration: Quand le monde déboulonnes des statues et renomme des rues. Failard. 2023
Korycki. K. “Political Parties,” In Jenny Wüstenberg and Yiffat Gutman’s (eds.) Rutledge Handbook of Memory Activism, Rutledge, 2023
Roulston, C. (2023). Current Project (SSHRC funded monograph), School Daze: Queer Nostalgia, Colonialism and British Girls’ Boarding School Narratives, 1933-2023.
Roulston, C. (2023).Decoding Anne Lister: From the Archive to ‘Gentleman Jack’. Co-edited with Caroline Gonda. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 282 pp.
Roulston, C. (2023). Entry on Choderlos de Laclos, Dangerous Connections (1784), Cambridge Guide to the Eighteenth-Century Novel, 1660-1820.
Roulston, C. (2023). Review of Tracy L. Rutler. Queering the Enlightenment: Kinship and Gender in Eighteenth-Century French Literature. Voltaire Foundation: Liverpool University Press, 2021. Eighteenth-Century Fiction (ECF) 35.3 (2023): 423-425.
Lisa Yaszek, Sonja Fritzsche, Keren Omry and Wendy Gay Pearson, eds. The Routledge Companion to Gender and Science Fiction. London: Routledge, 2023. 412pp.
Pearson, WG. “Love and Excellence: Gender in Jo Walton’s Thessaly Trilogy.” Foundation: The International Review of Science Fiction.”When It Changed” special issue, ed. Paul March-Russell. Winter 2023: 5-18.
Pearson, WG. “Barbies and Celebrity Saints: Religion in John Varley’s Eight Worlds Stories.” Submitted to Religion and Outer Space, ed. Eric Michael Mazur and Sarah McFarland Taylor. New York: Routledge, 2023. 114-29. Invited contribution.
Pearson, WG. “Trans without Trans?: Gender Identity and the Relationship between Transness and Sex Changing in the Works of John Varley.” The Routledge Companion to Gender and Science Fiction, ed. Sonja Fritsche, Keren Omry, Wendy Gay Pearson, and Lisa Yaszek. Routledge, 2023. 175-82.
Pearson, WG. “Introduction” (Subjectivities). The Routledge Companion to Gender and Science Fiction, ed. Sonja Fritsche, Keren Omry, Wendy Gay Pearson, and Lisa Yaszek. Routledge, 2023. 119-23.
Molinaro, M., Polzer, J., Laliberte Rudman, D. and Savundranayagan, M. (2023). “I can’t be the nurse I want to be”: Counter-stories of moral distress in pediatric oncology nurses’ caregiving narratives. Social Science and Medicine, 320,
Younes, K. “Eco-Noir in Netflix’s The Silent Sea” in The International Association for the Fantastic in the Arts (IAFA), (October, 2023), edited by Haerin Shin and Sang-Keun Yoo.
Baruah, B. and C. Gaudet. 2022. Creating and Optimizing Employment Opportunities for Women in the Clean Energy Sector in Canada. Journal of Canadian Studies 56(2): 240-270.
Baruah, B. 2022. Gender Equality and Empowerment in the Social and Solidarity Economy. In Yi, I. etal (eds.) Encyclopedia of the Social and Solidarity Economy. Cheltenham and Northampton, MA. Edward Elgar Publishing Limited in partnership with United Nations Inter-Agency Task Force on Social and Solidarity Economy (UNTFSSE).
Green-Barteet, M. A. and Fritz, S.S. (Forthcoming 2022). "Empowering Girls: The Liminal Spaces of Schools in 19th-Century Trans-Atlantic Literature for Girls.” Containing Childhood: Space and Identity in Children’s Literature, edited by Danielle Russell, University Press of Mississippi.
