Film Studies students succeed over virtual learning

Poster of film festival featured April 9Film Production 3368 is a project-based, collaborative endeavor. Students learn to make films by making films.  Normally offered in the fall, the class was thoughtfully changed to the winter and remained online.

The culminating project for 3368 involves forming a mock production company. With the use of real break-out rooms in University College three companies began; JAGGAL, Up In Smoke and Take 6 Productions. Plans for the 6th Annual Film Aesthetic RGB Trophy Festival (F.A.R.T.) also began. Students invited Janelle Blankenship and Tobias Nagl to act as judges. Judges chose their top two picks and the audience voted to choose the winner of the F.A.R.T.

We had over 50 people in attendance to screen our films. All three groups produced successful, original stories. (A Covid Place, Delirium, and Breaking Point.) In a very close vote, the judges' ranking was affirmed.


Gareth Boyle, Lorenzo Dimaano, Adam Enriquez, Kyle Graham, Jack Richardson and Arthur Yang from JAGGAL are the winners. Returning to China before the end of the term for family reasons, Arthur continued to edit the film making this an international collaboration.

Film Production 3368F will be offered this fall - hopefully in person.