Film Resources Library
About the Library
Location: UC 1126A
Contact: Katie Foster, Media Specialist
UC 1126
The Film and Video Resources Archive is comprised of over 8000 titles, including 16mm films, DVDs, BluRays and VHS tapes, all of which Arts and Humanities instructors may borrow for class screenings and research purposes. Our collection's function is to assist students and faculty with study and research of any topics within Arts and Humanities where use of film and video may be required.
In addition to our physical Film Resources library, there are many resources available online for all Western staff, faculty, students and alumni through Western Libraries.
Our collection is available as a searchable database online:
Search the Film Library Database
Through our libraries collection, a vast collection of films, documentaries, TV shows and many other video resources are at your fingertips. See Online Video Streaming Resources below for more information.
Library Rules and Guidelines
Borrowing titles
- research purposes
- class screenings
- general borrowing by faculty and graduate students within the Faculty
Returning titles
- Due to the limited number of copies of any one film, we ask that titles be returned promptly after use.
- There is a return slot located in the door to UC 1126 (Katie Foster's office), which may be used at any hour the university is open.
- Any titles that have been requested for screenings will be kept in the library for the duration of the semester and may only be taken out by the instructor or TA involved in the class.
Browsing the collection
- Our collection is available as a searchable database online:
- Unfortunately, we no longer permit in-person browsing of the Film Library.
Syllabus Screening List Requests
If you are a Faculty member who would like to screen film titles for an upcoming class, please use the process outlined below:
- Before you start: Make sure you've performed a search of our Library Database first to confirm if we have your title in our collection already. Make sure to keep in mind the following:
- Is it on If you can't find your film on, that might be a problem - or you might need to try some other information.
- Consider alternate titles: Sometimes the title is listed under a different name. This happens often if it is a foreign language film.
- Try alternate information: if you're having no luck with the title, you may be able to find it under the director's name.
- Consider the release date: If the title you're looking for has been released in the last year or so, it's possible that it's not available online anywhere yet.
- Title is listed in the database: Please reach out to to request a copy to be loaned, or to have this copy digitised.
- Title is not listed : If you cannot find the title you are looking for, you may very likely find it on one of the below external platforms, available to all current faculty, staff and students via Western Libraries:
Audio-Cine Films is the exclusive Canadian rights representative for Walt Disney Pictures, Touchstone Pictures, Hollywood Pictures, Pixar Animation Studios, Sony Pictures Entertainment, Columbia Pictures, Tristar Pictures, Screen Gems, Universal Studios Canada (MCA), MGM Studios, United Artists, and many more.
- Criterion on Demand is an online digital delivery feature film platform that provides easy access to educationally relevant feature films used in Canadian higher education institutions. Includes more than 1,600 English-language titles, 1,300 French-language titles, and 135 world language films with English sub-titles. Also includes more than 100 documentary features.
- Kanopy provides mediated demand streaming of feature films and award-winning documentaries from around the world covering a wide variety of topics. Featured producers include Criterion Collection, PBS, HBO, Kino Lorber, First Run Features, BBC and many more. Access is provided in collaboration with King's University College Library.
- Other considerations:
- Commercial Streaming Platforms: If the title on your list is available on a platform that requires a paid subscription (for example, Netflix, Amazon Prime, AppleTV, Disney+, etc) please keep in mind that your students may not have access to these resources for a variety of reasons. If the title is difficult to find elsewhere, please consider an alternate title, or note that viewing it is optional.
- Respecting copyright laws: As an education institution, it is imperative that we stay within Canadian copyright laws. If you're having a hard time finding your title anywhere online, please note that linking to illegally procured content (e.g. videos that have been torrented online) is NOT permitted.
- I still can't find my film title...
- Don't panic! Please reach out to to request that it be added to our collection. (If you can find a link to purchase it on, that would be extra helpful.)
Online Video Streaming Resources
Video Streaming Services
- McIntyre Media is a Canada-based streaming service which hosts digitised versions of titles from our collection. It is primarily used for creating playlists of syllabus-required film titles for faculty to share with their students. If you have searched our database and would like one of our titles available to stream for your syllabus, please contact
Audio-Cine Films is the exclusive Canadian rights representative for Walt Disney Pictures, Touchstone Pictures, Hollywood Pictures, Pixar Animation Studios, Sony Pictures Entertainment, Columbia Pictures, Tristar Pictures, Screen Gems, Universal Studios Canada (MCA), MGM Studios, United Artists, and many more.
- Criterion on Demand is an online digital delivery feature film platform that provides easy access to educationally relevant feature films used in Canadian higher education institutions. Includes more than 1,600 English-language titles, 1,300 French-language titles, and 135 world language films with English sub-titles. Also includes more than 100 documentary features.
- Kanopy provides mediated demand streaming of feature films and award-winning documentaries from around the world covering a wide variety of topics. Featured producers include Criterion Collection, PBS, HBO, Kino Lorber, First Run Features, BBC and many more. Access is provided in collaboration with King's University College Library.
- The National Film Board of Canada provides Western Libraries with access to over 3,600 Canadian documentaries, films, animations and clips. Course instructors may want to create a CAMPUS profile to enable additional features.
Documentaries & Archival Videos
British Film Institute (BFI) National Archive is one of the largest and most important collections of film and television in the world. Its teams of experts ensure that the collection is preserved and developed for future generations and made widely accessible to today’s audiences.
British Pathé is considered to be the finest newsreel archive in the world, with 85,000 films, unrivaled in their historical and cultural significance.
CBC Documentaries provides documentaries on demand and information about a wide variety of other documentaries that are broadcast on CBC.
- provides access to educational content from CBC and Radio-Canada. Documentaries from television and radio, news reports, archival material etc. are available in both English and French. is developed expressly for the Canadian educational community, including school boards, government ministries, universities, colleges, cégeps, and public libraries.
Docuseek Canadian Collection contains over 2,000 documentary films including the GOOD DOCS collection with a focus on social and environmental issues. Access is in place until April 30, 2025, in collaboration with King's University College Library.
SAGE Video showcases highly relevant educational video across key social, behavioral, and health science disciplines. Each collection includes a breadth of video types to support diverse learning and research needs.
TVO : documentaries is a streaming platform delivering ground-breaking and Canadian-made documentary films that enable the exploration of social, political, and current affairs through a diverse range of story-telling perspectives. Open Access.
Theatre Production Videos
Theatre Studies Content
Alexander Street Press is a multidisciplinary collection of streaming videos for scholarly research, teaching and learning. You can make clips and create a playlist. Western Libraries access to Alexander Street Press is provided in collaboration with King's University College Library.
Digital Theatre Plus provides online access to a digital streaming video collection of unique films of current, leading British theatre productions.
Drama Online includes full texts of plays from across the history of the theatre, ranging from Aeschylus to the present day. Includes non-English-language works in translation, scholarly and critical editions, first night program texts, and critical analysis and contextual information.