Emerich Daroya, Grey, C., David Lessard, Ben Klassen, Shayna Skakoon-Sparling, Mark Gaspar, Amaya Perez-Brumer, et al. ‘“I Did Not Have Sex Outside of Our Bubble”: Changes in Sexual Practices and Risk Reduction Strategies among Sexual Minority Men in Canada during the COVID-19 Pandemic’. Culture, Health & Sexuality 0 (0): 1–17.
Shayna Skakoon-Sparling, Kiffer G. Card, Jake R. Novick, Graham W. Berlin, Nathan J. Lachowsky, Barry Adam, David J. Brennan, Jordan M. Sang, Syed W. Noor, Joseph Cox, David M. Moore, Daniel Grace, Grey, C., Emerich Daroya, Trevor A. Hart. “The Relevance of Communal Altruism for Sexual Minority Men in Contemporary Contexts.” Journal of Community Psychology.
Shayna Skakoon-Sparling, Joseph Cox, Nathan J. Lachowsky, Allison L. Kirschbaum, Graham W. Berlin, Mark Gaspar, Barry Adam, David J. Brennan, David M. Moore, Herak Apelian, Jordan Sang, Jody Jollimore, Daniel Grace, Grey, C., Trevor A. Hart. “Minority stressors and connectedness among urban gay, bisexual, and Queer Men.” Psychology of Men and Masculinities.
Grey, C., Ian Liujia Tian, and Daniel Grace. “Will You Take on the Challenge? Combatting Racism in Our Communities Will Require All Our Efforts.” Engage. 27 June 2022.
Korycki, K. “Who’s Afraid of Gender?” Order from Ashes Podcast (with Lobna Darwish & Naira Antoun). The Century Foundation, May 12, 2022
Korycki, K. “The Politics of Moral Panics, a Roundtable” Transnational Trends in Citizenship (with Sabiha Allouche, Haira Bouteldja, Karma R. Chaves, Lobna Darwish, Maya Magdashi, Emma Spruce, Anna Younes and Naira Antoun). The Century Foundation, May 9, 2022.
Konkor, I., Antabe, R., Mkandawire, P., McIntosh, M. D., Lawson, E. S., Husbands, W., … Luginaah, I. (2022). Knowledge of sexual partner’s HIV serostatus and the practice of safer sex among heterosexual men of African descent in London, Ontario. Ethnicity & Health, 27(2): 375 – 387.
Lawson, E. (2022) “Black Canadian Feminist Thought.” In Reading Sociology, 4th edition. J. Jean-Pierre; V. Watts; C.E. James; P. Albanese; X. Chen; and M. Graydon (eds.). Oxford University Press, 77-81.
Lawson, E.S. (2022). “Unsettling the Great White North.” Historical Journal of Education, pp. 72-74.
Roulston, C. (7 June 2022). “From Text to Screen: Gentleman Jack Then and Now.” Journal of Lesbian Studies. Online publication.
Roulston. C. (2022). "Interpreting the Thin Archive: Anne Lister, Eliza Raine and Telling School Tales." Eighteenth-Century Studies 55.2: 191-213.
Roulston, C. (18 January 2022). Review of Dorothy Strachey, Olivia (1949). Introduction André Aciman. London: Penguin Classics, 2020. Modernism/Modernity 6.3.
Bourne, S., Kothari, A., Wathen, N., & Polzer, J. (2022). Canadian Environmental Health Officer Perceptions of Barriers to Research Utilization in Everyday and Emergency Practice. Environmental Health Review, 65(2), 45-55.
Baada, J. and Polzer, J. (2022). Ambivalent Complicities and Knowledge Production: Researching Migrant Women Farmers’ Reproductive Health Experiences in the Middle Belt of Ghana. Sociology of Health and Illness (Special Issue on Complicity: Methodologies of power, politics, and the ethics of knowledge production).
Pearson, WG. “Speculative Fiction and Queer Theory.” In Isaac West (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Queer Studies and Communication. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022. Invited contribution. Please note that this peer reviewed essay is 17,000 words. Print edition forthcoming.
