Faculty Supervised IRPs
By Faculty Member
Bipasha Baurah
Supervisor, WSFR, Brienna Lauren French, “Equitable Employment in Mining: Examining Indigenous Women and Persons with Disabilities’ Participation in the Canadian Mining Industry”, completed 2020.
Supervisor, WSFR, Aisha Siddika, “Global Perspectives on Acid Violence”, completed 2014.
Supervisor, WSFR, Pamela Uppal, “The Experiences and Social Location of First Generation South Asian Women in Canada”, completed 2014.
Supervisor, WSFR, Courtney Young, “Empowerment Narratives in International Development: Tracing the Trajectory and Impact of Women’s Empowerment on Development Practice”, completed 2014.
Supervisor, WSFR, Nidhi Shrivastava, “Cosmopolitan Women or Daughters of Tradition: Negotiations of Marriage, Culture, and Identity in First, 1.5 and Second-generation South Asian women in Contemporary Canada”, completed 2013.
Second Reader, WSFR, Jennifer Tran, “#WelcomeToCanada: Canadian Immigration Detention and the (Re)production of Canadian Homonationalism”, completed 2018.
Second Reader, WSFR, Aisha Omar, “Intersecting Oppressions: A Black Feminist Analysis of First-Generation African Immigrant Women’s Experiences of Skills Discounting in Canada”, completed 2013.
Renee Bedard
Chris Roulston
Supervisor, GSWS, Kate Maillet, “Affective Norms Surrounding Abortion Experience and Disclosure”, completed 2024.
Supervisor, WSFR, Brie Berry, "The Figure of the Child Star," completed 2017.
Supervisor, WSFR, Rachel Marcus, "Kinky Love Is a Losing Game: Postfeminist Romance, BDSM and Female Sexual Agency in the Fifty Shades Trilogy," completed 2013.
Supervisor, WSFR, Maggie Scull, "The L-Word and Postfeminism," completed 2011.
Erica Lawson
Supervisor, WSFR, Roopali Rokadi, “The Neoliberal Implications of the Girl Effect: A Review of Malala Yousazfai”, completed 2017.
Supervisor, WSFR, Melanie Stone, “Masking Discrimination of mothers with Disabilities with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act”, completed 2016.
Supervisor, WSFR, Erica Beatson, “Engaging Empowered Mothering: Black Caribbean Diasporic (M)othering Under Patriarchal Motherhood”, completed 2013.
Supervisor, WSFR, Jennifer Lasachuk, “Housing Negative Attitudes: Investigating the Discursive Production of the “Homeless Woman” in Local Print Media in London, Ontario”, completed 2012.
Supervisor, WSFR, Giuseppina Almida Mancuso, “Broken Promises: A Literature Review of the Live-in Caregiver Program and the Social Integration of Live-In Caregivers in Canadian Society”, completed 2009.
Supervisor, WSFR, Crystal Gaudet, “The Development of Temporary Migration Schemes in Canada: A Comparative Analysis of the LCP and the SAWP, 1955-1992”, completed 2010.
Helen Fielding
Second reader, GSWS, Hanieh Bakhtiari, “Feminism and Its Usability A Study of Iranian New Men and Their Claim to Feminism”, completed 2023.
Second reader, GSWS, Madison Monk, "Neopronoun discourse in online space: Constructing queer and autistic identity", completed 2023.
Supervisor, WSFR, Anne Rovers, “Listening in intersectionality: The phenomenology of listening through Arendt, Irigaray, and Ahmed”, in progress.
Supervisor, WSFR, Amelia Galizia, “Embodied Therapy: Employing Acting Techniques as a New Method In Feminist Praxis”, completed 2015.
Supervisor, WSFR, Lisa Clark, “Reaching Towards Newness: Orientating a Feminist Phenomenology of Possibility”, completed 2011.
Supervisor, WSFR, Ada Demaj, “Hidden Kinks: Unconcealing the intertwining between race difference, sex difference, and sexuality through sadomasochism”, completed 2011.
