2021 Teaching Excellence Award Winners
Congratulations to our two winners of the 2021 Faculty of Arts & Humanities Teaching Excellence Award(s):
Jo Devereux - English and Writing Studies
Jo Devereux began teaching part-time at Western the same year that she began studying for her SHRCC- funded doctorate at the University of Toronto. In various Limited Duties appointments between 1986 and 2011, she provided dedicated—and award-winning—teaching quite literally across campus, in departments of English at Western, Huron, and King’s, and in units such as the Centre for Women’s Studies and Feminist Research, and Part-Time and Continuing Education. She has worked with students in English, Theatre Studies, Women’s Studies, and Writing, in the classroom, on the stage, by correspondence and online, and during fall, winter, intersession, and summer terms. Since 2011, when Professor Devereux’s Limited Duties position became a Limited-Term position, we have been grateful to have her as a Full-Time faculty member, contributing her wealth of experience, her scholarly knowledge, and her respectful and caring pedagogy across the undergraduate program.
Ana García-Allén - Languages and Cultures
Her Department Chair, Professor Rafael Montano says of Professor Garcia in his letter of nomination: "Not only is she an excellent teacher (see student evaluations), but she has also shaped in a very profound way our Spanish programs and language courses, thanks to her specialized expertise in teaching, and to her tremendous energy." Among her contributions to innovative teaching is her implementation of "flipped classrooms, a first for Spanish courses in Canada." Ana has created international opportunities for students at Western, by organizing virtual interchanges with students from the University of Salamanca (Spain) and the University of the Andes (Colombia). She also plays an enormous role in the mentoring and professionalization of graduate students, routinely supervising over 30 Teaching Assistants a year in the Department's language courses. These are just two examples of the contributions Ana has made to teaching excellence in her Department and the Faculty.
To see more Faculty Teaching Awards, visit our page.