Employer Testimonials

We’re proud of our interns, and so are our employer partners. Check out what employers are saying about their interns.

NickLavery.jpg Nick Lavery

Producer, Take5 Digital

In your experience, what skills and abilities does an Arts and Humanities intern bring to their internship?

Arts and Humanities interns have brought a wide range of skills to the table during internship placements. Some students come to us with strong experience using the Adobe Suite and other editing software. Others come with behind-the-camera experience, and still others have expertise in marketing.

What we have appreciated most is that all of the students who we’ve hosted have come with a great work ethic, eagerness to learn, and a professional demeanour which makes involving them in client-facing work easy and stress-free.

What benefits did hiring an Arts and Humanities intern bring to your organization?

Having a student integrated with our team is so much more than an extra set of hands. These capable students have been able to quickly learn necessary skills to support our team and gain meaningful, hands-on experience themselves.

What advice would you give to a prospective intern?

Be ready to learn. Problem solve and attempt to find a solution, and if you can’t, then reach out to your internship supervisor. We are here to help, and want to see you get the most out of your time with us, but remember: you get out what you put in!