Supervisor, WSFR, Elizabeth Leinveer, “Corporeality, Disability, Accessibility, and Relations with Others”, completed 2010.
Jessica Polzer
Supervisor, GSWS, Sophia Wright, “An Autoethnographic Exploration of the Gendered Performance of Grief”, completed 2024.
Supervisor, WSFR, Georgina Gifford, “(Re)Marginalizing Homelessness: The Individualized and Gendered Conceptualization of Homelessness in the Canadian Academic Literature”, completed 2019.
Supervisor, WSFR, Stephanie Brocklehurst, “When the Poor get in the Way of the Olympic Podium: Stigmatization of the Poor and Poor Spaces”, completed 2018.
Supervisor, WSFR, Melissa Fox, “Engaging with ‘the bleed’: Exploring how transgender and genderqueer online forum users navigate dominant constructions of menstrual leakiness”, completed 2015.
Supervisor, WSFR, Garry Atkinson, “Contagious Narratives of Risk, Responsibility and Global Security: The Case of Ebola”, completed 2015.
Supervisor, WSFR, Nicole Charles, “Injecting and rejecting, framing and shaming: HPV vaccination discourse and the subjectification of citizens’ identities”, completed 2012.
Supervisor, WSFR, Heather Kean, “A feminist analysis of policy discourses on HPV vaccination”, completed 2011.
Supervisor, WSFR, Natalie Turrin, “Learning a ‘Goody’ lesson: A critical analysis of representations of cervical cancer screening and the ‘Jade Effect’ in international newspapers”, completed 2009.
Supervisor, WSFR, Jennifer Silcox, “The medicalization of women’s aggression: A feminist analysis of the PMS defense and its legal implications”, completed 2008.
Katherine McKenna
Second reader, GSWS, Elizabeth Kilborn, "Self-care, vicarious trauma and neoliberalism: A close textual analysis of victim service worker handbooks", completed 2023.
Co-Supervisor, WSFR, Andrea Burke, “Making Space: Finding Room for Gender and Social Cohesion in Women’s NGO Work in Uganda”, completed 2019.
Supervisor, WSFR, Alessia Mastrorillo, “Is All Fair in Love and War? An Intersectional Approach to Understanding Care and Responsibility in Abusive Relationships”, completed 2018.
Co-supervisor, WSFR, Jessica Wnuk, “Reaction to the film ‘India’s Daughter’”, completed 2016.
Co-Supervisor, WSFR, Jennifer Bennell, “Intergenerational Effects of Domestic Violence: The Tanzanian Experience”, completed 2014.
Supervisor, WSFR, Rachael Pack, “Sixteen, Pathological and Pregnant: A Feminist Examination of the Psychoanalytical Construction of Unwed Motherhood in the Postwar United States”, completed 2012.
Cognate Paper Supervisor, Department of History, Jacob Evoy, “‘Gay-like’: A New Theoretical Approach to the History of Male Homosexuality”, completed 2012.
Supervisor, WSFR, Elise Maiolino, “Fading Feminism? Examining the Influence of Feminist Ideologies on Community-Based Sexual Assault and Rape Crisis Centres”, completed 2011.
Supervisor, WSFR, Kathleen Grantham, “Critical Sex Feminist Theory: An Analytical Approach for Ending the Feminist ‘Sex Wars'", completed 2010.
Supervisor, WSFR, Samantha Feder, “Negotiating the Role of Difference: Evaluating the Potential for Research on Violence Against First Nations Women in Partnership with the First Nations Community”, completed 2009.
Second Reader, WSFR, Michelle Mendes, “‘Surviving’ Rape (Culture): A Feminist Analysis of the Psychological Effects of Rape”, completed 2009.
Supervisor, WSFR, Julia Kerr, “Capitalism, Patriarchy and the Sex Industry: Legalizing Prostitution in Canada”, completed 2008.
Kim Verwaayen
Supervisor, GSWS, Clare Littlechild, “Eating Our Feelings: The Weight of Trauma in Eating Disorders & Recovery”, completed 2024.