Pearson, WG. “Annalee Newitz,” Fifty Key Figures in Cyberpunk Culture, ed.. Anna McFarlane, Graham J. Murphy, and Lars Schmeink. New York: Routledge, 2022. 133-38. Invited contribution.
Pearson, WG. “Charlie Jane Anders,” Encyclopedia of Contemporary American Fiction, ed. Lesley Larkin. Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell, 2022. Invited contribution.
Polzer, J., Sui, A., Ge, K. and Cayen, L. (2022). Empowerment through participatory surveillance? Menstrual and fertility self-tracking apps as postfeminist biopedagogies. In Fellows, J. and Smith, L. (Eds.). Gender, Sex, and Tech! An Intersectional Feminist Guide. Toronto: Canadian Scholars and Women’s Press.
Ragetlie, R., Najjar, D., and Baruah, B. (2021). “Paying “Lip Service” to Gender Equality: The Hollow Implementation of Gender Mainstreaming in Jordan.” City Society Review issue 5 – Challenging Power: Gender and Social Justice in the Middle East: 18 – 45.
Baruah, B. and Biskupski-Mujanovic, S. (2021). “Closing the gender gaps in energy sector recruitment, retention and advancement.” Research Handbook on Energy and Society: 168 – 183.
Ferroukhi, R., López, C.G., and Baruah, B. (2021). “Global Trends in Women’s Employment in Renewable Energy: Continuities, Disruptions and Contradictions.” Geography, Health and Sustainability: Gender matters globally: 56 – 78.
Baada, J.N., and Baruah, B. (2021). “Internal Migration as a Determinant of Antenatal Care in the Brong-Ahafo Region, Ghana: Does Length of Residence Matter?”. Geography, Health and Sustainability: Gender matters globally: 183 – 199.
Baruah, B. and Biskupski-Mujanovic, S. (2021). “Gender Analysis of Policymaking in Construction and Transportation: Denial and Disruption in the Canadian Green Economy.” Gender, Intersectionality and Climate Institutions in Industrialized States: 143 – 163.
Baruah, B. (2021). “Women on Wheels in New Delhi, India: Can Social Innovation Promote Gender Equality?”. Social Economy in Asia: Realities and Perspectives: 173 – 196.
Fielding, H.A. (2021). Cultivating Perception Through Artworks: Phenomenological Enactments of Ethics, Politics and Culture. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Green-Barteet, M. A. and Gilbert-Hickey, M. (2021). Race in Young Adult Speculative Fiction, University Press of Mississippi.
Green-Barteet, M. A. (2021). “It’s bad enough to be a girl’: Constructions of Girlhood in 19th-Century US Girls’ Literature,” Children’s Literature Association Annual Conference.
Green-Barteet, M. A. (2021). “’Doing the right thing’: Black Girls’ Persistence in Historical Novels,” Modern Language Association Annual Conference.
Mark Gaspar, Cornel Grey, Alex Wells, Mark Hull, Darrell H. S. Tan, Nathan Lachowsky, and Daniel Grace. “Public Health Morality, Sex, and COVID-19: Sexual Minority Men’s HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Decision-Making during Ontario’s First COVID-19 Lockdown.” Critical Public Health 32 (1). 116-1261–11.
Korycki, K. (2021). “Nations (re-)imagined in racial terms.” Annual meeting of the Memory Studies Association (MSA) in Warsaw (part of the “Fractured Memory of the Colonial Encounter: Canada and the Indigenous Present) (virtual).
Korycki, K. (2021). “Polish Women Contra Church”. Annual Departmental Conference of Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies, Western University (virtual).
Korycki, K. (2021). “Personal is Political, or Power in the Classroom.” Critical Pedagogies Panel at the annual online meeting of International Studies Association (ISA).
Korycki, K. (2021). “Turn to the Right -Causes and Constitutive Features.” The Vice Presidential Panel at the annual meeting of the Association for Slavic Eastern European and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES) in San Francisco, Ca.
