Arts & Humanities 3000A/B/Y

The Arts & Humanities Academic Internship course (ARTHUM3000 A/B/Y) is a 0.5 academic credit that counts towards a student’s 20.0-credit graduation requirement. It provides students with the opportunity to apply their skills and knowledge through a paid or unpaid internship (minimum 120 hours).

For more information, please contact the Internship Coordinator.

Once an internship offer is accepted, the student will be enrolled in ARTHUM3000 A/B/Y. This is a pass/fail course.

During the internship, students must complete the Agreements and Activities outlined below.

Course Outline & Internship Agreement

  • Course Outline: Arts & Humanities 3000A/B/Y
  • The Student and Internship Partner Agreement defines and gives the details of the internship and outlines the student’s and internship supervisor’s responsibilities throughout the duration of the internship.
  • The Internship Agreement explains the purpose of an internship and outlines the responsibilities of the student, the internship supervisor, and the Internship Coordinator. 

Internship Activities

  • Learning Outcomes Activity: A short activity that the student must complete in consultation with their internship supervisor early in their internship. This activity helps the student establish goals for the internship, which will later help students articulate their learning from the internship experience.
  • Midpoint Check-In: Halfway through the internship, both the student and internship supervisor are required to assess the progress of the internship up to that point.
  • Final Report (Student): At the end of the internship, the student completes a final report that details their experience; considers their expectations, challenges, and personal and professional development; and relates their experience to their coursework and program of study.
  • Final Evaluation (Employer): At the end of the internship, the supervisor assesses the student’s strengths, weaknesses, and achievement of the learning outcomes and rates the student’s performance in several categories.

The Internship Coordinator will send these activities and communicate the due dates to the student and supervisor. Each Internship Activity must be submitted directly to the Internship Coordinator (at

Please contact for any questions about the requirements mentioned above.

Note! Each student must monitor their email account for the duration of the internship for reminders about internship activities, mid-point check-in, and final report. 

Our students are the best ambassadors! We may draw on your experiences to help promote the Arts & Humanities Internship Program and ask you to share your story with prospective students at information sessions or through our website and social media. If you want to share your internship story, email!