Supervisor, GSWS, Elizabeth Kilborn,"Self-care, vicarious trauma and neoliberalism: A close textual analysis of victim service worker handbooks", completed 2023.
Supervisor, GSWS, Sabrina Lamanna, “Overcoming Settler-Colonial Power Relations: An Investigation of the Relationship between the ‘Politics of Recognition’ and Reclaiming Power and Place: The National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls”, completed 2021.
Supervisor, GSWS, Natasha Germana, “'On the border of borderline': An Autoethnographic Exploration of Narratives of Borderline Personality Disorder in Western Psychiatry and Self-Help Literature”, completed 2021.
Supervisor, WSFR, Serena Rahhal, “Erasure, Memory, Postmemory, and Blurring Lines: “Birth Right” in Palestinian-American Writer Zaina Alsous”, completed 2020.
Second Reader, WSFR, Anne Rovers, “Listening in Intersectionality: The Phenomenology of Listening through Arendt, Irigaray, and Ahmed”, completed 2020.
Supervisor, WSFR, Kelly McGillivray, “Re-telling, Re-visioning, and Time Travelling: Arts-based Approaches to Disability in/and Academia”, completed 2020.
Second Reader, WSFR, Sarah Aswad, “Racial Projects Reproduced: The Central Park Five and Myths of White Supremacy”, completed 2019.
Second Reader, WSFR, Sarah Radley, “The NFL as a Marketplace for the Commodification of Racist Black Masculinity Discourse Under the Guise of Postraciality”, completed 2018.
Supervisor, WSFR, Sarah Redikopp, “Revolutionary Flesh: Towards a Feminist Harm Reduction Model of Self-Cutting”, completed 2018.
Second Reader, WSFR, Stephanie Brocklehurst, “When the Poor Get in the Way of the Olympic Podium: Stigmatization and Responsibilization of The Poor and Poor Spaces”, completed 2018
Supervisor, WSFR, Hélène Bigras-Dutrisac, “Beneath and Beyond the Red Hood: ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ Revisited and Reimagined”, completed 2017.
Supervisor, WSFR, Meghan Mann, “Fallible Lesbian Utopian Spaces: Michfest and Woman-to-Woman Narratives of Intimate Violence”, completed 2017.
Co- Supervisor (with Dr. Joel Falflak), WSFR, Rita Ieshu, “From Treating Cases to Treating Humans: Patient Narratives in the Clinical Encounter”, completed 2017.
Supervisor, WSFR, Holly Taylor, “‘You Should Know Better’: An Analysis of Narratives by Self–Identified Feminists Who Experience Intimate Partner Violence”, completed 2016.
Supervisor, WSFR, Emily Pickard, “Illegitimate Identities: Women’s Resistance to Imperialism, Religious Standards, and Patriarchy in Eighteenth Century Scottish Ballads”, completed 2016.
Second Reader, WSFR, Jessica Wnuk, “India’s Daughter: International Emergence and Reactions to Violence Against Women in India and the Legacy of Colonialism”, completed 2016.
Second Reader, WSFR, Melissa Fox, “Engaging with ‘the bleed’: Exploring How Transgender and Genderqueer Online Forum Users Navigate Dominant Constructions of Menstrual Leakiness”, completed 2015.
Supervisor, WSFR, Martha Elliott, “Sex Work, Discursive Justice, and Canadian National Belonging: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Journalistic Representations of Sex Work(ers) and Bedford v. Canada”, completed 2014.
Supervisor, WSFR, Michelle Pugle, “Binary Perspectives: Critiquing Margaret Atwood Through a Vegan Ecofeminist Literary Lens”, completed 2014.
Supervisor, WSFR, Kascie Shewan, “Forgetting How to Remember: The Ethics of Bearing Witness in Artistic Memorials of Women’s Experiences During Peruvian Armed Conflict”, completed 2013.
Co- Supervisor (with Dr. Aniko Varpolatai), WSFR, Cara O’Ray, “(Re-) Realizing the Promise of Diversity: Equity, Inclusion and Feminist Pedagogy”, completed 2013.
