



Form to request membership to the OGIRC (will be available at a later date; please email ogirc@uwo.ca for information on becoming a member).


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Jamieson Graduate Student Travel Award

The OGIRC is pleased to administer the Jamieson Graduate Student Travel Award funded by our private sector partner, Jamieson Laboratories.  The objectives of this travel fund are to 1) enhance education and training experience of graduate student trainees through the presentation of their research to the wider scientific community, and 2) reduce the financial strain on supervisors to provide graduate students with travel funds from their OGIRC sub grants.

Travel funds may be awarded to defray expenses incurred by graduate students to present their ginseng research at a significant national conference (up to $700) or international conference (up to $1400.00).

Since the announcement of the Jamieson Graduate Student Travel Award, the fund has supported travel to the following conferences:

  1. ACS Green Chemistry, Washington, DC
  2. Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (CESP), Quebec City, Quebec
  3. Society for Neuroscience, Washington,DC
  4. Phytochemical Society of North American (PSNA), Hawaii


Investigator & PDF Travel Stipend

Download OGIRC Travel Policy

Download Travel Stipend Request Form


OGIRC Logo and Funding Acknowledgement

Download OGIRC Images:

Download Ministry of Research & Innovation logo and funding acknowledgement