Luginaah, N.A., Konkor, I., Lawson, E.S., Mkandawire, P., Husbands, W., Omorodion, F., Etowa, J., Antabe, R. & Wong, J. (2021). Concurrent sexual partnerships and HIV testing among heterosexual Black men in Ontario, Canada: findings from the weSpeak study. Ethnicity & Health: 1- 16.
Lawson, E.S., Florence, W., A., and Osman, O. (2021). “Sustainable Development Goals and the Internal Logics of ‘Gender Equality’ in the Liberian Context.” Geography, Health and Sustainability: Gender matters globally: 40 – 55.
Antabe, R., Konkor, I., McIntosh, M., Lawson, E.S., Husbands, W., Wong, J., … Luginaah, I. (2021). “I went in there, had a bit of an issue with those folks”: everyday challenges of heterosexual African, Caribbean and black (ACB) men in accessing HIV/AIDS services in London, Ontario. BMC Public Health, 21(1): 315.
Roulston, C. (2021). "Queer Parenting and the Challenge to Queer Theory." Special Issue of Studies in Canadian Literature: Queer Bodies/Corps Queer (SCL) 46.1: 118-143.
Roulston, C. (2021). "Sexuality in Translation: Anne Lister and the Ancients." Journal of the History of Sexuality (JHS) 30.1: 112-135.
Roulston, C. (2021). "From Anne Lister to Gentleman Jack: Queer Temporality, Archival Affect, and the Losses and Gains of Adaptation." Queer Representation: Pasts, Presents, Futures. The Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, University of Edinburgh. Virtual Conference.
Roulston, C. (2021). "What's In a Name?: Revisiting Queerness In the Eighteenth Century." American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ASECS), Toronto (virtual).
Polzer, J. and Wakewich, P. (2021). Mothers who know best: Narratives of motherhood and epistemological anxieties in vaccine hesitancy discourse. In Neil Brooks and Sarah Blanchette (Eds.), Narrative Art and the Politics of Health. London, UK: Anthem Press. pp. 95-117.
Younes, K. "The Animistic and Uncanny Representation of Nature in Jordskott,"in Response Journal, Mid-Atlantic Popular and American Culture Association (MAPACA), (November, 2021),
Saska, S. & B. Baruah. 2020. Bridging Social Innovation and Gender Equality: Possibilities and Pitfalls. Available at SSRN:
Saska, S. & B. Baruah. 2020. Social Innovation and Gender Equality: Bridging Two Solitudes. Available at SSRN:
Korycki, K. (2020). Review of Memory, Identity, Tourism and Photography, Kate Korycki on David Walkowitz’s ‘Remembered and Forgotten Jewish World,’ and Jonathan Webber’s ‘Rediscovering Traces of Memory,’ with photographs by Chris Schwarz and Jason Francisco. The Polish Review, Vol. 65, No. 3.
Korycki, K. (2020). Review of African American Philosophers and Philosophy: an Introduction to the history, concepts, and contemporary issues, by John McLendon III and Stephen C. Ferguson II. Ethnic and Racial Studies, Vol. 43, issue 13.
Lawson, E.S., Anfaara, F.W., Flomo, V.K., Garlo, C.K., and O. Osman. (2020). The intensification of Liberian women’s social reproductive labor in the coronavirus pandemic: regenerative possibilities.” Feminist Studies, 46(3), 674-683.
Lawson, E.S. (2020). “Anti-Black Racism on the Sidelines: The Limits of ‘Listening Sessions’ to Address Institutional Racism at Canadian Universities.” Committing Sociology Symposium: Canadian Review of Sociology, 57(3): 491-494.
Lawson, E.S. and V. Flomo (2020). “Motherwork and Gender Justice in Peace Huts: A Feminist View from the Liberian Context.” Third World Quarterly, pp. 1-18.