Second Reader, WSFR, Rachel Marcus, “Romance and Female Sexual Agency in the Erotic Fifty Shades Trilogy”, completed 2013.
Supervisor, WSFR, Kim Dority, “Be(e)coming Divine: An Intersubjective Approach to Irigaray’s Sensible Transcendental in Sue Monk Kidd’s The Secret Life of Bees”, completed 2012.
Second Reader, WSFR, Erica Beatson, “Engaging Empowered Mothering: Black Caribbean Diasporic (M)Othering under Patriarchal Motherhood”, completed 2012.
Second Reader, WSFR, Elyse Blake, “‘I Laughed So Hard I Actually Cried’: Humour Verwaayen 9 and Insidious Trauma in Goodreads.com Online Reader Reviews of Louise Rennison’s Confessions of Georgia Nicolson Series”, completed 2012.
Supervisor, WSFR, Miranda Niittynen, “The Myths of Feminist Ethnography”, completed 2011.
Second Reader, WSFR, Dana Gill, “Hell Hath No Fury: The Scorned Women of Quentin Tarrantino’s Female-Revenge Narratives”, completed 2011.
Supervisor, WSFR, Nadine Smith, “Narrative In(ter)ventions: An Analysis of Sex Positive Writings by Women in the Global Sex Industry”, completed 2010.
Supervisor, WSFR, Jessie Myhill, “Queering Trans Autobiography: Undoing the Hegemonic Master Script”, completed 2009.
Second Reader, WSFR, Amanda Swarbreck, “Performing Etiquette: Power, Performativity and Bodily Discipline in Etiquette Texts Written for Young Women”, completed 2009.
Second Reader, WSFR, Carly Bickle, “Embodying Transgender Narratives: Queering Representation in Film and Television”, completed 2008.
Kate Korycki
Second reader, GSWS, Lilly Compeau-Schomberg, “Things Being What They Are Not: Contextualizing the 'Lesbian Earring' Trend”, completed 2023.
Supervisor, GSWS, Hanieh Bakhtiari, “Feminism and Its Usability A Study of Iranian New Men and Their Claim to Feminism”, completed 2023.
Supervisor, GSWS, Alessia Servin, “An Academic 'Sin Hogar'”, completed 2022.
Supervisor, GSWS, Sarah Langill, “'The First White President': Right-Wing Populism and Divisions of Race and Gender in the 2016 US Presidential Election”, completed 2022.
Laura Cayen
Supervisor, GSWS, Madison Monk, “Neopronoun discourse in online space: Constructing queer and autistic identity”, completed 2023.
Supervisor, GSWS, Isabelle Di Giuseppe, “Hidden in queer sight: A digital discourse analysis of queer parent and family groups on Meetup”, completed 2022.
Supervisor, GSWS, Peyton Campbell, “'I’m an Accountant:' Sex Worker’s Engagement in Discourses of Labour on the Online Platform TikTok”, completed 2021.
Co-Supervisor (with Yoko Yoshido), GSWS, Jessica Ip, “Co-Constructing "Subtle Asian Traits" Online: Exploring the Role of Digital Diaspora for Children of Asian Immigrants”, completed 2021.
Supervisor, WSFR, Kody Muncaster, “#TruvadaWhore: Gay, Bisexual and Queer men’s slut shaming of HIV PrEP use on Grindr”, completed 2020.
Co-Supervisor (with Susan Knabe), WSFR, Alex MacDonald, “’Those Seasonals’: Examining PEI Residents' Reactions to Seasonal Homeowners Returning to PEI during the COVID-19 Pandemic”, completed 2020.
Supervisor, WSFR, Leanna Abdel Khalek, “Murderous Misconceptions: Women’s Responses to Abortion Bans”, completed 2019.
Second Reader, WSFR, Georgina Gifford, “(Re)Marginalizing Homelessness: The Individualized and Gendered Conceptualization of Homelessness in the Canadian Academic Literature”, completed 2019.Miranda Green-Barteet
Supervisor, GSWS, Ashton Pugh, “What Feminist TikTokers Want ‘For You’: Ditch the Instagram Mood Boards for Some Critical Conversation”, completed 2023.
