Eligibility Criteria

The Faculty of Arts & Humanities offers an internship program for students interested in gaining practical experience with an approved institution or industry related to their field of interest or degree. 

If you have questions about your eligibility for the Arts & Humanities internship program, contact the Experiential Learning Specialist/Assistant.

Students are eligible for the Arts & Humanities Internship Program if they satisfy all the following approval criteria: 

Internship Eligibility Criteria

Registered in second, third, or fourth year.*

*Students must be enrolled full-time. Students registered with Accessible Education are considered full-time if enrolled in 40% of a full-time course load (i.e. 1.0 credit or more per term). Please advise the Experiential Learning Specialist you are registered with Accessible Education and have been approved for a reduced course load.

(a) Second year students can apply in the Fall term for an internship the following summer, provided their first-term average is at least 70%; (b) Fourth-year students who plan to graduate in the summer may not be eligible and should consult Academic Counselling about their eligibility; and (c) Special Students should consult Academic Counselling about their eligibility.

Enrolled in Major, Honours Specialization, or Specialization in Western’s Faculty of Arts & Humanities.

Enrolled on Western's main campus.

Have maintained a cumulative average of at least 70% with no failures or academic offenses.

Fulfillment of this requirement will be determined by the Internship Coordinator when the application has been submitted in Western Connect.

Submitted an application through Western Connect.

See the Application Process page for more information about submitting this application.

Completed the required Internship Preparation requirements.

Once accepted, the following Internship Preparation MUST be completed before the internship begins:

(1) Career Fundamentals: Complete four Career Fundamentals for University Students modules.

(2) CliftonStrengths assessment and three online modules.

(3) Resume and Cover Letter review.

Certificates of completion for all requirements must be upload to the Drop Box of the A&H Internship OWL site (students will be added when their application has been approved in Western Connect). 

For more information about the internship professionalization requirements, read the ARTHUM 3000 course outline under ‘Application Process and Requirements’. 

Have an eligible work permit (international students only).**

** If you are an international student with a work permit, please contact Academic Counselling to confirm your eligibility for an internship. 

Note: Due to funding criteria, some internships are restricted to students who will return to full-time studies following their internship.