About Us

The Ontario Ginseng Innovation & Research Consortium (OGIRC) is an Ontario-based research and innovation network that has been established by the match funding (total 2008 - 2012 budget of $20 million) provided by the Ministry of Research and Innovation of the Ontario Government for the in-kind contribution from the industrial/agricultural sector (Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada, Naturex, Jamieson laboratories Ltd, A&L Canada Laboratories Ltd and the Ontario Ginseng Grower's Association).

This project will facilitate knowledge translation between both researchers and research users using experimental design methodology development, NHPs development and marketing, appropriate use of ginseng - based products in health and wellness, good agricultural practice, and branding of Ontario grown ginseng products as a flagship for high-quality, high efficacy and high safety.


Our Year 3 highlights include:

  • Mention in media such as Today Daily News, the Toronto Star, Western News, Greenhouse Canada magazine;
  • Hosting the OGIRC/CICMR 2nd Joint Conference at theUniversity of Ottawa attended by collaborating researchers, private sector partners, students, industry and government representatives from Canada and abroad;
  • Recruitment of 24 graduate students and post-doctoral fellows;
  • 14 published or accepted peer-reviewed works;
  • Research findings disseminated in 34 oral or poster presentations at regional and international conferences;
  • Exhibit at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair - Journey to Your Good Health.