Supervisor, WSFR, Jessica Duncan, “Writing Wrongs and Reading Against the Grain: ‘Genderswap’ Fanfiction as Subversive Queer and Feminist Critical Imagination”, completed 2018.
Second Reader, WSFR, Roopali Rokade, “Neoliberal Implications of the Girl Effect: A Case Study of Malala Yousafzai”, completed 2017.
Second Reader, WSFR, Helene Dutrisac, “Who is Little Red?: Little Red Riding Hood Revisited and Reimagined”.
Second Reader, WSFR, Emily Pinckard, "The Pregnant Female Body in 18th and 19th Century Scottish Ballads", completed 2016.
Second Reader, WSFR, Kelsey Adams, "How ‘Sluts’ are Failing Feminism: A Critical Analysis of Racism in Slut Walk and Third Wave Feminism", completed 2015.
Second Reader, WSFR, Kim Dorrity, “Be(e)coming Divine: An Intersubjective Approach to Irigaray’s Sensible Transcendental in Sue Monk Kidd’s The Secret Life of Bees”, completed 2013.
Second Reader, WSFR, Kascindra Shewan, “Mending Memories, Creating Communities through Embodied Action: Exploring the Testimonial Function of Women’s Experiences of Peruvian Armed-Conflict through Textile Art and Embodied Action”, completed 2014.
WG Pearson
Supervisor, GSWS, Porter Belanger, " Decolonizing carcerality: Reimagining Two-spirit and Indigenous women’s sovereignty in Canadian prisons", completed 2023.
Supervisor, GSWS, Callie Whalen, "I am IN FACT Trans: The Construction My Own Transfeminine Identity", completed 2022.
Supervisor, WSFR, David Semenov, “’Are You a Transtrender?’: Transnormativity and Intracommunity Identity Policing on Youtube”, completed 2020.
Supervisor, WSFR, Kathleen Nesbitt-Daly, “Butch-Butch Relations in the 21st Century”, completed 2019.
Supervisor, WSFR, Kyle Rubini, “Saving Sex Ed?: Activism and Resistance in Ontario”, completed 2019.
Supervisor, WSFR, Jennifer Tran, “#WelcomeToCanada: Canadian Immigration Detention and the (Re)production of Canadian Homonationalism”, completed 2018.
Second Examiner, WSFR, Hannah Jane Maitland, “Is Sex a ‘Canadian Value’? A Critical Examination of the Media Responses to the 2015 Ontario Sex Education Curriculum”, completed 2018.
Supervisor, WSFR, Daniel Euihyun Yang, “The Theorization of Gender, Sexuality and Race through State-Sanctioned Punishment”, completed 2017.
Supervisor, WSFR, Katrina Fukuda, “Representational Hangovers: Leslie Chow, Asian Masculinities & Film”, completed 2016.
Supervisor, WSFR, Allison Taylor, “’Flabulously’ Femme: Queer Fat (F)em(me)bodied Subjectivity and Resistance”, completed 2016.
Supervisor, WSFR, Saralyn Russel, “Queer Blind Identities and Community Formation”, completed 2015.
Supervisor, WSFR, Matthew White, “Gender Transformations in Japanese Anime”, withdrew due to ill health.
Supervisor, WSFR, Jessica Martin, “Confessionals and Coming-Out: Portrayals of Queer Identities on MTV’s The Real World”, completed 2021.
Supervisor, WSFR, Dana Gill, “Women and Violence in the Films of Quentin Tarantino”, completed 2011.
Second Examiner, WSFR, Shawna Peters, “Where Do Fat Girls Fit?: Negotiating the Absences of Fat Girl Subjectivities in Online and Offline Spaces”, completed 2011.
Supervisor, WSFR, Stephanie Spooner, “Representations of Queer Trauma in Narrative Films”, completed 2009.
Supervisor, WSFR, Jessica Myhill, “Queering Trans Autobiography: Undoing the Hegemonic Master Script.”, completed 2009.