Konkor, I., Lawson, E.S., Antabe, R., MacIntosh, E., Husbands, W., Wong, J., Luginaah.I. (2020). “An Intersectional Approach to HIV Vulnerabilities and Testing Among Heterosexual African Caribbean and Black Men in London, Ontario: Results from the weSpeak Study.” Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, pp. 1-10.
Huff, S., Rudman, D.L., Magalhães, L., Lawson, E.S. & Kanyamala, M. (2020). Enacting a critical decolonizing ethnographic approach in occupation-based research. Journal of Occupational Science: 1 – 15.
Roulston, C. (2020). "Graffigny, Zilia, et la question du mariage au XVIIIe siècle." Ed. Charlotte Simonin. Françoise de Graffigny (1695-1758), femme de lettres des Lumières. Paris: Classiques Garnier: 271-288.
Roulston, C. (2020). "Representations of Marriage." A Cultural History of Marriage: Volume 4 The Age of Enlightenment (1650-1800). Ed. Edward J. Behrend-Martinez. London: Bloomsbury Academic Press: 115-132.
Roulston, C. (2020). "Translating Desire: Queer Affect, Autobiography and Involuntary Love in Dorothy Strachey's Olivia (1949)." Modernism/Modernity 5.2.
Roulston, C. (2020). "Race, Queerness and Schoolgirl Desire in Anne Lister's and Eliza Raine's Boarding School Archive." British Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (BSECS), St Hughes' College, Oxford.
Biswas, SC., Karim, S., and Rashid, SF. (2020). Should we care: a qualitative exploration of the factors that influence the decision of early marriage among young men in urban slums of Bangladesh.
Polzer, J. and Wakewich, P. (forthcoming, 2020). Mothers who know best: Narratives of motherhood and epistemological anxieties in vaccine hesitancy discourse. In Neil Brooks and Sarah Blanchette (Eds.), Narrative Art and the Politics of Health. London, UK: Anthem Press.
Polzer, J., Cayen, L., and Molinaro, M. (2020). The shifting politics of cervical cancer prevention in Canada: An intersectional analysis of Papanicolaou (Pap) screening and human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination. In Tremblay, M. and Everitt, J. (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Gender and Canadian Politics. Palgrave.
Apsani, R., Baruah, B. and J.M. Shaw. 2019. “Just One of Many Donors:” Canada and Local Civil Society in Afghanistan. Canadian Foreign Policy Journal 25(3): 305-324.
Baada, J., B. Baruah and I. Luginaah. 2019. ‘What we were running from is what we’re facing again’: examining the paradox of migration as a livelihood improvement strategy among migrant women farmers in the Brong-Ahafo Region of Ghana. Migration and Development 8(3): 448-471.
Najjar, D., Baruah. B. & A. El Garhi. 2019. Women, irrigation and social norms in Egypt: ‘The more things change, the more they stay the same?’ Water Policy 21 (2): 291-309.
Najjar, D., Baruah, B. & A. El Garhi. 2019. Women, irrigation and social norms in Egypt. GrOW Policy Brief and Working Paper. Montreal: Institute for the Study of International Development, McGill University.
Fielding, H.A. “The Habit Body”, in 50 Concepts for a Critical Phenomenology, Gail Weiss, Ann V. Murphy and Gayle Salamon (eds.), Northwestern University Press, 2019.
Green-Barteet, M.A. "Beyond the L-Space: Interstitial Spaces in Harriet E. Wilson’s Our Nig.” Canadian Review of American Studies, vol. 49, no. 2 (2019): pp. 160-184.
Green-Barteet, M.A. “Charlotte Corday’s Gendered Terror: Femininity, Violence, and Domestic Peace in Sarah Pogson’s The Female Enthusiast.” Beyond 1776: Globalizing the Cultures of the American Revolution, edited by Maria O’Malley and Denys Van Renen. University of Virginia Press, 2019, pp. 122-144.
Green-Barteet, M.A. Reconsidering Laura Ingalls Wilder: Little House and Beyond, co-edited with Anne K. Phillips, University Press of Mississippi, 2019.
