Olivia Daub, PhD

Assistant Professor

Contact Information


On X: @OliviaDaub
Google Scholar: Olivia Daub
Lab website: SPROUT Lab


  • PhD (Western University)
  • MClSc (Western University)
  • MSc (Western University)
  • BA Hons (University of Waterloo)

Graduate Program Supervision

  • Health & Rehabiliation Sciences MSc

Research In Profile

Olivia Daub's research is focused on understanding how clinical expertise, research evidence, and patient preferences can mutually inform one another to drive evidence-based practice in clinical practice, health systems, and health policy. She partners extensively with health organizations interested in outcome evaluation. Together, they co-design and implement novel measurement approaches.

Olivia is interested in assessment approaches to understand spoken language development in infants and young children with permanent childhood hearing loss. She is also interested in understanding SLPs current testing practices and designing assessment tools that align with their clinical priorities.

Featured Publications and Projects

Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals

  • Daub, O., Bagatto, M.P., Oram Cardy, J. (2022). What do Speech-Language Pathologists want to know when assessing early vocal development in children who are hard of hearing? Journal of Communication Sciences & Disorders. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcomdis.2022.106216
  • Daub, O., Cunningham, BJ., Bagatto, M.P., Oram Cardy, J. (2022). Usability and feasibility of a spoken language outcome monitoring procedure in a Canadian Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Program: Results of a 1-year pilot. Journal of Early Hearing Detection & Intervention. https://doi.org/10.1044/2021_AJSLP-20-00032
  • Daub, O., et al., (2021). Adopting a conceptual validity framework for testing in speech-language pathology. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology. https://doi.org/10.1044/2021_AJSLP-20-00032

Visit Google Scholar for a comprehensive list of publications.

Graduate Student Opportunities

Olivia Daub will begin accepting graduate students in her lab for the 2024 academic year.

Projects in Olivia’s lab range from applied, partnership work, to theoretical test development work. For example, students in Olivia’s lab may be involved in mixed-methods engagement projects with health systems knowledge users who are looking for outcome evaluation solutions. Others may be involved in test development projects designing new assessment procedures for very young children, and children with permanent hearing loss.

All students in Olivia’s lab will have the opportunity to learn from health systems partners in speech-language pathology and childhood health broadly. Where appropriate, Olivia will support students to pursue embedded research activities within healthcare organizations to support the conduct of clinically relevant research.

Please contact Olivia at odaub@uwo.ca for more information.

Additional Information

Professional Activities

  • Member, Canadian Infant Hearing Task Force
  • IKT Expert, Integrated Knowledge Translation Research Network