Cornel Grey and Nikoli A. Attai, “LGBT Rights, Sexual Citizenship, and Blacklighting in the Anglophone Caribbean.” In The Oxford Handbook of Global LGBT and Sexual Diversity Politics. edited by Michael Bosia, Sandra M. McEvoy, and Momin Rahman. New York: Oxford University Press.
Korycki, K. (2019). “Politicized Memory in Poland: Anti-communism and the Holocaust.” Holocaust Studies, 25:3.
Korycki, K. (2019). “Resurgent Anti-Semitism, Politicized Memory and Populism,” presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association (APSA) in Washington, DC.
Korycki, K. (2019). “Remembering the Holocaust and Disliking Migrants: Politics of Memory, National Belonging and Nativism,” presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Nationalities (ASN) in Columbia University, and Memory Studies Association (MSA) in Madrid
Korycki, K. (2019). “Imagining and Re-Imaging Nations... as Racial, through Stories” presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association (CPSA) at University of British Columbia.
McKenna, K.M.J. (2019). Labourers on the Rideau Canal, 1826-1832: From Work Site to World Heritage Site. Ottawa: Borealis Press: 135 pp.
McKenna, K. M. J. (2019). "Class, Race and Gender Roles in Early British North America” in Nancy Janovicek and Carmen Nielson, eds. Reading Canadian Women’s and Gender History. University of Toronto Press.
McKenna, K. M. J. (2019). Biography of E. Cora Hind. Dictionary of Canadian Biography, Vol. XVII. Toronto: University of Toronto Press: 3, 275 words. (forthcoming).
Kitossa, T., Lawson, E.S., & Howard, P.S.S. (2019). African Canadian Leadership: Continuity, Transition, and Transformation. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Lawson, E.S. (2019). “Mercy for Their Children: A Feminist Reading of Black Women’s Maternal Activism and Leadership Practices.” In T. Kitossa, E. Lawson, and P.S.S. Howard, eds. African Canadian Leadership: Continuity, Transition and Transformation, Toronto: University of Toronto Press: 190 – 210.
Roulston, C. (2019). "Queer Reflections on Childhood, Boarding School, and the Nation in Rosemary Manning's The Chinese Garden." Twentieth-Century Literature, 65:4: 411-436.
Roulston, C. (2019). "Questioning Enlightenment Identities: Anne Lister and the Boarding School Years." International Congress on the Enlightenment (ISECS), Edinburgh, Scotland.
Roulston, C. (2019). "Sexuality in Translation: Anne Lister and the Ancients." American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ASECS), Denver, CO.
Roulston, C. (2019). "The Slope: Locating Anne Lister and Eliza Raine in the Boarding School Archive." American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ASECS), Denver, CO.
Kitossa, T., E. Lawson and P.S.S. Howard. (2019). African Canadian Leadership: Continuity, Transition, and Transformation. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Pearson, WG. “Cyberpunk and Queer Theory.” The Routledge Companion to Cyberpunk Culture, ed. Anna McFarlane, Graham J. Murphy, and Lars Schmeink. New York: Routledge, 2019. 300-308. Invited contribution.
Pearson, WG. “Cruising Canadian SF’s Queer Futurity: Hiromi Goto’s The Kappa Child and Larissa Lai’s Salt Fish Girl.” Bridging the Solitudes: Essays on Canadian Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror, ed. Amy J. Ransom and Dominick Grace. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019. 185-202. Invited contribution.
Pearson, WG. “‘The Folk Will Continue’: Daniel Heath Justice’s The Way of Thorn and Thunder.” Aliens in Pop Culture: A Guide to Visitors from Outer Space, ed. Mike Levy and Farah Mendleshohn. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, 2019. 293-95.
Katzman, E., Kinsella, A., and Polzer, J. (2019). ‘Everything is down to the minute’: clock time, crip time and the relational work of self-managing attendant service. Disability and Society. doi: 10.1080/09687599.2019.1649126
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